Some of you might know this, but…
- Go here:
- Click the “CakePHP API” link (or any other you might think is useful)
- Add “CakePHP API” to the list of engines available in the search bar?… Most definitely “Add”
- (Sure, let’s try it right away)
- Ctrl + K (windows) or similar shortcut for your OS
- Type search string, hit “Enter”
- See results
Thanks for sharing ;)
Thanks a bunch for this!
I use Firefox’s keyword shortcuts: right click on the search box at and select “Add a keyword for this search”.
Glad to see people are liking this one ;)
@Joaquín Windmüller
Thanks for sharing!
Hmm, this might be a perfect example to finally write my first Ubiquity command for Firefox. :)
I’ll come back here if I get around to it on a lunch break at some point soon. Thanks for reminding me about this, teknoid.
Okay, I found something even better when researching proper documentation on Ubiquity. Someone’s created a command for Ubiquity that lets you create a search command from ANY website’s input field.
More information found here:
Yay. :) Now I just CTRL+SPACE and type “cake api {term}” or “cake book {term}”.
Awesome tip and Brendan I’m with you ubiquity is even better!
Safari Users can install the Glims extension and add the following as a custom search engine:
Name: CakePHP Book
Query URL:
Keyboard Shortcut: book
Then you can either use it as a dropdown or in the url bar, type “book my-cakephp-query” to search the book.
Name: CakePHP API
Query URL:
Keyboard Shortcut: api
@Jose Diaz-Gonzalez
Nice tip, thanks for sharing
@Brendon Kozlowski
Thanks. Awesome tip…
Also something similar is available built-in (unless I installed some plug-in and forgot about it).
– Right click on any search field and select “Add keyword for this search”
– For example for cake API I simply picked ‘a’
– Now press Alt+D (which jumps into a location bar and selects current address), and type something like “a model” (‘a’ being the keyword, which basically tells the browser go search cake API)
– CakePHP API with search results for “model” shows up in a new tab
This is a great tip…Thank you