By now some of my readers probably think I've gone way off the deep end. Fair enough. Let me leave you with another chilling possibility. What if we teach the next generation that there is no evidence for evolution? And what if we're wrong? What do you think will happen when those kids find out? I think what will happen is the same thing that always happens. They'll be disillusioned and fall away from the faith. I've heard of this happening, and I've seen it happen. People find out that all the antievolution arguments in the world won't survive a semester of basic biology at a secular university. While we thought we were teaching them to believe in Christ, we instead taught them to idolize our arguments about Christ. And when those arguments are shown to be incomplete, inadequate, or just wrong, that idolatry (which we thought was real faith) slips away.m©ÉA»Ìæ¤ÈáÍ��ݷéB½Æ¦ÎAÈwÆ@³Ì²aðÚw·Templeton FoundationÌgrantÅ^c³êÄ��éWebTCgBioLogs FoundationÌw�}ÒÅVjAtF[Å éKarl GIbersonªÉæ¤É��Ä��éB
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[Todd Wood: "The Nature of Idolatry" (2009/11/03) on Todd's Blog]
Most evangelicals grow up believing that evolution is a gcreation story for atheists.h This is exactly what Kirk Cameron told students on college campuses in mid-November when he and Ray Comfort were handing out their doctored version of The Origin of Species. This is the message preached by several influential organizations\Answers in Genesis, The Institute for Creation Research, Creation Science Evangelism, and even some of leaders of the Intelligent Design movement. This message, if taken seriously, is disastrous for people raised in the church. Take E.O. Wilson, for example, arguably the most important scientist of the last half-century. Wilson was raised a Southern Baptist and was quite devout as a child. But he was taught that his faith and evolution were incompatible. He went off to study biology at the University of Alabama and learned, to his surprise, that the evidence for evolution was compelling and, like virtually all serious biologists, he accepted it. This, of course, meant he had to reject the Christian faith of his childhood.½¾µA�}ÌwEÍKarl Giberson©gàFßÄ��éªA�}Ìæ¤È᪽ éàÌÌèÊIÈbÅÍÈ��B
å¼Ì¹å`Ò½¿Íi»_ªu³__ÒÌn��Ì�Nê¾vÆM��ÄçÂB�}êÍAKirk CameronªARay ConfortÆÆàÉèðÁ¦½uíÌN¹vðÂÁ½Æ«A11{ÌåwÌLpXÅw��½¿ÉêÁ½¾t¾B�}ÌbZ[WÍAnswers in Genesis,âThe Institute for Creation Research,âCreation Science EvangelismÌæ¤Èe¿ÍÌ écÌâACeWFgfUC^®Ìw�}ÒÌêàq�~Ä��éB�}ÌbZ[Wð^ÊÚÉó¯æêÎA³ï̳¦ÌàÆÅçÁ½Ò½¿ÉÍjóI¾B½Æ¦ÎA߼��IÅÅàdvÈÈwÒ¾ÆvíêéE.O Wilsonªï¿½ï¿½éBE.O. WillsonÍìoveXgƵÄç¿AMS[��q¾Á½Bµ©µAÞÍMÂÆÈwªï¿½ï¿½êÈ��Ƴ¦çêÄ��½BÞÍUniversity of AlabaaÅ���Nwðwñ¾BÞÉÆÁÄÍÁ«¾Á½ªAi»_ðx·éØÍ[¾Å«éàÌÅ èAÀã·ï¿½~ÄÌ���NwÒª»¤Å éæ¤ÉAÞÍi»_ðó¯üê½B�}êÍà¿ëñAqÌÆ«ÌLXg³MÂðÛè·é�}ÆðÓ¡µ½Bުܾ³ïÉÆÇÜÁÄ��éÈçA
[Why bother with evolution when it just upsets everyone? -- Evolution Matters (2010/02/15) on Biologos Foundation]
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