TeX User Groups around the world

The TeX Users Group (contact info below) serves as the local user group (LUG) of TeX users in North America and any other area or language not appearing in the following list. TUG is always interested in fostering the formation of local TeX users groups; please contact the TUG board (board at tug.org) for assistance, such as forwarding information about others who might be interested, publicity, arranging joint memberships and so on. See also:

This information comes from the Electronic LUG Database, hosted by NTG: you can correct or add information there.
The following links bring you straight to the individual user group correction forms:

bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za home

Below, a similar line of links just above every LUG header can be used to wander between the LUG info records in this document.

bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagbg - Bulgaria
short name: bgTeX
full name: Bulgarian LaTeX Users Group
language: bg
members: 234
email: [email protected]
web site: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=bg&fromgroups#!forum/bulgarian-latex-users-group
address: Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
University of Ruse
8 Studentska str.
name: Stefka R. Karakoleva
address: Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
University of Ruse
8 Studentska str.
email: [email protected]
phone: +35982888606
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagbr - Brazil
short name: latex-br
full name: Grupo de Usuários latex-br
language: pt
members: 1427
web site: https://www.abntex.net.br
discussion list:[email protected]
subscribe at: [email protected]
name: Lauro César
email: [email protected]
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagcn - China
short name: CTeX
full name: Chinese TeX Society
language: zh
members: 20000
web site: https://www.ctex.org
address: No. 55, Zhongguancun East Road
Beijing 100080
name: Lingyun Wu
address: No. 55, Zhongguancun East Road
Beijing 100080
email: [email protected]
phone: +861062651362
Vice President
name: Helin Gai
address: Few HH025, Duke University
Box 96332
Durham, NC 27708
phone: +19199436302
Vice President
name: Zhichu Chen
address: Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics
Chinese Academy
No. 2019, Jialuo Road
Shanghai, 200000
email: [email protected]
phone: +862159553405
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagct - Catalonia
short name: Tirant lo TeX
full name: Catalan TeX Users Group
language: ca
web site: https://www.cs.upc.edu/~valiente/tug-catalan.html
discussion list:[email protected]
name: Gabriel Valiente
address: Technical University of Catalonia
Jordi Girona, 1-3
E-08034 Barcelona
email: [email protected]
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagcz - Czech Republic
short name: CSTUG
full name: Československé sdružení uživatelů TeXu, z. s.
language: cs
members: 300
email: [email protected]
web site: https://www.cstug.cz
address: c/o Petr Sojka
Nejedlého 373/1,
CZ 638 00 Brno
Czech Republic
title: Zpravodaj CSTUGu
editor: Jan Šustek
editor email:[email protected]
name: Fio banka, a.s.
account: 2700058974 / 2010
(swift) code:FIOBCZPPXXX
routing no.: CZ5620100000002700058974
address: Fio banka, a.s.
V Celnici 1028/10
117 21 Praha 1
Czech Republic
name: Petr Sojka
email: [email protected]
phone: +420 549 496 966
name: Kristýna Hošková
address: Wágnerova 1126 /11c
614 00 Brno
Czech Republic
email: [email protected]
phone: +420 732 752 723
name: Kristýna Hošková
address: Wágnerova 1126 /11c
614 00 Brno
Czech Republic
email: [email protected]
phone: +420 732 752 723
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagde - Germany
short name: DANTE e.V.
full name: Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TeX e.V.
language: de
members: 2000
email: [email protected]
web site: https://www.dante.de
discussion list:[email protected]
subscribe at: lists.dante.de/mailman/listinfo/dante-ev
address: Postal address:
Postfach 110361
69072 Heidelberg
Physical address:
Bergheimer Straße 110a
69115 Heidelberg
title: Die TeXnische Komödie (DTK)
editor: Luzia Dietsche
editor email:[email protected]
name: VR Bank Rhein-Neckar e.G.
account: DE67670900000002310007
(swift) code:GENODE61MA2
name: Martin Sievers
address: Postfach 110361
69072 Heidelberg
email: [email protected]
phone: +49 6221 29766
fax: +49 6221 167906
name: Davina Engelmann
address: Postfach 110361
69072 Heidelberg
email: [email protected]
phone: +49 6221 29766
fax: +49 6221 167906
name: Dr. Doris Behrendt
address: Postfach 110361
69072 Heidelberg
email: [email protected]
phone: +49 6221 29766
fax: +49 6221 167906
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagdk - Denmark
short name: DK-TUG
full name: Danish TeX Users Group
language: da
members: 10
email: [email protected]
web site: https://tug.dk/
name: Bent Jessen
email: [email protected]
name: Klaus Jensen
email: [email protected]
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagee - Estonia
