Milestone 0.11
Completed 17 years ago (Jun 22, 2008, 5:33:00 AM)
Total number of tickets: 542 - closed: 542 - in progress: 0 - new: 0
Feature Summary
Trac 0.11 features numerous bug fixes and improvements over 0.10:
- easier installation:
Trac is now much easier to install as we replaced the ClearSilver template engine by Genshi, a pure-Python template engine. The use of SetupTools also facilitates the installation of Trac and its dependencies.
See TracInstall. - support for fine-grained permissions, allowing very flexible control over what an user can see or do in the whole system
- support for configurable workflow in the ticket subsystem
- support for Pygments as the default syntax highlighter
- improved repository browser ("blame" support, dynamic in-place expansion of folders)
For more details, see:
- TracDev/ReleaseNotes/0.11 for a summary of the user visible changes
- TracDev/ApiChanges/0.11 for a summary of the developer visible changes
- Coming from 0.10.x, an environment upgrade is needed (
trac-admin $TRAC_ENV upgrade
) and you can't downgrade to 0.10-stable without some manual intervention (see TracUpgrade), so keep a backup at hand ;-)
- Revision Log:
- log:branches/0.11-stable:7235-3804
- Tag:
- source:tags/trac-0.11 (r7236)
See TracDownload for the release files.
See TracRoadmap
for help on using the roadmap.