The U.S.S. Economic Titanic has already hit the economic ice-berg and is sinking. Arguing over who should be the next captain is not going to save us. Even if we replaced the entire leadership staff, by firing all of Congress, that also won’t save us. Those who have served in the infantry know the old saying “embrace the suck,” which means to accept reality and deal with it. Well, we need to dispense with false hope, accept that an economic collapse is coming, embrace the suck, and deal with it. As Patrick Henry said, it is better to know the worst, and provide for it, than to delude ourselves with false hope.
Frankly, we should be glad it is coming on our watch, so that we can clean up the mess we have allowed to happen, rather than leaving it to our children and grand-children to fix.As Thomas Paine said, “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.” Exactly.This is our watch, so let’s get it done so our children and grand-children may have peace and freedom.
So, knowing that the ship is sinking, what do we do?
Do we sit on our butts and wail and cry about what’s coming, while waiting to hit the icy water?
Do we jump into life-boats and wallow around, waiting to be rescued?
That’s what the globalist power elites want us to do. When the Federal Reserve created fiat money system collapses, when the ship sinks, they will then “rescue us” by sweeping us all onboard the U.N.N. Global Leviathan – their “final solution” of a world-wide version of the “Fed” (out of the IMF) along with ‘world governance. “That has been their plan all along – con us into sailing an un-seaworthy fiat hulk, sail it into an iceberg, and then “rescue” us onto their massive prison ship.You think getting rid of the Federal Reserve is tough?Just wait till you are under a world “federal reserve.”
So what do we do?
Well, the U.S.S. Constitution is still sitting right there, off the stern! She’s still sea-worthy, able to weather any storm.We need to jump off of this weak, fiat imitation of a system we have been conned into sailing for nearly a hundred years, and get back onboard with our Constitution.We have neglected her.The supposed leaders have forsaken her.But we, the crew – us oath-sworn veterans, and We the People – who are the real owners – can still sail her if we but realize she is still there, just waiting for us.
Let’s patch the sails, plug any leaks, man our battle stations and get Old-Ironsides ready to give the U.N.N. Global Leviathan a royal ass kicking.And then let’s sail back into liberty waters onboard the Constitutional Republic built by the blood and sweat of our forefathers.That is the answer to the globalist’s plans.And that is exactly why Oath Keepers has launched Operation Sleeping Giant:
Certainly we are all in this together, whether or not we are veterans, but the veterans of this nation have a critical role to play. Each of us who served are still bound by our oaths to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and we must acknowledge that it has been because of our neglect of our duties, because of our negligence, that our nation has come to this. So, we veterans have a duty to right this wrong. We have the training and leadership experience it will take to help lead our people in resisting the dark plans of the global elites and in getting back to liberty. Together, we can defeat them and restore our Republic.OPERATION SLEEPING GIANT
“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto after attacking Pearl Harbor.* America’s veterans truly are like a sleeping giant. It is time to awaken them and fill them with a terrible resolve to defeat the domestic enemies of our Constitution and their globalist fellow travelers. If we wake the veterans up, this Republic will be saved. If we don’t, then I fear that this Republic will fall. If we can’t get the veterans to step up and do what must be done to save our Republic, then how can we expect to get the rest of our people to do what must be done? So, let’s WAKE THEM UP so they can help us wake up the whole country and so they can take the lead in restoring this Republic and resisting the plans of the enemy. If we reach the veterans fast and “reactivate” them, with their leadership we can get our neighborhoods, towns, counties and states squared away so we won’t be weak and desperate when the fiat money system crashes. The stronger ‘We the People’ are within our states, the less pretext there will be for “martial law” during a crisis and the less likely the current serving military and police will be to go along with it. The more wide awake and prepared the veterans are, the more they can lead their neighbors in weathering the storm without sacrificing liberty on the alter of temporary security. Veterans can lead the people in standing up and defending the powers reserved to the states or to the people (see the 10th Amendment), resisting the liberty crushing plans of the political and financial elites who intend to use chaos as an excuse to scrap our Constitution and national sovereignty once and for all. Time is short, and we must get the veterans to focus on: 1. Food and fuel independence and security (as individuals, within local veterans organization chapters, neighborhood mutual aid societies, churches, co-ops, farmers markets, and at the town, county and state levels). As a start, follow the advice on http://www.providentliving.org/ (you don’t need to be LDS to learn from their experience in food storage and preparedness). 