How I Wrote My First Ignite
I recently made my first venture into public speaking in the tech world at Denver DevOps Days. For some idiotic reason, I decided to do my first talk as an Ignite. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s a 5-minute talk with 20 slides that auto-advance at 15 second intervals. Many of the experienced speakers I have spoken to tell me that this is much harder to do than the traditional 20-30 minute talk.
Shoving a Monolith Into a Container
Or how I learned to stop worrying and embrace containers
Everyone who has been around operations for a while has one of these systems. It was hand-built by someone else many months or years ago, and you’re afraid to touch it. It has been snowflaked so badly that if you run apt-get upgrade, it will probably explode. I had one of these, and it ran our Puppet Master and Foreman instance. Not an insignificant system in our infrastructure. Then one day, it exploded.
PiDay 2017
Introduction With PiDay coming up, and my company sponsoring projects, a group of people decided to take on an ambitious project. We have several members of our engineering team who love to play chess together. There’s a game going on pretty much every day somewhere on the floor. For PiDay, we wanted to do a project that incorporated everyone’s chess habit, and had some robotics component. Everyone loves robots. With those goals in mind, we set out to build a robotic arm that could play chess.
Turning the Page
I’ve told myself that I want to start writing about all the exciting stuff that I get to work on. I have been telling myself that for years. I told myself again last week. Every once in a while, I start playing with a blog, and I scratch a few words down. Then nothing happens. So here’s the next attempt. This blog will be full of the awesome stuff that I work on.
Grassroots Kube
What’s this all about? In the last year, the adoption of containers and Kubernetes has spread rapidly across the company. Docker was seen as a cool new technology for the future. We had one small team using it for a brand new product, but adoption wasn’t happening at all in any other part of the company. A little less than a year ago, an infrastructure team started looking at Kubernetes and fell in love with it.