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Steam page says it is coming out in September, is that right?
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
☭Misterix☭ Jul 26, 2017 @ 8:25am 
End of August/September. If everything go fine.
Angry Buddha Jul 26, 2017 @ 4:55pm 
As keen as I am to start having a go in game, i think a later release into EA is better. The meme about Dean/dayz/EA is following this development and the release should be cautious to avoid getting swamped in that negativity. Dean has been doing a fantastic job dealing with the trolls so far, but the best defense to this is going to be a complete game loop on EA release and some descent stability.

This is the kind of game i think has been done wrong a few times now, but the stationeers dev's approach so far seems super promising. I hope they take their time and limit the EA period because i think it will give a better chance at grabbing a bigger community.

I plan to buy multiple copies of this, want to get my factorio crew into it ASAP.
Rocket  [developer] Jul 26, 2017 @ 5:45pm 
Originally posted by Unexposed:
Steam page says it is coming out in September, is that right?

Our current plan is to release in September. However, this date would be delayed if we do not think the game is ready. We will communicate this if it happens, and the reasons why. I just think we should be a little more public now about our expected targets, as it also helps internally put a little pressure on the team.

Originally posted by Angry Buddha:
the best defense to this is going to be a complete game loop on EA release and some descent stability.

I pretty much agree with everything you said, really. And we'll certainly delay the release until we have that solid complete game loop and very good stability. We've achieved very good performance now with very smooth gameplay. We have some fairly nasty bugs remaining out of our refactoring, but we don't expect them to take too long.

Originally posted by Angry Buddha:
This is the kind of game i think has been done wrong a few times now, but the stationeers dev's approach so far seems super promising. I hope they take their time and limit the EA period because i think it will give a better chance at grabbing a bigger community.

The only thing I disagree with is length of Early Access. One of the reasons we wanted to do Early Access with this game is so that it would evolve with the community through development. Early Access is a great way to restrict the number of customers, yet still build a very focused community. It allows us to gauge the real interest in the game and scope it correctly without the danger of overscoping and bankrupting the studio.

Above all else, I want this to be like we did Out of Ammo's EA but on a larger scale. I suppose I want to try and do Early Access "right" based on what I've learned myself, and from others (like Tynan from RimWorld fame).
Jaymis Jul 26, 2017 @ 8:26pm 
Originally posted by rocket2guns:
It allows us to gauge the real interest in the game and scope it correctly without the danger of overscoping and bankrupting the studio.

So important! :dstools:
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Date Posted: Jul 26, 2017 @ 7:41am
Posts: 4