TeX and type-related videos

Dates may be either the date the video was created or the upload date to the video service, depending on what's available. Many of the web pages here have additional and updated information, not just the bare video.

Corrections/additions/comments welcome. We (clearly) can't aim to be comprehensive, but are happy to receive suggestions.

TeX and friends - Donald Knuth - Typography and fonts.

TeX and friends

Videos from TeX conferences are linked separately. (There are hundreds, going back many years.)

2017-11-29: BSDNow TV Web cast, from 1:04 to 1:18, a discussion of Donald Knuth, TeX, LaTeX, and ConTeXt.

2016-11-16: Sebastian Rahtz memorial.

Donald Knuth

General: Donald Knuth Lectures, 111 lectures digitized by the Stanford Center for Professional Development and available through a youtube playlist. Many of these are also individually listed below.

2024-01-16: A Very Bad Estimator, an interview with Knuth, on Numberphile.

2021-12-09: Omicron (the symbol) in Mathematics, from Numberphile. Video by Tony Padilla; Knuth material starts around 5:14.

2021-10-27: Foundations of Computing: Donald Knuth, Polylogues; Siobhan Roberts, interviewer.

2021-09-09: Programming, Algorithms, Hard Problems & the Game of Life, Lex Fridman podcast.

2020-10-24: Homecoming Awards Ceremony, Case Western Reserve University; Knuth's part starts at 38:00.

2020-10-16: ACM Turing Award Laureate interview, several videos extracted from the Feigenbaum interview for the CHM.

2020-09-22: Dialogue: Robert Endre Tarjan/Donald Ervin Knuth, Virtual Heidelberg Laureate Forum. Rough transcript.

2020-06-02: Don Knuth, episode 2 of ACM ByteCast. Interviewer: Rashmi Mohan. Show notes, transcript.

2019-12-30: Donald Knuth: Algorithms, Complexity, Life, and The Art of Computer Programming, produced by AI Podcast. Interviewer: Lex Fridman.

2019-10-08: Q&A session, part 1, and part 2, at Masaryk University.

2018-11-04: The Pascal Lectures on Christianity and the University, University of Waterloo: Computer Science, the Bible, and Music; Constraints as a source of inspiration; Fantasia Apocalyptica.

2018-10-31: All Questions Answered, University of Waterloo.

2018-07-19: Don Knuth's early programs, Computer History Museum, Palo Alto. In this interview, DEK discusses some of his earliest efforts in computer programming while showing related program listings and manuals.

2018-05-08(-11): Donald Knuth: An Oral History. Transcript. Interviewer: Susan W. Schofield. Published by the Stanford Historical Society.

2018-01-12: All questions answered, Luleå University of Technology.

2017-12-09: Donald E. Knuth lectures, digitized by the Stanford Center for Professional Development. Includes “Experiments with Digital Halftones”, “Mathematical Writing”, “CS144C classroom lectures about disk storage and B-trees”, and “Christmas tree lecture 2017”.

2017-07-18: Invitation to Knuth's organ composition Fantasia Apocalyptica, by organist Jan Overduin (Fantasia Apocalyptica web page.)

2017-06-24: Computer Science as a Major Body of Accumulated Knowledge, part of ACM's 50-year Turing Award jubilee celebration. A brief talk followed by lots of Q&A.

2017-03-15: History of Stanford's computer science department, panel discussion.

2016-12-15: The 2016 Paris C. Kanellakis Memorial Lecture: Hamiltonian Paths in Antiquity, at Brown University.

2016-09-21: 32 years of TeX and Metafont, at the San Francisco Public Library.

2016-06-27: Surreal Numbers (writing the first book), from Numberphile.

2016-02-04: Analysis of algorithms (hi-res) Historical re-enactment of inaugural lecture given on 1969-11-04 upon becoming a Stanford professor.

2016-11: HLF Portraits: Donald Ervin Knuth, Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation. Interview by Marc Pachter, filmed by Peter Badge.

2015-11-04: All questions answered, University College Cork.

2015-06-17: A conversation with Donald Knuth, University of British Columbia.

2015-06-17: Constraint Based Composition, a talk at Stanford ccrma about his approach to composing his organ work Fantasia Apocalyptica.

2014-12-30: Wrong Turn on the Dragon, from Numberphile.

