18 Free jQuery Image Gallery & Lightbox Plugins


Many options and technologies are available, not only to developers but also to regular users, for displaying a large volume of images on your website. The first that may spring to your mind are content, and image sliders, which are currently very popular, or you would maybe be thinking of the simpler method of using a lightbox attached to your images, or it could be the more advanced option of using a dedicated image gallery CMS.

With all of these new technologies and fresh ideas, it is very easy to forget about the always reliable and timeless grid-style image gallery.

In this post, we look at 18 free jQuery plugins that will allow you to quickly and easily build a lightweight and feature-rich jQuery image gallery. We’ve also included a few responsive lightbox plugins for good measure. Most of these plugins are responsive, but there are also a few non-responsive plugins, just in case you need them.

Block Slide (Responsive)

Block Slider is a modal window image gallery plugin for jQuery that can be used to create a simple image slider.

Block Slider modal window image gallery plugin jQuery

Photoset Grid (Responsive)

Inspired by Tumblr’s photoset feature, Photoset Grid is a simple jQuery plugin for arranging images into a flexible grid.

Photoset Grid is a simple jQuery plugin for arranging images into a flexible grid

nanoGALLERY (Responsive)

nanoGALLERY is a responsive, touch-enabled, and easy-to-use image gallery plugin.

nanoGALLERY responsive touch-enabled easy to use image gallery plugin jquery

Justified.js (Responsive)

Justified.js is a jQuery plugin that creates a justified image grid of images.

Justified.js - A jQuery plugin that creates a justified image grid of images

Shuffle Images (Responsive)

Shuffle Images is a jQuery plugin that allows you to display and shuffle multiple images within a gallery by moving or shaking the cursor.

Shuffle Images plugin that allows you to display and shuffle multiple images within a gallery

Magnific Popup Lightbox (Responsive)

Magnific Popup is a fast and lightweight, responsive lightbox plugin that’s also Zepto.js compatible.

Magnific Popup fast lightweight feature-rich responsive lightbox plugin

Chocolat.js (Responsive)

Chocolat.js is a responsive jQuery lightbox plugin.

Chocolat.js responsive jQuery lightbox plugin

Swipebox jQuery Lightbox (Responsive)

Swipebox is a responsive jQuery lightbox plugin that features swipe gestures for mobile, keyboard navigation for desktop, CSS transitions with jQuery fallback and retina support for UI icons.

Swipebox responsive jQuery lightbox plugin

Smoothbox Responsive Lightbox (Responsive)

Smoothbox is a simple, lightweight, and responsive jQuery lightbox script.

Smoothbox simple lightweight responsive jQuery lightbox script

Fresco (Responsive)

Fresco is a responsive lightbox plugin that can be used to create stunning overlays that work great on any screen size.

Fresco is a responsive lightbox plugin

Simple Lightbox (Responsive)

Simple Lightbox is a touch-friendly responsive image lightbox jQuery plugin.

Touch friendly image lightbox mobile desktop jQuery

Nivo Lightbox (Responsive)

Nivo Lightbox is a small and responsive jQuery Lightbox plugin. It comes with automatic content detection and features CSS effects and transitions.

Nivo Lightbox small responsive jQuery Lightbox plugin

jQuery lightgallery (Responsive)

jQuery lightgallery is a lightweight, customizable, modular, and responsive lightbox gallery plugin.

jQuery lightgallery jQuery lightgallery Lightweight customizable modular responsive lightbox gallery plugin

anoFlow (Responsive)

anoFlow is a feature-rich and responsive lightbox and gallery plugin.

anoFlow feature-rich responsive lightbox gallery plugin

jPhotoGrid (Non-Responsive)

jPhotoGrid takes a simple list of images and captions and turns them into a stylish grid of photos that can be easily navigated and zoomed.

jPhotoGrid jquery plugin gallery

Galleria (Non-Responsive)

Galleria is a highly polished jQuery image gallery framework that is very easy to use yet loaded with advanced customization options.

Galleria jquery plugin gallery

Micro Image Gallery (Non-Responsive)

This is an improved version of the popular Micro Image Gallery, with many new features.

Micro Image Gallery jquery plugin gallery

Sideways – Fullscreen Image Gallery (Non-Responsive)

Sideways is a smooth fullscreen image gallery plugin. It utilizes jQuery UI, jQuery Easing, and the jQuery mousewheel plugins to bring this impressive gallery together.

SIDEWAYS - Fullscreen Image Gallery jquery plugin gallery

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