We have added a new feature - video hosting. Please click here to upload videos and insert them in your post.\n","talk.video.paste":"Embed, iframe, YouTube, RuTube, Vimeo, Instagram or Gist.GitHub.","qr.auth.modal.time.is.over.message":"Refresh it and take one more try","schemius.footer.apps.rustore":"RuStore","talk.photo":"Photo","modal.badge.verified.button.link":"https://www.livejournal.com/support/faq/442.html?ila_campaign=verified&ila_location=badge_modal","you_are_logged_in_hint.button.reboot":"Refresh","photouploader.upload.filesAdded2-4":"[[number]] files selected","sharing.service.digg":"Digg","recurrentreminder.password.button.refuse":"No, I'm satisfied","notif_dropdown_2022.notify.in.email":"By email","community.magazine.section.heading":"What is this community about?","like_reaction.ok_hand.caption":"OK","notif_center.read_all.label":"Mark all as read","modal.gift_token.button":"Send LJ Tokens","popup.suggestion.button.create":"Sign up","user_note_modal.title.edit":"Edit user note","medius.recommended.label.message":"Ваше сообщение ([[left]] [[?left|символ|символа|символов]] осталось)","paidrepost.button.title.curr":" LJ Tokens","notif_center.continuous_series":"You have been writing for [[days]] [[?days|day|days|days]] now. Write a post today ([[date]]) and extend the uninterrupted series!","photo.migrate.title":"Migrate photos BETA","web.controlstrip.view.calendar":"Calendar","blog_settings_form.stat_info.title":"Statistics","blog_settings_form.cover_select.hide":"Cancel","memories.title":"Add to memories","components.report_modal.description.drugs":"Information on ways of producing, using, and places of purchasing of narcotic substances.","notif_center.post_suggest.recent_journal_upd":"There is a new post in journal which you've visited recently: [[post_subject]]","send_message_form.successfully_sent":"Message sent","banner.native_install_prompt.ios.text":"Install LiveJournal app for IOS","journal.audience.section.heading":"What will be displayed as audience?","blog_settings_form.userpic.action":"Done","notif_center.pingback.entry":"[[actor]] mentioned you in the entry [[post_subject]]","journal.audience.section.select.no.show":"Don't display audience","photouploader.instagram.loginButton":"Login to Instagram","lj_repost_popup.own_journal":"Your journal","lj.report.popover.error.message":"Exceeded the number of complaints per day","photouploader.album.size":"Image size (px)","date.month.february.short":"Feb","feedpromo.complaint.reason.1":"Not interested","modal.gift_token.clue":"The commission will be [[commission]] [[?commission|token|tokens|tokens]], after you will have [[token]] [[?token|token|tokens|tokens]].","loginform.warning.webview_external_domain_issues":"In-app web browsers may fail to log you in on external domains. For better experience, use standalone browser app.","notif_center.draft":"You have an unpublished draft, continue working on your new entry","pwa.warning.domain_changed":"We detected domain change inside of this app! This user may have changed their name or placed their journal on external domain. In that case, please reinstall this PWA app from the new journal location.","loginform.error.enteruser":"Enter your login","banner.native_install_prompt.android.text":"Install LiveJournal app for Android","modal.info_pro.feature.item.style":"Advanced style settings","banner.hashmob.favorite_cities.link":"https://www.livejournal.com/lyubimyye-goroda/?ila_campaign=lyubimyye_goroda&ila_location=banner","components.report_modal.description.fake":"Information containing calls for mass riots and(or) extremist activity that may endanger lives and(or) wellbeing of people, property, disruption of public order and(or) public safety.","post2017.poll.cancel_vote":"Cancel vote","modal.emailreconfirm.title":"Email confirmation","components.report_modal.link.other":"Other","notif_center.post_suggest":"This might be interesting for you: [[post_subject]]","talk.delete":"Delete","modal.info_pro.feature.item.adv":"No ads","notif_center.like.comment":"[[actor]] reacted to your comment","modal.info_pro.feature.more":"And many other extra functions more!","flatmedia.security":"security","popup.quick_comment_prompt.close_popup_btn_hint":"Закрыть попап","memories.security.friends":"Friends only","subscribe_button_2022.subscribe_settings":"Manage subscription","common.close":"Close","filterset.title.subscribed.community":"You have subscribed to new [[username]]'s entries on friends feed","blog_settings_form.prompt.text":"Upload the cover image","photouploader.paste.title":"Paste URL","qr.auth.modal.button.to.default.auth.text":"Log in by username and password","sharing.service.odnoklassniki":"Odnoklassniki","notif_center.trending_now":"Trending now: [[post_subject]]","audience.settings.modal.show.all.audience.now.title":"Now","widget.alias.aliaschange":"Save note","sherry_promo_button.link":"https://sharrymania.ru/?utm_source=livejournal&utm_medium=special_project&utm_campaign=sharry&utm_content=branding_block_2","post2017.poll.closed":"Poll is closed","fcklang.ljlike.button.telegram":"Telegram","flatmedia.button.cancel":"cancel","popup.cookies.description":"By continuing to use this website, you agree to the","popup.suggestion.text":"Don't miss interesting posts and see less advertising - just sign in or create an account. And right now you can see some entries selected according to your interests.","components.report_modal.description.extremism":"Calls for unrest and terror, violence against people of a specific ethnicity, religion, or race.","modal.info_pro.feature.item.statistic":"Advanced statistics","memories.security.public":"Public","createaccount.subscribe.to.feed":"To feed","notif_center.empty.label":"You don't have notifications","post_view.n_comments":"[[count]] [[?count|comment|comments|comments]]","components.report_modal.description.insult_govsymbols":"Information that offends human dignity and public morale; explicit disrespect for society, state, official state symbols.","modal.gift_token.button.back":"Cancel","admin.writers_block.answer.public":"Public","videouploader.byUrl.title":"","recurrentreminder.password.updated.years.ago":"[[amount]] [[?amount|year|years]]","recurrentreminder.password.title":"Your password might be out of date","components.report_modal.description.child_porn":"Materials with pornographic depiction of minors, or involvement of minors in entertainment activities of pornographic nature.","modal.info_pro.user":"is using an account with the active Professional service package","widget.alias.faq":"read FAQ for details","journal.title.section.heading":"Journal title","journal.section.settings":"Advanced settings","like_reaction.sad.caption":"Sad","photouploader.upload.initFail":"Please install flash player from Adobe Flash Plugin download page","talk.photo.insert":"Insert","grants.post_interesting_comm.title":"   ✨   ","blog_settings_form.show_member_count_section.title":"Display number of community members ","repost.popup.footer":"Show more…","embed.post.btn.copy":"Copy","flatmedia.or":"or","widget.alias.setalias":"Set note for","date.month.august.long":"August","modal.emailreconfirm.confirmed":"Ок, thanks for checking the relevance of your data","you_are_logged_in_hint.hint_text_2":"You've signed in using another tab or window. 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You must follow the Privacy Policy and Google Terms of use","photouploader.album.your":"Your albums","likus.users.add_more":"And [[count]] more","talk.ipalert":"Your IP address will be recorded","send_message_form.placeholder":"Write something...","like_reaction.facepalming.caption":"Facepalm","photouploader.instagram.nophoto":"You do not have a single photo. Upload one","date.month.february.long":"February","schemius.footer.apps.android":"Android","modal.emailreconfirm.button.accept":"Yes, this is my address","common.something_went_wrong":"Something went wrong","notif_center.repost.user_and_user":"[[actor0]] and [[actor1]] reposted your entry [[post_subject]]","photouploader.paste.insert":"Add to post","embed.post.btn.copy_to_post":"New entry","lj_repost_popup.cant.share.journal":"You can't share your entry into your journal","videouploader.album.select":"","videouploader.upload.title":"Upload video","subscribe_button_2022.you_are_owner":"You are owner","common.remove_from_friends":"Remove from friends","notif_center.pingback.comment":"[[actor]] mentioned you in a comment for the entry [[post_subject]]","blog_header.journal_theme_change_prompt.submit":"Apply ","photouploader.instagram.title":"Instagram","post2017.poll.question_is_x":"Poll question is \"[[question]]\"","modal.badge.verified.button.text":"Read more","sharing.service.vkontakte":"VKontakte","modal.gift_token.description":"The size of the commission is [[commission]] tokens; after you'll have [[token]] tokens left","popup.quick_comment_prompt.linebreakalert":"Для переноса строки нажмите Shift + Enter","feedpromo.complaint.hide":"Hide Promo","admin.writers_block.answer.maintainers":"Maintainers","popup.memorable_share_prompt.body_text":"Remind your friends about this entry!","community.title.section.heading":"Community title","like_reaction.like.caption":"Like","journal.audience.section.hint.readers":"The monthly audience will be displayed on main page of your journal. 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To get get more insights upgrade your account with Professional package of service","journal.magazine.section.hint":"Briefly tell us what your journal is about. It will be useful for those looking for your blog, and for new readers. Write the most important things here.","loginform.error.ipbanned":"Your IP address is temporarily banned","notif_center.comment.to_comment":"[[actor]] replied to your comment for entry [[post_subject]]","sherry_promo_button.tooltip_text":"Реклама. ООО «Перфлюенс». ИНН 7725380313. erid: 2Ranym4Vj3N","components.report_modal.already_reported":"You've already reported a breach","video_uploader.errors.http":"Something went wrong. Try uploading the file again.","subscribe_button_2022.add_user_note":"Add a note","notif_center.like.entry.user_and_user":"[[actor0]] and [[actor1]] reacted to your entry [[post_subject]]","date.month.january.short":"Jan","modal.gift_token.message.warning.insufficient_tokens":"You don't have enough tokens. Buy tokens","subscribe_button_2022.you_are_subscribed":"You are subscribed","qr.auth.modal.title":"Log in by QR-code","date.month.july.short":"Jul","lj_repost_popup.repost_success_msg":"All changes are applied successfully!","subscribe_button_2022.edit_user_note":"Edit the note","journal.section.submit.btn":"Save","error.expiredchal":"Login window expired. Please try again.","admin.writers_block.answer.members":"Members","notif_center.pingback.comment.community":"[[actor]] mentioned your community [[community]] in a comment for entry [[post_subject]]","schemius.footer.apps.huawei":"Huawei","notif_center.poll.vote.user_and_user":"[[actor0]] and [[actor1]] voted in poll in your post [[post_subject]]","pushWooshPopup21.button.close":"No","subscribe_button_2022.user_note.not_available_for_basic_users":"Upgrade your account to add a note","date.day.sunday.short":"Sun","modal.gift_token.suggestion.popup.text.hint":"The commission will be [[commission]] [[?commission|token|tokens|tokens]], after you will have [[token]] [[?token|token|tokens|tokens]].","post2017.poll.x_people_voted_control":"[[count]] [[?count|person|people|people]] voted","mobileAppBanners.betterCommunicateInApp.title":"


