GJSON provides a fast and simple way to search a JSON document.
name.last >> "Anderson" age >> 37 children >> ["Sara","Alex","Jack"] children.# >> 3 children.1 >> "Alex" child*.2 >> "Jack" c?ildren.0 >> "Sara" fav\.movie >> "Deer Hunter" friends.#.first >> ["Dale","Roger","Jane"] friends.1.last >> "Craig"
Query an array for the first match by using #(...), or find all matches with #(...)#. Queries support the ==, !=, <, <=, >, >= comparison operators and the simple pattern matching % operator.
friends.#(last=="Murphy").first >> "Dale" friends.#(last=="Murphy")#.first >> ["Dale","Jane"] friends.#(age>45)#.last >> ["Craig","Murphy"] friends.#(first%"D*").last >> "Murphy" friends.#(nets.#(=="fb"))#.first >> ["Dale","Roger"]
Use the selectors syntax to join multiple paths into a new JSON document.
{name.first,age,"murphys":friends.#(last="Murphy")#.first} [name.first,age,children.0]
Use modifiers to modify the json. There are currently the following built-in modifiers:
children.@reverse >> ["Jack","Alex","Sara"] [email protected] >> "Jack" {name.first,"murphys":friends.0}.@pretty >> beautiful JSON {name.first,"murphys":friends.0}.@ugly >> compact JSON [@this].#(age>35).name.last >> "Anderson"
For more information, please see the GJSON project and the GJSON syntax.
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