LIXA, LIbre XA, is a free and open source XA transaction manager
LIXA (LIbre XA) is an open source and free Transaction Manager implementing the distributed transaction processing "XA specification" and "TX (transaction demarcation) specification" according to the X/Open CAE Specification. LIXA implements even XTA: XA Transaction API, an innovative API that implements XA transactional context passing among different applications.
LIXA is a Transaction Manager but it's not a Transaction Monitor: this is the distinguishing feature of the project. LIXA technology enables every application container, like a web server or a shell, to become a two phase commit application server. The client/server architecture of LIXA allows many application containers to share a single LIXA (state) server: this is ideal when horizontal scalability is a must and many identical application containers must refer to a single transactional environment.
LIXA can be used with the C, C++, Java, Python and COBOL programming languages.