is easier in mobile app","sharing.service.moimir":"Moi mir","recurrentreminder.password.button.update.password_short":"Yes","post2017.poll.x_people_voted_for_y":"[[count]] [[?count|person|people|people]] voted for the \"[[answer]]\" option","common.unsubscribe":"Unsubscribe","post2017.poll.cancel_popup.title":"Are you sure you want to cancel your answer?","modal.info_pro.feature.item.filter_comment":"Negative comment filter","like_reaction.dislike.caption":"Dislike","notif_center.comment.anon":"Anonymous user commented an entry [[post_subject]]","post2017.poll.show_x_answers":"show [[count]] [[?count|answer|answers]]","lj.report.popover.another.link":"https://abusereport.livejournal.com/abuse/report/","post2017.poll.polltype.check":"You can choose several answers","fcklang.ljlike.button.copyURL":"Copy url","notif_center.comment":"[[actor]] commented an entry [[post_subject]]","subscribe_button_2022.you_are_member":"You are member","admin.writers_block.answer.private":"Private","likus.users.friend.list":"In your friend list","flatmedia.adult.content.none":"none","post_view.read_all_n_comments":"Read all comments","notif_center.settings":"Settings","repost.confirm.delete":"Do you want to delete this repost?","memories.options":"Full options","blog_settings_form.userpic.uploading":"Uploading image","modal.info_pro.feature.item.photo":"More photo storage space","notif_center.post_suggest.no_subj":"We've found a post that might be interesting for you","like_reaction.prompt.log_in_to_react":"You can react to comments with LiveJournal account. At first log in to your account or create a new one.","blog_header.journal_theme_change_prompt.description":"You edit this community in readability mode, but it's style is defferent. If you want to all readers see this changes, set the style to default.","pwa.offline.warning.journal_nav":"It looks like you are offline. Some options may not be available","createaccount.subscribe.description":"You might like the authors","medius.recommended.button.send":"Отправить","modal.info_pro.button":"Learn more","error_adding_friends.email_not_validated":"Sorry, you aren't allowed to add to friends until your email address has been validated. 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Upload one","date.month.december.long":"December","talk.postcomment":"Add a comment","fcklang.ljlike.button.email":"Email","date.format.offset":"0","talk.leavefastcomment":"Leave fast comment","loginform.error.ipbanned.distribution":"Your IP address is banned","lj.report.popover.button.complain":"submit","feedpromo.complaint.reason.2":"Inappropriate or offensive","date.day.wednesday.short":"Wed","admin.writers_block.answer.default":"default","like_reaction.laughing.caption":"LOL","like_reaction.detail_popup.title":"Reactions","photouploader.upload.title":"Upload","confirm.bubble.yes":"Yes","talk.contentflag":"Report","blog_settings_form.cover_select.title":"Journal cover","notif_center.dropdown.delete":"Delete","paidrepost.button.title":"Repost me","modal.info_pro.feature.text":"The Professional package grants you the following perks:","rte_comments.img_resize_bar_promo_hint":"Pull the handle to adjust image width","createaccount.subscribe.to.post":"To first post","paidrepost.button.title.counter":"Repost counter","notif_center.view_all.label":"View all","date.month.may.short":"May","lj_repost_popup.search.placeholder":"Search community","talk.linebreakalert":"For a line break, press Shift + Enter","post2017.poll.button.results_hide":"Hide results","notif_center.like.comment.plur":"[[actor]] and [[other_n]] [[?other_n|user|users|users]] reacted to your comment","like_reaction.nauseated_face.caption":"Nauseated face","repost.button.label":"Repost","admin.writers_block.answer.friends":"Friends","notif_center.title":"Notifications","userinfo.bml.hover_menu.paid":"Account with the Professional package of service","post2017.poll.whoview.all":"Poll results is visible to all","recaptcha.invisible.term":"You must follow the Privacy Policy and Google Terms of use.","like_reaction.angry.caption":"Angry","popup.suggestion.button.close":"Close","photouploader.album.title":"Your albums","poll.close":"Close Poll ","photouploader.instagram.select.help":"(pictures will be 640 pixels wide)","message.warnings.temporary_url_insertion":"You're inserting image using temporary link which may stop working soon. It's better to upload the image to LJ Scrapbook.","notif_center.like.entry":"[[actor]] reacted to your entry [[post_subject]]","talk.video":"Media","widget.alias.aliasdelete":"Delete note","qr.auth.modal.message":"Just scan this QR-code by camera on your mobile device where you logged in your LJ account","photouploader.album.addlink":"Add a link to fullsize picture","popup.cookies.title":"This website uses cookies.","date.format.long":"%B %D, %Y","lj.report.popover.type.another":"Other","filterset.subtitle.join":"Subscribe to read [[username]]'s entries on your friends feed","components.report_modal.description.hate_speech":"Expression of hatred towards against people based on their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, etc. ","loginform.error.openid":"Enter openid url","loginform.error.corrupted_password":"It's out of date, please reset it","notif_center.message":"[[actor]] sent you a message:","notif_center.post_suggest.recent_journal_upd.no_subj":"There is a new post in journal which you've visited recently","mobileAppBanners.footer.text":"Get LJ mobile app","lj_repost_popup.communities_section_title":"Reposts in communities:","medius.recommended.label.link":"Ссылка","flatmedia.adult.content.default":"default","api.error.groups.group_already_exist":"Group already exist","adfox.noads.paid":"Log in to stop seeing ads in this journal","components.report_modal.description.spam":"Submit a complaint if someone has posted an ad in an inappropriate location.","filterset.link.addnewgroup":"Add new group","blog_settings_form.userpic.show.less":"Less","flatmedia.name":"name","notif_center.poll.vote":"[[actor]] voted in poll in your post [[post_subject]]","qr.auth.modal.time.is.over.title":"QR code is out of time","popup.memorable_share_prompt.button.share.caption":"Share","photouploader.instagram.needTitle":"Display description","comment.image.original.link.placeholder":"Paste URL","date.month.june.long":"June","like_reaction.poop.caption":"Poop","feedpromo.complaint.title":"Feed promo","pwa.warning.private_entry":"You can't read private entries in offline mode","common.subscribe":"Subscribe","audience.settings.modal.show.all.audience.message":"Turn on displaying of your audience. Let people know how many readers you have","like_reaction.picker.aria_label.reaction":"Reaction selected — [[reaction]]","common.add_to_group":"Add to group","filterset.link.addnewfilter":"Add new filter","grants.post_plaque.title":"   🎁  ","like_reaction.ghost.caption":"Ghost","blog_settings_form.userpic.download":"More...","lj_repost_popup.cant.share.community":"You can't repost to the same community","sherry_promo_button.text.sherry":"СКИДКИ","journal.rkn_license":"This journal included by Roskomnadzor in the list of personal pages.","entry.url_copied.message":"Entry url was copied to clipboard","common.recommended":"Suggested for you","audience.settings.modal.paid.user.message":"This is average monthly audience of your journal. To get more insights check your journal statistics","recurrentreminder.password.updated.never":"never updated your password","banner_popup.open_app":"Open App","modal.info_pro.feature.item.icon":"Badge by the username","photouploader.paste.pasteURL":"Paste an image URL here:","journal.title.section.hint":"This title is also displayed in the Ratings and the entire LiveJournal. Filling out the title will help people find your blog via search engines.","sharing.service.livejournal":"LiveJournal","rambler.partners.title":"Today's News","post.category.caption":"Categor[[?num|y|ies]]:","flatmedia.adult.content":"Adult Content","notif_center.user_post":"User [[actor]] published a new entry [[post_subject]]","sharing.service.tumblr":"Tumblr","modal.gift_token.title":"Gift LJ Tokens","date.month.november.long":"November","notif_center.time.now":"just now","like_reaction.face_vomiting.caption":"Face vomiting","talk.video.insert":"Insert","lj_repost_popup.button.share":"share","subscribe_button_2022.join_request_is_pending":"Join request is pending","comment.image.original.link.label":"Link to original image","medius.recommended.has.errors":"Ошибка в форме","flatmedia.album.name":"Album name","popup.quick_comment_prompt.open_comment_link":"Посмотреть","modal.gift_token.message.success":"LJ Tokens has been sent successfully","send_message_form.cancel":"Cancel","blog_settings_form.userpic.is_already_uploaded":"You have already uploaded the same image","date.month.october.long":"October","common.cancel":"Cancel","components.report_modal.description.gambling":"Information violating the demands of the Federal law on prohibition of gambling and lotteries via the Internet or other means of communication.","login.message.no_login_in_browser":"Check third-party cookies preferences please. \"Prevent cross-site tracking\" option in Safari may interrupt authorisation","pwa.banner.android.text":"Add [[journal]] to Home screen","date.day.tuesday.short":"Tue","modal.badge.verified.content":"The verified journal status means that the blog is officially maintained on behalf of a famous person or an organisation.

