Systems testing with VTS

The Vendor Test Suite (VTS) automates HAL and OS kernel testing. To use VTS to test an Android native system implementation, set up a testing environment then test a patch using a VTS plan.

Establish a test environment

For information on setting up a testing environment for Android 10 or lower, see Vendor Test Suite (VTS) & infrastructure for Android 10 and lower.

Test a patch

To test a patch:

  1. Build a VTS host-side package:
    . build/
    lunch aosp_arm64-userdebug
    make vts -j
  2. Run the default VTS tests:
    tf> run vts     // where vts is the test plan name

VTS plans

Available VTS test plans include:

Command Description
> run vts For default VTS tests
> run vts-hal For default VTS HAL (hardware abstraction layer) tests
> run vts-kernel For default VTS kernel tests

To view a list of all plans, refer to /test/vts/tools/vts-tradefed/res/


You can view a user manual at /test/vts/doc. For questions on VTS, please join [email protected].