full name: Estonian User Group
language: et
address: Astrophysical Observatory, Toravere
Enn Saar, Tartu
EE 2444 Estonia
email: [email protected]
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flages - Spain
short name: CervanTeX
full name: Grupo de Usuarios de TeX Hispanohablantes
language: es
members: 45
email: [email protected]
web site: http://www.cervantex.es
discussion list:[email protected]
subscribe at: www.cervantex.es/listas.php
title: TeXemplares
editor: Enrique Meléndez
editor email:[email protected]
name: Juan L. Varona
address: University of La Rioja
26004 Logroño
email: [email protected]
name: Luis Seidel
email: [email protected]
name: Enrique Meléndez
email: [email protected]
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagfr - France
short name: GUTenberg
full name: Groupe francophone des utilisateurs de TeX
language: fr
members: 400
web site: https://www.gutenberg.eu.org
discussion list:[email protected]
subscribe at: [email protected]
address: Association GUTenberg
15 rue des Halles – BP 74
75001 Paris
title: Cahiers GUTenberg / Lettre GUTenberg
editor: Jean-Michel Hufflen / Céline Chevalier, Patrick Bideault, Denis Bitouzé and Maxime Chupin
editor email:[email protected]
name: Patrick Bideault
email: [email protected]
name: Denis Bitouzé
email: [email protected]
name: Flora Vern
email: [email protected]
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flaggr - Greece
short name: ɛϕτ
full name: Σύλλογος Ελλήνων Φίλων του TeX / Greek TeX Friends
language: el en
web site: https://www.eutypon.gr
title: Τὸ Εὔτυπον / The Eutypon
name: Apostolos Syropoulos
address: 28 Oktovriou 366A
GR-671 33 Xanthi
email: [email protected]
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flaghu - Hungary
short name: MaTeX
full name: Magyar TeX Egyesület
language: hu
members: 15
email: [email protected]
web site: http://www.matexhu.org
discussion list:[email protected]
subscribe at: www.math.klte.hu/~matex/LevLista.html
address: Inst of Mathematics and Informatics
University of Debrecen
H-4010 Debrecen
P.O. Box 12
name: Ferenc Wettl
address: Department of Algebra
Institute of Mathematics
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Budapest, Műegyetem rakpart 1--3, H. ép. V. 5.
email: [email protected]
name: Gyöngyi Bujdosó
address: Faculty of Computer Science
University of Debrecen
H-4010 Debrecen
P.O. Box 12
phone: +36304280403
fax: +3652416857
Board member
name: Tamás Mihálydeák
address: Faculty of Computer Science
University of Debrecen
H-4010 Debrecen
P.O. Box 12
email: [email protected]
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagie - Ireland
short name: ITALIC
full name: Irish TeX and LaTeX In-print Community
language: en-GB en-IE
email: [email protected]
discussion list:[email protected]
subscribe at: listserv.heanet.ie/italic-l.html
name: Peter Flynn
address: Silmaril Consultants
Cork T12 WEX9
email: [email protected]
phone: +353 86 824 5333
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagin - India
short name: TUGIndia
full name: Indian TeX Usergroup
language: en
subscribe at: https://tug.org/mailman/listinfo/tugindia
name: E. Krishnan
email: [email protected]
name: Niranjan
email: [email protected]
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagis - Iceland
short name: ÍsTeX
full name: Vefur íslenskra TeX notenda
language: is
members: 90
web site: https://istex.hafro.is
title: SamanTeXt
editor: Árni Magnússon
name: Árni Magnússon
address: Strandvegi 20
210 Garđabć
email: [email protected]
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagit - Italy
short name: GuIT
full name: Gruppo Utilizzatori Italiani di TeX
language: it
members: 111
email: [email protected]
web site: https://www.guitex.org
address: c/o Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Via Claudio 21
80125 Napoli
title: ArsTeXnica
editor: Claudio Beccari
editor email:[email protected]
name: Banco Posta
account: 74922279
name: Agostino De Marco
email: [email protected]
phone: +39 050 44538
name: Ivan Valbusa
email: [email protected]
name: Giuseppe Isernia
email: [email protected]
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagkh - Cambodia
short name: KhTUG
full name: Khmer TeX Users Group
language: kh
email: [email protected]
web site: https://t.me/KhmerTeXUsersGroup
address: Confederation de la Russie
Phnom Penh 12101
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagkr - Korea (South)
short name: KTS or KTUG
full name: Korean TeX Society
language: ko
members: 200
web site: http://www.ktug.org/xe
address: Department of Law
Dongguk University
26, 3-ga, Pil-dong
Seoul 100-715
Republic of Korea
title: The Asian Journal of TeX
editor: Jin-Hwan Cho
editor email:[email protected]
name: In-Sung Cho
address: Dept. of Economics
Kongju National University
182 Shinkwan Dong
Gongju 314-701
phone: +82-41-850-8439
fax: +82-41-850-8440
name: Kangsoo Kim
email: [email protected]
name: Dohyun Kim
address: Department of Law
Dongguk University
26, 3-ga, Pil-dong
Seoul 100-715
Republic of Korea