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Bildungsroman — LiveJournal
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Little Willow [userpic]

Books to Read (Forthcoming Releases)

February 1st, 2022 (07:00 am)

Current Mood: thoughtful
Current Song: Without a Trace theme song

January 2022
Road of Bones by Christopher Golden

February 2022
Yerba Buena by Nina LaCour

September 2022
I'm the Girl by Courtney Summers

January 2023
All Hallows by Christopher Golden

Little Willow [userpic]

Booklist: Tough Issues for Teens

January 1st, 2022 (09:00 am)

Current Mood: hopeful
Current Song: Just Enough by Aslyn

One afternoon in the bookstore, a young woman in her late teens approached me and said, "Excuse me. Can you help me? I want some books like . . . " She named a few teen fiction titles that dealt with drug abuse and anorexia. She looked slightly uncomfortable but mostly excited. I told her that I could recommend many good books. Within minutes, she was sitting on the floor in the teen fiction section, a plastic basket full to the brim with books, with additional titles in her hand and next to her knees and her feet.

We had a great discussion. I was happy on any levels: happy that she felt comfortable enough to come to me, happy that she was open-minded, happy that I got some realistic, well-written books in her hand. This urged me to make a list of books dealing tough issues - eating disorders, loss and grieving, addiction, abuse, and so forth.

Due to subject matter, many of these books are recommended for older teens as well as adults, be they parents, teachers, librarians, or simply avid readers.

I've read every title on this list, and have given each book a rating according to the United States movie rating guide - G, PG, PG-13, or R - based on content, and a number of stars - four being the best - based on quality (my personal opinion).