2. Physical security and Independence, again as individuals, neighborhoods, towns, counties and states, to include forming neighborhood watches, mutual aid associations, a volunteer sheriff’s posse (staffed by volunteers under direct command of the sheriff), and county militias established by county ordinances but staffed by self-supplied and self-funded volunteers (as is done in volunteer fire departments all over this nation), and ultimately, a true state militia capable of “repelling invasions” (using the research and model bills of Dr. Edwin Vieira). 3. Economic security and independence, as individuals and communities, including barter networks, use of silver and gold as real money, and sound money bills at the county and state levels (as Utah just passed). We must have an alternative to the fiat money system in place when it collapses. See http://www.alt-market.com for details. 4. State sovereignty and nullification of unconstitutional federal laws and actions. Veterans must support only sheriffs, state legislators and governors who have the guts and integrity to keep their oaths. To vote for an oath breaker, is to become an oath breaker. We must defend the powers reserved to the states and to the people by supporting state sovereignty resolutions and nullification of unconstitutional laws. See: http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/. And eventually we must kick the bums out, as GOOOH recommends. See http://goooh.com/ Go to http://www.operationsleepinggiant.org to learn more about what we have planned and to read upcoming articles that will provide details on each of the above. What we do now, in whatever time we have left, will be critical. We must focus on solutions, not just diagnoses of the problems. And the solution is to restore our Republic from the bottom up, strengthening our communities at the neighborhood, town, county and state levels as we go. None of us has a crystal ball. We don’t know at what point the collapse will come. But when it comes we will certainly be in a stronger position than we are now, if we start from the bottom up, rather than putting all of our focus on Washington DC, as people tend to do. Maybe we will only have time to get our neighborhoods ready. Maybe we will be fortunate enough to be squared away at the county level when the collapse comes. Or maybe we will be fortunate enough to have time to get it done all the way up to the state level. Certainly, we can work on all levels at the same time, but it is best to focus most of our energy on ourselves and our local communities, and work our way up from there. And we can do it in both the private and public sphere. We shouldn’t put all our eggs in any one basket. Let’s build up public institutions, but also while doing so, let’s take private action as individuals, family, friends, and neighbors. Once again, we should be doing all of the above anyway, because that’s what it means to be a free people in free, sovereign states, in a constitutional republic, but it is especially crucial as we face the prospects of a coming economic collapse. Time is short, so please help us spread the message to all veterans and all Americans, and turn the tide. Throughout our history, all of our enemies have misjudged the strength and resolve of the American people. The British Officer Corps were convinced that Americans were cowards who would not dare to fire on the Kings troops, only to have their asses handed to them by a swarm of ticked off American veterans while retreating back to Boston from Lexington and Concord. Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan also misjudged our resolve, confusing our love of prosperity and peace with weakness, only to awaken a sleeping giant that kicked them in the teeth. Our enemies have always misjudged us as being too soft, too decadent, too disorganized and weak to put up much of a fight. And we have proved them wrong every time. The same holds true now, in the fight against the globalist, power-mad “elites’ who think they have us pegged, think they have it all figured out, and think we are too weak to resist their plans. It’s time to give them a lesson in American ingenuity and resolve. Stewart Rhodes, Founder of Oath Keepers |
SONG: I AM AMERICA By Krista Branch
SONG: “Remember Who We Are” By Krista Branch
I am absolutely thrilled, I know this is going to be really rough…..BUT WE THE PEOPLE WILL BE THANKFUL TO HAVE OUR COUNTRY BACK….Thanks to all who are involved and WE WILL NEVER TAKE IT FOR GRANTED AGAIN…..GOD, FAMILY AND COUNTRY…MAY THE WIND BE AT OUR BACKS AND THE ANGELS KEEPING US LIFTED TO THE HEIGHTS.I can only wish God speed in the demise of this administration, we will do whatever you ask us to do…Thank You and God Bless to all…….Jean Landry
This is awesome. I have been out here trying to do quite a bit alone. Many supposed Patriots are sitting on their %$#@#. while America is going down the road
of a coo by this illegal communist Muslim usurping fraud and Jihadist.
I am ready to take this country back for sure. No longer asleep at the wheel.
Make that the REPUBLIC Strikes back! Americans bow to no emperor…
Just a figure of speech from the movie.
People still get the message.
but yes we are a Republic, not a Democracy as the libnuts so like to use.
My favorite quote and it really does aply in our situation:
“Aye, fight and you may die, run and you’ll live. At least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom?!”
~From Braveheart
The other would be”
And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.”
~from Shakespeare’s Henry the 8th
Thanks, TWG.
Well done. Keep me posted. Sign me up and let me know what I can do to help.