2014-06-17: Computer Science: All questions answered, UPMC Campus Jussieu.

2014-06-16: Problems Philippe Would Have Liked (slides), Flajolet Lecture at the 25th International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms.

2013-10-12: Receiving the third Dr. Peter Karow ward, ATypI (award information).

2013-09-27: Let's Not Dumb Down the History of Computer Science, 2014 Kailath lecture, in which he discusses how he wishes computer science history was written.

2013-06-12: Donald Knuth: “Ich wurde als Geek geboren” [I was born a geek]. Part of the Vienna Gödel Lecture 2013 visit, including an “all questions answered” video.

2013-05-21: All questions answered, JKU Linz.

2013-05-16: All questions answered, Vienna Gödel Lecture, TU Wien.

2013-02-06: Donald E. Knuth, Ph.D., interview by Richard E. Nance.

2012-01-14: All questions answered, ETH Zurich.

2011-05-17: All questions answered, Stanford Engineering Hero Lecture.

2011-03-24: All questions answered, Google Tech Talk.

2010-06-30: An Earthshaking Announcement, lecture given at TUG 2010 in San Francisco (paper).

2009-03-17: Interactions between faith and science, Authors@Google.

2009: Lecture about DEK, part 1 and part 2, by Leon Sterling.

2007-03-14: Donald Knuth Oral History part 1, part 2 (2007-03-21). Transcript. Interviewer: Edward Feigenbaum. Published by the Computer History Museum.

2006-04: Web of Stories, series of 97 videos commissioned by the Peoples Archive. Interviewer: Dikran Karagueuzian. Transcript. Some TeX-related and other selections:

2005-03: Donald Knuth, Founding Artist of Computer Science, audio interview by David Kestenbaum, National Public Radio.

2001-11-08: Questions Answered, at the Computer History Museum.

2001-11: Interview at the Charles Babbage Institute by Philip Frana. Transcript.

1982-07-28ff.: The internal details of TeX82, twelve sessions:

1981-03-02ff.: Advanced TeXarcana, five sessions:

1981-02-23ff.: TeX for beginners, five sessions:

1980-02-01: The Errors of TeX78. (The sound is not good in the first 2--3 minutes but it gets better.)

Typography and fonts

Ongoing: Herb Lubalin Lecture Series, Type@Cooper NYC.

2021-02-22: Cary Pressroom tour at the RIT Cary Graphic Arts Collection, and demonstration use of their Goudy printing press.

2020-05-07: The Seven Lives of a Typeface, by Richard Kegler (P22 Type Foundry) and Amelia Hugill-Fontanel (RIT Cary Graphic Arts Collection), the evolution of the Goudy Initials typeface design from the original metal, through digital, to 21st century analog letterpress formats.

2016-06-07: The last punchcutter, a documentary on Giuseppe Brachino, recreating a Griffo engraving.

2016-06: Typographers of the Road (trailer), about road painting, by O Street.

2016-04-23: St Brigid Press: How type is made, part 2—wood type

2016-04-12: St Brigid Press: How type is made, part 1—metal type

2016-03-15: Edward Johnston: Calligraphy & Type Design, Ewan Clayton, Type@Cooper West.

2016-03-15: Presentation on Bodoni by Valerie Lester, San Francisco.

2015-12-02: Pace Matters, Nick Benson, third-generation stone carver and owner-operator of the John Stevens Shop, founded in 1705.

2015-10-26: How Aldus Manutius Saved Western Civilization, G. Scott Clemons, Type@Cooper NYC.

2015-08-03: Humanform Letterform, Sumner Stone, Type@Cooper NYC.

2015-06-15: Words, Petr van Blokland, Type@Cooper NYC.

2015-05-12: Farewell - ETAOIN SHRDLU - 1978: the last day of Linotype machines at the New York Times. Many more videos about the Linotype, Linotron, and related (from the same Vimeo user).

2013-12-12: The Great 202 Jailbreak, reverse engineering the Linotronic 202 typesetter at Bell Labs, David Brailsford, Computerphile.

2012-08-11: Linotype typesetting, Salesian Vocational.

2009-01-09: RGB vs. CMYK color models, PressCats.com.

Thanks to those who have contributed links: Nelson Beebe, Barbara Beeton, Norbert Preining, David Walden.

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