PARENTAL ABUSE OR NEGLECT - Physical or emotional abuse, alcoholism, etc.
A Room on Lorelei Street by Mary E. Pearson - PG - ****
The Queen of Everything by Deb Caletti - PG-13 - ****
Wild Roses by Deb Caletti - PG - ****
Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen - PG-13 - ****
Margaux with an X by Ron Koertge - PG - ****
Because I Am Furniture by Thalia Chaltas - PG - ****
Circle the Soul Softly by Davida Wills Hurwin - PG-13 - ****
The Rules of Survival by Nancy Werlin - PG-13 - ****
Beauty Shop for Rent by Laura Bowers - PG - ****
Sweethearts by Sara Zarr - PG - ****
The Good Lie by Robin Brande - PG-13/R - ****
Tallahassee Higgins by Mary Downing Hahn - G - ****
Hershey Herself by Cecilia Galante - G - ****
The Lovely Shoes by Susan Shreve - G - ****
Itch by Michelle D. Kwasney - G - ****
Lush by Natasha Friend - PG - ****
Geek Magnet by Kieran Scott - PG - ***
Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes by Chris Crutcher - PG - ***
Such a Pretty Girl by Laura Wiess - R - ***
Leftovers by Laura Wiess - R - ***
The Sweet, Terrible, Glorious Year I Truly, Completely Lost It (originally titled My Big Birkett) by Lisa Shanahan - PG - ***
Blue Plate Special by Michelle D. Kwasney - PG-13/R - ***
Call Me Hope by Gretchen Olson - PG (due to language) - ***
Tall Tales by Karen Day - G - ***
Nothing to Lose by Alex Flinn - PG - ***
In the Garage by Alma Fullerton - PG - ***
Hold Me Tight by Lorie Ann Grover - PG - ***
Stealing Henry by Carolyn MacCullough PG - ***
Don't You Dare Read This, Mrs. Dunphrey by Margaret Peterson Haddix - PG - ***
Something Girl by Beth Goobie - PG-13 - ***
Not Like You by Deborah Davis - PG-13 - **
Claiming Georgia Tate by Gigi Amateau - PG - **
Looking for Normal by Betty Monthei - PG-13 - **
When Dad Killed Mom by Julius Lester - PG-13 - **
Vanishing by Bruce Brooks - PG - **
When She Hollers by Cynthia Voigt - PG - **

ABUSE BY OTHERS - physical or emotional abuse; date or acquaintance rape; accusations, secrets and lies
Exit, Pursued by a Bear by E.K. Johnston - PG-13 - ****
Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott - PG-13 - ****
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson - PG-13 - ****
Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers - PG-13 - ****
All the Rage by Courtney Summers - PG-13 - ****
Stay by Deb Caletti - PG-13 - ****
Replay by Robin Brande - PG-13 - ****
Just Listen by Sarah Dessen - PG-13 - ****
Sha-la-la by Sarah Dessen - PG-13 - ****
- Short story published in the anthology Twice Told: Original Stories Inspired by Original Art by Scott Hunt
Burn for Burn trilogy by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian - PG-13 - ***
Dreamland by Sarah Dessen - PG-13/R - ***
Don't Breathe a Word by Holly Cupala - PG-13 - ***
Lush by Natasha Friend - PG - ***
Leftovers by Laura Wiess - R - ***
Lessons from a Dead Girl by Jo Knowles - PG-13 - ***
Sandpiper by Ellen Wittlinger - PG-13 - ***
Sold by Patricia McCormick - PG-13 - ***
Stained by Jennifer Richard Jacobson - PG-13 - ***
Blue Plate Special by Michelle D. Kwasney - PG-13/R - ***
How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr - PG - ***
Bunny Boy by Alex Flinn - PG-13 - ***
- Short story published in the anthology Twice Told: Original Stories Inspired by Original Art by Scott Hunt
Impulse by Ellen Hopkins - PG-13 - ***
Fault Line by Janet Tashjian - PG-13 - **
Breathing Underwater by Alex Flinn - PG-13 - **
- Companion book: Diva by Alex Flinn - PG - ***
Inexcusable by Chris Lynch - PG-13 - **
Rundown by Michael Cadnum - PG-13 - **

TEACHER/STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS - an abuse of power, involvement (or rumors), etc
This Gorgeous Game by Donna Freitas - PG - ****
We Are the Goldens by Dana Reinhardt - PG-13 - ****
Bad Apple by Laura Ruby - PG - ****
Teach Me by R.A. Nelson - PG-13/R - ****
Friction by E.R. Frank - PG-13 - ****
Everything Beautiful in the World by Lisa Levchuk - PG-13 - ****
How It's Done by Christine Kole Maclean - R - ***
What Mr. Mattero Did by Priscilla Cummings - PG - **

POSITIVE AND PLATONIC TEACHER/STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS - teachers positively influencing and educating their pupils
Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature by Robin Brande - G - ****
Miss Spitfire: Reaching Helen Keller by Sarah Miller - G - ****
Looks by Madeleine George - PG - ****
Peace is a Four-Letter Word by Janet Nichols Lynch - PG - ***
The Summer of May by Cecilia Galante - PG - ***

PARENT/CHILD RELATIONSHIPS - reconnecting with or distancing oneself from absentee parents, dealing with restrictions and expectations
Girl at Sea by Maureen Johnson - PG - ****
The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen - PG-13 - ****
Essential Maps for the Lost by Deb Caletti - PG-13 - ****
Nothing but the Truth (and a few White Lies) by Justina Chen Headley - PG - ****
Girl Overboard by Justina Chen Headley - PG/PG-13 - ****
Return to Me by Justina Chen - PG - ****
A Little Friendly Advice by Siobhan Vivian - PG - ****
The Shape of Water by Anne Spollen - PG - ****
The Snowball Effect by Holly Nicole Hoxter - PG - ****
Mistik Lake by Martha Brooks - PG-13 - ****
Many Stones by Carolyn Coman - PG - ****
The Secret Life of Prince Charming by Deb Caletti - PG - ****
Stay by Deb Caletti - PG-13 - ****
What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen - PG - ****
The Rest of the Story by Sarah Dessen - PG - ****
Roomies by Sara Zarr and Tara Altebrando - PG-13 - ****
Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour - PG - ****
Blue Plate Special by Michelle D. Kwasney - PG-13/R - ***
Fact of Life # 31 by Denise Vega - PG-13 - ***
Girl, Hero by Carrie Jones - PG - ***
Something, Maybe by Elizabeth Scott - PG-13 - ***
Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen - PG-13 - ***
Light Beneath Ferns by Anne Spollen - PG - ***
Stray by Stacey Goldblatt - PG/PG-13 - ***
Infinite Sky by C.J. Flood - PG - ***
For Keeps by Natasha Friend - PG - ***
Notes from the Teenage Underground by Simmone Howell - PG - ***
How to Ruin a Summer Vacation by Simone Elkeles - PG-13 - ***
According to Kit by Eugenie Doyle - PG/PG-13 - ***
Play Me by Laura Ruby - PG/PG-13 - ***
Willowood by Cecilia Galante - G - ***
Beige by Cecil Castellucci - PG-13 - ***
Born to Rock by Gordon Korman - PG-13 - ***
Lucy the Giant by Sherri L. Smith - PG - ***
Tinfoil Sky by Cyndi Sand-Eveland - G - ***
Don't Expect Magic by Kathy McCullough - G - ***