Good advice, good plan, but the lack of God in that plan leaves me nervous. Read what the founding father’s said, the hand of God was laid bare to them during the Revolutionary War. Without Him, there would never have been a Constitution. We have to prepare AND turn to God.
I did not have the privilege to serve in the military, but I stood a 24-year watch in a Firehouse. I took the same oath, and I shall always keep it.
I am ready and waiting to help in any way I can, and may God bless this great country or ours.
I teach college-level economics and government courses, have published articles with over a million readers, and now openly call for revolution in this country to reclaim government under law and have the obvious economic solutions that save Americans trillions of our dollars.
And yeah, the solutions are really obvious when pointed out. See for yourself by allowing me to explain and document in this article: US Revolution unleashes trillions of dollars in obvious economic solutions
Continue reading on Examiner.com: US Revolution unleashes trillions of dollars in obvious economic solutions – National Nonpartisan | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/nonpartisan-in-national/us-revolution-unleashes-trillions-of-dollars-obvious-economic-solutions#ixzz1L2a4DeE8
As we are having the very same trouble here in Canada,will help any way I can.
Mr. Rhodes,
In reviewing all known angles of this issue I am afraid you have woefully underestimated the power of the NWO to employ at state and local levels some of the very people you have suggested we turn to. Sheriffs, state legislators, and especially governors, have already become involved, and they are NOT on our side.
It is becoming common knowledge that conus is divided up into ten sections for the coming FEMA camp culling. There isn’t a single governor who hasn’t agreed to FEMA’s agenda and agreed to play their part to turn on their own people. They are the ones who enforce the president’s executive orders, are they not? Do you really think any winning governor of 2010 would be allowed his state, otherwise?
Suggesting sheriffs, state legislators, and governors is, at the very least, sending us straight into the waiting arms of the very politicians we have known for years to be corrupt to the absolute core. They’ve been selling us out for decades and lining their own pockets at our complete expense. Why in the world would we trust them with our lives? It took ALL of them in collusion with the NWO in order for America to sink this low. The NWO quite literally couldn’t have done it without them.
Respectfully, no, Mr. Rhodes. This, we cannot do.
Along with the sincerity in your letter is the underpinning intimating that We, The People are alone in this. We are far more alone than you realize. Police officers and firefighters, many of whom are friends of mine, have already begun training against citizens. Those who haven’t yet mentally yielded to the insideous techniques of NWO are scared to death!
If we have any hope of surviving against the 35 additional militaries from all over the world who have been brought here and trained specifically for this purpose, this is a job relegated SOLELY to the veterans of this country, and to her people. NO authority should be recognized. Period.
2 groups to check out.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LibertyDistricts2008 now survival-oriented
2 Chronicles 7:14 ~ If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
PRAY AMERICA like our lives depend on it, because it does.
The situation becomes more perilous each day, as the global economy is imploding and every country in the world owes every other country in the world, and the Banking Cartels have stolen ALL the assets, so NO COUNTRY CAN PAY. One cannot clean a dirty kitchen floor with dirty mop-water.
If we do NOT start to retake our own homes, communities, churches, schools, Alderman, Mayors and then next to the state level and then finally the Federal Level, which will be surprised at how quickly we “circled the wagons” at home and in state. We can choose to be part of the solution and realize that it may mean death, but there are much worse things than death, and leaving daughters, sisters, granddaughters and coming generations as slaves is UNACCEPTABLE!
I, and many others, would much rather die fighting than to live as slaves. If I’ve gotta go down, I will not go down on my knees. I will go down SWINGING.
Got to love that Bird ___Thanks
I, too, am excited about this even though I only just found this blog and comments. However, there is some sort of misinformation going around that needs to be clarified. Its not just Obama, who is not a muslim by the way, rather the Zionist Rothschild international bankers, as his grandfather on his mothers side is a dual Israeli citizen, which means his daughter carries the title of “dual Israeli” from the female side of the family and passes it on to Obama. He has 32 dual Israeli citizens as Czars in the White House and more in the pentagon and intel. All the wars we are fighting, if you haven’t noticed, are for the expansion of “GREATER ISRAEL”. So we are a foreign occupied country doing their bidding and paying for it with our wealth, blood and children’s lives. I even have a map Israel put out showing their “Greater Israel” plans. I don’t think they meant for it to fall into our hands, but it did. Keep your eye on the real enemy, wall street bankers and international bankers.
Good Job! You rock! God Bless Our Troops, Veterans, and THE OATHKEEPERS! BRING BACK WATERBOARDING!