Browse free open source Gambas System Software and projects below. Use the toggles on the left to filter open source Gambas System Software by OS, license, language, programming language, and project status.
Linux for Windows users
Helps you find, download & burn the best Operating System for any PC
ZED OS the clone of Windows XP
VenenuX's development and software contender
Karaoke Hosting for Ubuntu 22.04 & Raspberry Pi 4 (Buster & Bullseye)
Software auto-installation builder
Is a program that helps us to eliminate symbols, numbers and special c
Collection d'utilitaires pour supports USB
Practica herramienta de limpieza de archivos Cache.
IT inventory: keep track of devices, networks and cables in a database
VenenuX GNU/Linux
Récupération liens et analyse des dépendances.
Aide à la création d'archives => Help in the creation of archives
new desktop environment for X linux system