LONG-LOST SIBLINGS - reconnecting with siblings, or meeting them for the first time
My So-Called Family by Courtney Sheinmel - G - ****
The Snowball Effect by Holly Nicole Hoxter - PG - ****
The Sweetness of Salt by Cecilia Galante - PG - ****
Secrets of Truth and Beauty by Megan Frazer - PG - ***
Say the Word by Jeannine Garsee - PG-13 - ***
Finding Ruby Starling by Karen Rivers - G - ***

The Letter Q edited by Sarah Moon - PG - ****
Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour - PG - ****
We Are Okay by Nina LaCour - PG - ****
What Happened to Lani Garver by Carol Plum-Ucci - PG-13 - ****
Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan - PG - ****
The Realm of Possibility by David Levithan - PG-13 - ****
The Bermudez Triangle by Maureen Johnson - PG-13 - ****
Keeping You a Secret by Julie Anne Peters - PG-13 - ****
Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden - PG-13 - ****
Empress of the World by Sara Ryan - PG-13 - ****
Dramarama by E. Lockhart - PG - ****
The Difference Between You and Me by Madeleine George - PG/PG-13 - ****
Tips on Having a Gay (Ex) Boyfriend by Carrie Jones - PG-13 - ****
- Sequel: Love (and Other Uses for Duct Tape) by Carrie Jones - PG-13 - ****
Drama by Raina Telgemeier - G - ****
Purge by Sarah Darer Littman - PG-13 - ****
Band Geeked Out by Josie Bloss - PG - **** (sequel to Band Geek Love)
See You at Harry's by Jo Knowles - G - **** (sibling of protagonist)
Exit, Pursued by a Bear by E.K. Johnston - PG-13 - **** (friends of protagonist)
Read Between the Lines by Jo Knowles - PG-13 - ***
Alex As Well by Alyssa Brugman - PG - ***
Very LeFreak by Rachel Cohn - R - ***
You Know Me Well by Nina LaCour and David Levithan - PG - ***
How They Met, and Other Stories by David Levithan - PG-13 - ***
Wide Awake by David Levithan - PG-13 - ***
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan - PG-13 - ***
I'll Get There. It Better Be Worth the Trip. by John Donovan - G/PG - ***
Luna by Julie Anne Peters - PG - ***
Totally Joe by James Howe - PG - ***
- Sequel to The Misfits by James Howe - G - ***
Say the Word by Jeannine Garsee - PG-13 - ***
M or F? by Lisa Papademetriou and Chris Tibbetts - PG - ***
Geography Club by Brent Hartinger - PG - ***
My Life: The Musical by Maryrose Wood - PG - ***
Secrets of Truth and Beauty by Megan Frazer - PG - ***
The Question: A Play in One Act by Brent Hartinger - PG - *** #
In the Garage by Alma Fullerton - PG - ***
Naomi and Ely's No-Kiss List by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan - PG-13 - ***
Far from Xanadu by Julie Anne Peters - PG-13 - ***
Between Mom and Jo by Julie Anne Peters - PG-13 - ***
Gravel Queen by Tea Benduhn - PG - ***
Absolutely, Positively Not by David LaRochelle - PG - **
The Hookup Artist by Tucker Shaw - PG - **
So Hard to Say by Alex Sanchez - PG - **
What's in a Name by Ellen Wittlinger - PG-13 - **
Hard Love by Ellen Wittlinger - PG-13 - **

# = Short story; available in the anthology 21 Proms edited by David Levithan and Daniel Ehrenhaft

Give a Boy a Gun by Todd Strasser - PG-13 - ****
Leap of Faith by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley - PG - ****
The Life Before Her Eyes by Laura Kasischke - PG-13/R - ****
Freak by Marcella Pixley - PG - ***
After by Francine Prose - PG-13 - ***
Shattering Glass by Gail Giles - PG-13 - **
Silent Alarm by Jennifer Banash - PG-13 - **

Just Listen by Sarah Dessen - PG-13 - **** - older sister
Sweethearts by Sara Zarr - PG - ****
On Pointe by Lorie Ann Grover - PG - ****
Looks by Madeleine George - PG - ****
Jersey Tomatoes are the Best by Maria Padian - PG - *****
Purge by Sarah Darer Littman - PG-13 - ****
Nothing by Robin Friedman - PG - ****
The Stone Girl by Alyssa B. Sheinmel - R - ***
Perfect by Natasha Friend - PG - ***
Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson - PG - ***
Leaving Jetty Road by Rebecca Burton - PG-13 - ***
Second Star to the Right by Deborah Hautzig - PG-13 - ***
A Dance of Sisters by Tracey Porter - G - ***
The Heart is Not a Size by Beth Kephart - PG - ***
Broken by Alyxandra Harvey-Fitzhenry - PG - ***
Skin by Adrienne Maria Vrettos - PG-13 - **
Vanishing by Bruce Brooks - PG - **
LoveSick by Jake Coburn - PG-13 - **

For additional information about eating disorder awareness, please consult this post.

PHYSICAL DISORDERS/INJURIES/SPECIAL NEEDS - protagonist, siblings, friends
The Nature of Jade by Deb Caletti - PG - **** - panic disorder
Reaching for Sun by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer - G - **** - cerebral palsy (verse novel)
The Unlikely Hero of Room 13B by Teresa Toten - G/PG - **** - obsessive-compulsive disorder
Falling Boy by Alison McGhee - PG - **** - paralysis
Finding Grace by Alyssa Brugman - PG - **** - brain injury
Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin - PG - **** - accident leads to amnesia
Tru Confessions by Janet Tashjian - G - **** - Asperger's syndrome
Life, After by Sarah Darer Littman - G/PG - **** - Asperger's syndrome
Rules by Cynthia Lord - G - **** - autism
A Mango-Shaped Space by Wendy Mass - G - **** - synesthesia
The Running Dream by Wendelin Van Draanen - PG - **** - accident leads to below-the-knee leg amputation
Shark Girl by Kelly Bingham - G - **** - accident leads to arm amputation (verse novel)
Replay by Robin Brande - PG-13 - **** - injury and near-death experience
Tips on Having a Gay (Ex) Boyfriend by Carrie Jones - PG-13 - **** - epilepsy
- Sequel: Love (and Other Uses for Duct Tape) by Carrie Jones - PG-13 - ****
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley - PG - **** - port-wine stain
The Decoding of Lana Morris by Laura & Tom McNeal - PG - **** - various conditions
The Lovely Shoes by Susan Shreve - G - **** - deformed feet (birth defect)
Anything But Typical by Nora Raleigh Baskin - G - **** - autism
The Encyclopedia of Me by Karen Rivers - G - **** - autistic brother
You Are My Only by Beth Kephart - PG - **** - breakdown
How to Speak Dolphin by Ginny Rorby - G - *** - autistic little brother; blind best friend
Read My Lips by Teri Brown - PG - *** - hearing impairment
The Very Ordered Existence of Merilee Marvelous by Suzanne Crowley - G - *** - protagonist with Asperger's syndrome, friend with fetal alcohol syndrome
Snap by Alison McGhee - G - *** - repetitive routines
The Heart is Not a Size by Beth Kephart - PG - *** - panic attacks
Lovely, Dark, and Deep by Justina Chen - PG/PG-13 - *** - photosensitivity
Faceless by Alyssa Sheinmel - PG - *** - face transplant after being burned in a fire
The Middle of Somewhere by J.B. Cheaney - G - *** - ADHD
Total Constant Order by Crissa-Jean Chappell - PG - *** - obsessive-compulsive disorder
Kissing Doorknobs by Terry Spencer Hesser - PG - *** - obsessive-compulsive disorder
Quit It by Marcia Byalick - G - *** - Tourette's Syndrome
The Phoenix Dance by Dia Calhoun - G - *** - bipolar disorder
Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes by Chris Crutcher - PG - *** - burns
Accidents of Nature by Harriet McBryde Johnson - PG - *** - cerebral palsy
Willowood by Cecilia Galante - G - Down syndrome
The Queen of Cool by Cecil Castellucci - PG-13 - *** - dwarfism
The Thing about Georgie by Lisa Graff - G - *** - dwarfism
Funny Little Monkey by Andrew Auseon - PG-13 - *** - Growth Hormone Deficiency Syndrome
Lisa, Bright and Dark by John Neufeld - PG - *** - mental illness
Not As Crazy As I Seem by George Harrar - PG - ** - obsessive-compulsive disorder

