In an extraordinary tale of survival and endurance, Salvador Alvarenga, a fisherman who miraculously survived 438 days lost at sea, now faces a new storm ashore—a...
In an unsettling development that’s stirring debates across the corporate sector, a leaked letter has revealed that a well-known company allegedly dismissed several employees based solely...
Imagine a world where potential is overlooked because it doesn’t fit the mold. For many individuals with disabilities, this is a daily reality. But what if...
Glioblastoma, an aggressive and often fatal form of brain cancer, has long posed a formidable challenge to doctors and patients alike. Yet, a groundbreaking clinical trial...
In a remarkable blend of youthful ingenuity and technological prowess, three enterprising tech enthusiasts from Bengaluru have turned a common frustration into an inspiring solution. When...
Few experiences are as stressful as navigating unexpected flight disruptions, especially when they leave you uncertain about your next steps. For years, passengers have faced hurdles...
Mark Zuckerberg, the enigmatic CEO of Meta Platforms, recently found himself at the center of an unexpected double spotlight. While unveiling a pivotal shift in Meta’s...
Imagine battling an invisible enemy that distorts your sense of reality, turning even familiar faces into strangers and thoughts into chaos. For millions living with schizophrenia,...