Swift WTF

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Dear readers,

I am the author of the blog, and I am quite shocked since the blog is listed on the front page of Hacker News. Please note that all of the posts on the blog are already very old, and I believe Apple has already fixed many issues.

The blog was created in last summer. I was learning the new language while Xcode 6 was still in beta, and I met many unexpected behaviours. I tried to note them so I created this blog, but the blog was not updated since Xcode 6.0 beta 3 was out.

I hope that you are not misled by the blog. These issue was indeed existing, but not today.

Well, there is no date attached on each post. That’s my bad. I really don’t know how to make date appear on the Tumblr template. I cannot find any setting about it.

Weizhong Yang a.k.a zonble Taipei, Taiwan.