BODY CHANGES - growing up and dealing with natural physical changes (as opposed to health, weight, or body image issues; disorders/injuries are in a separate list above this one)
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart - PG - ****
Peace, Love & Baby Ducks by Lauren Myracle - PG-13 - ****
Geek Magnet by Kieran Scott - PG - ***
Me, In Between by Lauren Baratz-Logsted - PG - ***

TEENAGE PREGNANCY - may also deal with adoption and/or abortion
Borrowed Light by Anna Fienberg - PG-13 - ****
Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen - PG-13 - ****
Love (and Other Uses for Duct Tape) by Carrie Jones - PG-13 - ****
Jumping Off Swings by Jo Knowles - PG - ****
How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr - PG - ***
Gingerbread by Rachel Cohn - PG-13 - ***
-- Sequel: Shrimp by Rachel Cohn - PG-13 - ***
-- Then: Cupcake by Rachel Cohn - PG-13 - ****
Exit, Pursued by a Bear by E.K. Johnston - PG-13 - ****
Tell Me a Secret by Holly Cupala - PG - ****
A Swift Pure Cry by Siobhan Dowd - PG - ***
Blue Plate Special by Michelle D. Kwasney - PG-13/R - ***
Angel's Choice by Lauren Baratz-Logsted - PG-13 - ***
Making the Run by Heather Henson - PG-13 - ***
Fact of Life # 31 by Denise Vega - PG-13 - ***
Almost Alice by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor - PG-13 - ***
Kendra by Coe Booth - PG-13 - ***
After by Amy Efaw - PG - **

Dreamland by Sarah Dessen - PG-13/R - ****
LoveSick by Jake Coburn - PG-13 - **

Rabble Starkey by Lois Lowry - G - ****
So B. It by Sarah Weeks - G - ****
The Shape of Water by Anne Spollen - PG - ****
Pictures of Hollis Wood by Patricia Reilly Griff - G - ****
Hugging the Rock by Susan Taylor Brown - G - ****
The Meaning of Maggie by Megan Jean Sovern - G - ****
Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes by Chris Crutcher - PG - ****
The Tenderness of Thieves by Donna Freitas - PG-13 - ***
An Egg on Three Sticks by Jackie Fischer - PG - ***
Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta - PG - ***
A Corner of the Universe by Ann M. Martin - G - ***
Homecoming by Cynthia Voigt - PG - ***
- the first in the Tillerman cycle; seven books total
Breathe My Name by R.A. Nelson - PG-13 - ***

Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta - PG - **** - mother
The Snowball Effect by Holly Nicole Hoxter - PG - **** - mother
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson - PG-13 - **** - father
Essential Maps for the Lost by Deb Caletti - PG-13 - **** - multiple characters
Black Box by Julie Schumacher - PG - **** - older sister
Life, After by Sarah Darer Littman - G/PG - **** - father
Get Well Soon by Julie Halpern - PG-13 - *** - protagonist
You Know Where to Find Me by Rachel Cohn - PG-13 - *** - protagonist
Letters From Rapunzel by Sara Lewis Holmes - PG - *** - father
The Phoenix Dance by Dia Calhoun - G - *** - protagonist
The Whole Story of Half a Girl by Veera Hiranandani - G - *** - father
The Summer of May by Cecilia Galante - PG - *** - mother
What I Believe by Norma Fox Mazer - PG - *** - father
The Opposite of Music by Janet Ruth Young - G - *** - father
Checkers by John Marsden - PG - ** - protagonist

Purge by Sarah Darer Littman - PG-13 - ****
Perfect by Natasha Friend - PG - ***
Get Well Soon by Julie Halpern - PG-13 - ***
Cut by Patricia McCormick - PG - ***
Checkers by John Marsden - PG - ***
Impulse by Ellen Hopkins - PG-13 - ***

Cut by Patricia McCormick - PG - ***
Impulse by Ellen Hopkins - PG-13 - ***

The Good Girl by Kerry Cohen Hoffmann - PG - **** - protagonist steals
All the Things You Are by Courtney Sheinmel - PG - **** - mother steals
Stealing Heaven by Elizabeth Scott - PG - *** - protagonist steals
Lifted by Wendy Toliver - PG - *** - protagonist steals, friends steal

DIVORCE, SEPARATION, AND/OR STEPFAMILIES - parents dating, getting remarried, etc
The Steps by Rachel Cohn - G - ****
- Sequel: Two Steps Forward by Rachel Cohn - PG - ***
Gingerbread trilogy by Rachel Cohn - PG-13 - ****
- Gingerbread by Rachel Cohn - PG-13 - ****
- Shrimp by Rachel Cohn - PG-13 - ****
- Cupcake by Rachel Cohn - PG-13 - ****
The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen - PG-13 - ****
Wild Roses by Deb Caletti - PG - ****
The Story of Us by Deb Caletti - PG - ****
Stay With Me by Garret Freymann-Weyr - PG-13 - ****
Bloom by Elizabeth Scott - PG-13 - ****
A Little Friendly Advice by Siobhan Vivian - PG - ****
Albatross by Josie Bloss - PG - ****
Return to Me by Justina Chen - PG - ****
The Poison Apples by Lily Archer - PG - ****
Bad Apple by Laura Ruby - PG - ****
The Wedding Planner's Daughter series by Coleen Murtagh Paratore - G-PG - ****
- The Wedding Planner's Daughter
- The Cupid Chronicles
- Willa at Heart
- Forget-Me-Not
- Wish I Might
The Alice McKinley series by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor - 20 books in the series, ranging from G to PG-13, each *** or ****
- Start with: The Agony of Alice by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor - G - ****
Wish You Were Here by Catherine Clark - PG - ****
The Shape of Water by Anne Spollen - PG - ****
Looks by Madeleine George - PG - ****
My So-Called Family by Courtney Sheinmel - G - ****
The Good Girl by Kerry Cohen Hoffmann - PG - ****
Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen - PG/PG-13 - ****
Ordinary Beauty by Laura Wiess - PG-13 - ***
Boys are Dogs by Leslie Margolis - G - ***
- Girls Acting Catty by Leslie Margolis - G - ***
- Everybody Bugs Out by Leslie Margolis - G - ***
How to Build a House by Dana Reinhardt - PG-13 - ***
Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen - PG-13 - ***
Girl, Hero by Carrie Jones - PG - ***
Bounce by Natasha Friend - PG - ***
Broken by Alyxandra Harvey-Fitzhenry - PG - ***
Seeing Sky-Blue Pink by Candice Ransom - G - ***
So Totally Emily Ebers by Lisa Yee - G - ***
The Friskative Dog by Susan Straight - G - ***
The Julian Game by Adele Griffin - PG - ***
What Every Girl (Except Me) Knows by Nora Raleigh Baskin - G - ***
The Latent Powers of Dylan Fontaine by April Lurie - PG-13 - ***
Just Another Day in My Insanely Real Life by Barbara Dee - PG - **

