SOM - Simple Object Machine
SOM is a minimal Smalltalk dialect used to teach VM construction at the [Hasso
Plattner Institute][SOM]. It was originally built at the University of Ã
(Denmark) where it was also used for teaching.
Currently, implementations exist for Java (SOM), C (CSOM), C++ (SOM++), and
Squeak/Pharo Smalltalk (AweSOM).
A simple SOM Hello World looks like:
Hello = (
run = (
'Hello World!' println.
This repository contains a Squeak/Pharo-based implementation of SOM. Please see the [main project page][SOM] for other to the VM implementation and the standard library.
A compatible standard library is also available at:
AweSOM can be asked to directly evaluate a given string, for instance like:
`SOMUniverse new eval: '''Hello World!'' println'.'.`
This code is distributed under the MIT License. Please see the [SOM] webpage for details.