Go FAQ Yourself With Philip Kaplan’s FaqMe

Blippy and FuckedCompany.com founder Philip “Pud” Kaplan is at it again with his whimsical and sometimes useful ADHD Labs experiments, this time launching FaqMe, a FAQing free service that helps people build snazzier FAQ and Contact Us pages. “Many websites have sucky (or non-existent) help pages and customer service,” says Kaplan, who aim to make the whole FAQing experience more FAQing frictionless.

Wanting to be the FAQing WordPress of FAQ forms, FaqMe allows admins to customize their pages, add, edit and delete FAQ entires as well as drag and drop re-order them. Like a lower key Assistly or Zendesk, customers can contact users through FAQMe and their messages will appear in a FaqMe inbox, allowing them to respond privately to questions or publicly through FaqMe page. “Every customer service email becomes an opportunity to write a new FAQ entry,” Kaplan writes.

FaqMe also provides users with FAQing statistics like unique visits, time spent on page, browser, phone and PC-type, so they can check out who is clicking on what FAQs and when.

“Web developers might say it’s easy to make a FAQ and help page.  It is easy to make a bad one.,” says Kaplan referring to countless FAQ pages that have old information or don’t have a CRM functionality. “Almost no developer in their right mind would put so much work into a FAQ to make it do all the things a FaqMe page does.” Almost.

Kaplan, who is currently angel investing and advising a series of companies including Heartsy, SuperFan and Branchout plans on offering FAQing premium features like custom FAQ designs, domain mapping (right now you have to link to your FaqMe page) and embeddable widgets in later versions of the FaqMe, and possibly charging for them. His own endeavor TinyLetter, which was the impetus for the creation of FaqMe, just hit 400K newsletter subscribers.

Oh, and if you want in to FaqMe the password is “pancakes.” Any more FAQing questions?