The Alison Rules by Catherine Clark - PG - **** - mother
The Snowball Effect by Holly Nicole Hoxter - PG - **** - mother
The Key to the Golden Firebird by Maureen Johnson - PG - **** - father
The Pursuit of Happiness by Tara Altebrando - PG-13 - **** - mother
Dreamland Social Club by Tara Altebrando - PG - **** - mother
The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen - PG - **** - father
The Rest of the Story by Sarah Dessen - PG - **** - mother
Positively by Courtney Sheinmel - G - **** - mother
The Shape of Water by Anne Spollen - PG - **** - mother
Essential Maps for the Lost by Deb Caletti - PG-13 - **** - mother
With You and Without You by Ann M. Martin - G - **** - father
Fall for Anything by Courtney Summers - PG-13 - **** - father
Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta - PG - **** - mother
Stay by Deb Caletti - PG-13 - **** - mother
The Language Inside by Holly Thompson - G - **** - mother ill
Brushing Mom's Hair by Andrea Cheng, illustrated by Nicole Wong (verse novel) - G - **** - mother ill
On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta - PG - **** - mothers and fathers
Pieces of Georgia by Jennifer Bryant - G - **** - mother ill
High Dive by Tammar Stein - PG - **** - father
One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies by Sonya Sones - PG - **** - mother
A Brief Chapter in My Impossible Life by Dana Reinhardt - PG - **** - biological mother
The Difference Between You and Me by Madeleine George - PG/PG-13 - **** - two of the mother characters had cancer, one survived, one did not
The Maggie Valley Trilogy by Kerry Madden - G - **** - father ill
- Gentle's Holler
- Louisiana's Song
- Jessie's Mountain
You Shouldn't Have to Say Goodbye by Patricia Hermes - G - **** - mother
Like the Red Panda by Andrea Seigel - PG-13 - **** - both parents
Nothing by Robin Friedman - PG - **** - father
Nothing but Ghosts by Beth Kephart - PG - **** - mother
We Are Okay by Nina LaCour - PG - **** - mother
Life, After by Sarah Darer Littman - G/PG - **** - father of protagonist's friend
How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr - PG - *** - father
Ordinary Beauty by Laura Wiess - PG-13 - *** - mother
The Life of Glass by Jillian Cantor - PG - *** - father
The Summer of May by Cecilia Galante - PG - *** - mother
If I Stay by Gayle Forman - PG - *** - both parents
A Blind Spot for Boys by Justina Chen - PG - *** - father going blind
Burn for Burn trilogy by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian - PG-13 - *** - mother
A Blue So Dark by Holly Schindler - PG - *** - mother ill
A Swift Pure Cry by Siobhan Dowd - PG - *** - mother
Girl, Hero by Carrie Jones - PG - *** - stepfather
Very LeFreak by Rachel Cohn - R - *** - mother
Say the Word by Jeannine Garsee - PG-13 - *** - mother
Bounce by Natasha Friend - PG - *** - mother
Runaround by Helen Hemphill - G - *** - mother
After by Kristin Harmel - PG - *** - father
Broken by Alyxandra Harvey-Fitzhenry - PG - *** - mother
Me and the Pumpkin Queen by Marlane Kennedy - G - *** - mother
All About Vee by C. Leigh Purtill - PG - *** - mother
Sparrow by Sherri L. Smith - PG - *** - both parents
Perfect by Natasha Friend - PG - *** - father
Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life by Wendy Mass - G - *** - father
Shelter by Beth Cooley - PG - *** - father
Alive and Well in Prague, New York by Daphne Grab - PG - *** - father ill
Stealing Heaven by Elizabeth Scott - PG - *** - mother ill
Cures for Heartbreak by Margo Rabb - PG-13 - *** - mother
A Dance of Sisters by Tracey Porter - G - *** - mother
The Secret Hum of a Daisy by Tracy Holczer - G - *** - father passed away before protagonist was born; mother passes away when protag is 12
Amalee by Dar Williams - G - *** - mother
- Sequel: Lights, Camera, Amalee - G - ***
Runaway by Wendelin Van Draanen - PG - *** - mother
Not Anything by Carmen Rodrigues - PG-13 - *** - mother
Brushing Mom's Hair by Andrea Cheng, illustrated by Nicole Wong - G - *** - mother ill
The Julian Game by Adele Griffin - PG - **** - mother
After the Wreck, I Picked Myself Up, Spread My Wings, and Flew Away by Joyce Carol Oates - PG-13 - ** - mother

Adults looking for fiction about the loss of a spouse: Please see my note in the comments thread below.

Stay With Me by Garret Freymann-Weyr - PG-13 - **** - older half-sister
Umbrella Summer by Lisa Graff - G - **** - older brother
Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick - G - **** - little brother ill
- The follow-up, After Ever After by Jordan Sonnenblick, is from the younger brother's POV
See You at Harry's by Jo Knowles - G - **** - plot point I don't want to spoil
A Summer to Die by Lois Lowry - G - **** - older sister ill
On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta - PG - **** - various siblings
Many Stones by Carolyn Coman - PG - **** - older sister
Tell Me a Secret by Holly Cupala - PG - **** - older sister
All Rivers Flow to the Sea by Alison McGhee - PG-13 - **** - older sister ill
The Maggie Valley Trilogy by Kerry Madden - G - **** - older sister
- Gentle's Holler
- Louisiana's Song
- Jessie's Mountain
A Map of the Known World by Lisa Ann Sandell - G - **** - older brother
The Good Girl by Kerry Cohen Hoffmann - PG - **** - older brother
Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson - PG - **** - younger sister ill
- Sequel: Scarlett Fever by Maureen Johnson - PG - ****
The Way He Lived by Emily Wing Smith - PG - **** - brother
Bad Apple by Laura Ruby - PG - **** - older sister ill
After Iris by Natasha Farrant - G - *** - twin sister
You Know Where to Find Me by Rachel Cohn - PG-13 - *** - technically cousins, raised almost like sisters
If I Stay by Gayle Forman - PG - *** - little brother
Wish by Joseph Monninger - PG - *** - younger brother ill
My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult - PG - *** - older sister ill
The Good Girl by Kerry Cohen Hoffmann - PG - *** - older brother
When I Was Older by Garret Freymann-Weyr - PG - *** - younger sister
Dead Girls Don't Write Letters by Gail Giles - PG - *** - older sister
The Second Virginity of Suzy Green by Sara Hantz - PG-13 - *** - older sister
Stop Pretending: What Happened When My Big Sister Went Crazy by Sonya Sones - G - ***
Can't Look Away by Donna Cooner - PG - *** - little sister
Breathless by Jessica Warman - R - *** - older brother
Six Feet Over It by Jennifer Longo - G - *** - older sister
Saving Zoë by Alyson Noel - PG - *** - older sister
Sparrow by Sherri L. Smith - PG - *** - little brother
Just One Wish by Janette Rallison - G - *** - little brother ill
34 Pieces of You by Carmen Rodriguez - PG-13 - **

