This story is from December 27, 2008

Jilted once, divorcee wants HIV+bride

Chandresh Solanki himself is not HIV +ve. He is a normal healthy guy who just wants to do something positive in life after a failed marriage.
Jilted once, divorcee wants HIV+bride
AHMEDABAD: In an age where everybody seems to be wanting to marry slim, tall, fair, rich and beautiful girls, a 29-year-old city youth's matrimonial advertisement reads something like this - `Wanted: A girl with a beautiful mind. Should be HIV +ve'.
The exceptional thing here is that Chandresh Solanki himself is not HIV +ve. He is a normal healthy guy who just wants to do something positive in life after a failed marriage.
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"I have decided to marry an HIV positive girl and give her a good life, respect and care which most women are denied once they are detected with the deadly virus,'' says Solanki.
Chandresh, who works as a master-cutter in a garment unit, stumped a voluntary agency with his unique request. "We have never got such a respect,'' said a volunteer of NGO, Quality Circle.
Chandresh's first wife broke his heart when she ran away with another man two years after their marriage. Chandresh's house had collapsed in the 2001 earthquake in Ahmedabad and had to shift to Mumbai with his wife to earn a livelihood. Within six months in Mumbai, his wife told him she has started working as a call girl. Before Chandresh could recover from the shock, she eloped with her lover, a father of three.
"I seriously thought of ending my life but then sense returned. Now, I want to make someone who is miserable very happy,'' says Chandresh.
About the Author
Radha Sharma

Radha Sharma is assistant editor at The Times of India, Ahmedabad, and covers issues related to health and social development. Her interest lies in doing socially relevant campaigns and human interest stories. She likes to read fiction and listen to music.

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