email: [email protected]
phone: +82-2-2260-3257
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flaglt - Lithuania
full name: Lietuvos TeX'o Vartotojų Grupė
language: lt
members: 8
email: [email protected]
web site: https://ltex.lt
name: Linas Stonys
address: Mokslininkų g. 2A
LT-08412 Vilnius
email: [email protected]
phone: +37061288281
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagmx - Mexico
full name: TeX México
language: es
email: [email protected]
name: Cuauhtémoc Pacheco Díaz
address: Privada Junta de Zitacuaro No. 20
Col. Isaac Arriaga
58210 Morelia, Michoacan
email: [email protected]
phone: +524431323263
fax: +52143173945
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagnl - Netherlands
short name: NTG
full name: Nederlandstalige TeX Gebruikersgroep
language: nl
members: 195
email: [email protected]
web site: https://www.ntg.nl
title: MAPS
editor: Frans Goddijn
editor email:[email protected]
name: ING
account: 1306238
(swift) code:INGBNL2A
routing no.: NL53INGB0001306238
name: Pieter van Oostrum
address: Vuurvlindersingel 27
3544 DB Utrecht
The Netherlands
email: [email protected]
phone: +313628337529
name: Taco Hoekwater
address: Baarsjesweg 268-I
1058 AD Amsterdam
The Netherlands
email: [email protected]
phone: +31617738487
name: Robbert Schwippert
address: Spuiboulevard 269
3311 GP Dordrecht
The Netherlands
email: [email protected]
phone: +31616968244
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagno - Norway
full name: Nordic TeX Users Group
language: da et fi fo is nb nn sv
members: 78
web site: http://heim.ifi.uio.no/~dag/ntug/
discussion list:[email protected]
name: Dag Langmyhr
address: University of Oslo
PO Box 1080 Blindern
N-0316 Oslo
email: [email protected]
phone: +4722852450
fax: +4722852401
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagpl - Poland
short name: GUST
full name: Polska Grupa Użytkowników Systemu TeX
language: pl
members: 276
email: [email protected]
web site: https://www.GUST.org.pl
discussion list:[email protected]
address: Pl. Rapackiego 1
PL-87-100 Toruń
title: Biuletyn GUST
editor: Tomasz Przechlewski
editor email:[email protected]
name: BIG Bank Gdański SA, Oddział Millenium, Toruń
account: 80 11602202 0000 0000 5530 4981
name: Jerzy Ludwichowski
address: Information & Communication Technology Centre
Nicolaus Copernicus University
Pl. Rapackiego 1
PL-87-100 Toruń
email: [email protected]
phone: +48 56 6112742
fax: +48 56 6221850
name: Jolanta Szelatyńska
address: Information & Communication Technology Centre
Nicolaus Copernicus University
Pl. Rapackiego 1
PL-87-100 Toruń
email: [email protected]
phone: +48 56 6112741
fax: +48 56 6221850
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagpt - Portugal
short name: GUTpt
full name: Grupo de Utilizadores de TeX
language: pt
web site: http://gentzen.mat.uc.pt/~gutpt/
discussion list:[email protected]
name: Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
address: Coimbra Univ., Dep. Matemática
Largo D. Dinis
Apartado 3008
3001-454 COIMBRA
email: [email protected]
phone: +351239791181
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagtw - Taiwan
short name: TWTUG
full name: Taiwan TeX Users Group
language: zh
members: 100
email: [email protected]
name: Sean Peng
email: [email protected]
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagus - TeX Users Group (International)
short name: TUG
full name: TeX Users Group
members: 1200
email: [email protected]
web site: https://www.tug.org
discussion list:[email protected]
subscribe at: lists.tug.org/texhax
address: P.O. Box 2311
Portland, OR 97208
title: TUGboat
editor: Barbara Beeton
editor email:[email protected]
name: Arthur Rosendahl
email: [email protected]
phone: +15032239994
fax: +18153013568
name: Klaus Hoeppner
email: [email protected]
name: Karl Berry
email: [email protected]
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flaguy - Uruguay
short name: LaTeXUy
full name: Grupo de Usuarios de LaTeX en Uruguay
language: es
members: 3
email: [email protected]
web site: https://sites.google.com/view/latexuy
discussion list:https://groups.io/g/uylatex
subscribe at: [email protected]
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagvn - Vietnam
short name: VietTUG
full name: Vietnamese TeX Users Group
language: vi
members: 450
email: [email protected]
address: 102 Hùng Vương Street
Tam Kỳ City
Quảng Nam Province
Việt Nam
name: Huỳnh Kỳ Anh
address: Dept of Maths and Informatics
University of Quảng Nam
102 Hùng Vương Street
Tam Kỳ City
Quảng Nam Province
Việt Nam
email: [email protected]
phone: 840979460150
bg br cn ct cz de dk ee es fr gr hu ie in is it kh kr lt mx nl no pl pt tw us uy vn za
flagza - South Africa
short name: LUGSA
full name: LaTeX User Group - South Africa
language: en
subscribe at: mailman.compudoc.co.za/mailman/listinfo/latex
title: LaTeX2e presentation
editor: Stefan Scriba
editor email:[email protected]
name: Stefan Scriba
address: 257 Loveday St
Pretoria 0002
South Africa
email: [email protected]
phone: +27727061494