Hold Still by Nina LaCour - PG/PG-13 - ****
Just Like That by Marsha Qualey - PG-13 - ****
The Beautiful Between by Alyssa B. Sheinmel - PG - ****
Swollen by Melissa Lion - PG - ****
Upstream by Melissa Lion - PG - ****
Olive's Ocean by Kevin Henkes - PG - ****
Feathered by Laura Kasischke - PG - ****
What Happens Here by Tara Altebrando - PG - ****
The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson - PG - ****
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson - G - ****
Say Goodnight, Gracie by Julie Reece Deaver - PG - ****
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver - PG-13 - ****
On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta - PG - ****
You Are Not Here by Samantha Schutz - PG - ****
A Time for Dancing by Davida Wills Hurwin - PG - ****
- Sequel: The Farther You Run - PG - ****
Once and For All by Sarah Dessen - PG-13 - ****
Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen - PG - ****
Light Years by Tammar Stein - PG - ****
A Heart in a Body in the World by Deb Caletti - PG/PG-13 - ****
The Way He Lived by Emily Wing Smith - PG - ****
Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen - PG/PG-13 - ****
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart - PG - ***
You Know Where to Find Me by Rachel Cohn - PG-13 - ***
The Girl in the Park by Mariah Fredericks - PG - ***
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green - PG-13 - ***
The Comeback Season by Jennifer E. Smith - G - ***
Because of Anya by Margaret Peterson Haddix - G - ***
Rain is Not My Indian Name by Cynthia Leitich Smith - G - ***
Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson - PG - ***
Kiss Me, Kill Me trilogy by Lauren Henderson - PG - ***
(Read them in order: Kiss Me, Kill Me; Kisses and Lies; Kissing in the Dark)
Notes from the Dog by Gary Paulsen - G - ***
Skin Deep by E.R. Crane - G - ***
Undone by Brooke Taylor - PG-13 - ***
Lovely, Dark and Deep by Amy McNamara - PG - ***
Marly's Ghost by David Levithan - PG - ***
Six Feet Over It by Jennifer Longo - G - ***
All Unquiet Things by Anna Jarzab - PG-13 - **
In the Company of Crazies by Nora Raleigh Baskin - PG - **
34 Pieces of You by Carmen Rodriguez - PG-13 - **

Snap by Alison McGhee - G - ****
We Are Okay by Nina LaCour - PG - ****
Reaching for Sun by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer - G - ****
Loose Threads by Lorie Ann Grover - G - ****
The Summer I Saved the World...in 65 Days by Michele Weber Hurwitz - G - ****
Itch by Michelle D. Kwasney - G - ****
Curveball: The Year I Lost My Grip by Jordan Sonnenblick - G - ****
The Life of Glass by Jillian Canton - PG - ***
House of Dance by Beth Kephart - G - ***
Sparrow by Sherri L. Smith - PG - ***
The Snowball Effect by Holly Nicole Hoxter - PG - ****
Bad Apple by Laura Ruby - PG - ****
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart - PG - ***
Blind Faith by Ellen Wittlinger - PG - ***
Lights, Camera, Amalee by Dar Williams - G - ***
- Sequel to Amalee - G - ***
A Million Ways Home by Dianna Dorisi Winget - G - ***
Remember This by S.T. Underdahl - G - ***

Riding the Universe by Gaby Triana - PG/PG-13 - **** - uncle
Stay With Me by Garret Freymann-Weyr - PG-13 - **** - father's first wife
Life, After by Sarah Darer Littman - G/PG - **** - aunt
13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson - PG - *** - aunt

Nearly every book by Lurlene McDaniel revolves around a young character facing illness or a tragedy. Most of her stories are PG - *** My favorite McDaniel stories are those about Dawn Rochelle, who has leukemia:
- Six Months to Live
- I Want to Live
- So Much to Live For
- No Time to Cry
- To Live Again
Forever Changes by Brendan Halpin - PG-13 - **** - cystic fibrosis
The Doll Hospital by James Duffy - G - ****
After Ever After by Jordan Sonnenblick - G - **** - cancer
- This book is the follow-up to Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick, which is from his older brother's POV. After Ever After is from the younger brother's POV, years later.
Finding Ruby Starling by Karen Rivers - G - *** - heart transplant
What Happened to Lani Garver by Carol Plum-Ucci - PG-13 - **** - leukemia
In a Heartbeat by Loretta Ellsworth - PG - *** - heart transplant
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green - PG-13 - *** - cancer
Side Effects by Amy Goldman Koss - PG - **** - lymphoma
Breathing by Cheryl Renée Herbsman - PG - **** - asthma
Don't Breathe a Word by Holly Cupala - PG-13 - *** - asthma
Two Girls Staring at the Ceiling by Lucy Frank - PG/PG-13 - *** - Crohn's disease
Guts by Raina Telgemeier - PG - *** - stomach troubles - irritable bowel syndrome
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart - PG - *** - post-traumatic headaches and memory loss

Candy by Kevin Brooks - R - ****

CAR ACCIDENTS (and similar accidents)
Say Goodnight, Gracie by Julie Reece Deaver - PG - ****
On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta - PG - ****
Looking for Alaska by John Green - PG-13 - ****
Mistik Lake by Martha Brooks - PG-13 - ****
The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson - PG - ****
The Maggie Valley Trilogy by Kerry Madden - G - ****
- Gentle's Holler
- Louisiana's Song
- Jessie's Mountain
A Map of the Known World by Lisa Ann Sandell - G - ****
Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson - PG/PG-13 - ***
The Pretty One by Cheryl Klam - PG - ***
Sparrow by Sherri L. Smith - PG - ***
Leaving Paradise by Simone Elkeles - PG-13 - ***
Wrecked by E.R. Frank - PG-13 - ***
Making the Run by Heather Henson - PG-13 - ***
Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life by Wendy Mass - G - ***
Undone by Brooke Taylor - PG-13 - ***
Lovely, Dark and Deep by Amy McNamara - PG - ***
After the Wreck, I Picked Myself Up, Spread My Wings, and Flew Away by Joyce Carol Oates - PG-13 - **

Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen - PG - **** - older brother
Such a Pretty Girl by Laura Wiess - R - *** - father
Black Taxi by James Moloney - PG - *** - father

ADOPTION - Also foster care, group homes, and counseling
Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin - PG - ****
A Brief Chapter in My Impossible Life by Dana Reinhardt - PG - ****
Where I'd Like to Be by Frances O'Roark Dowell - G - ****
Pictures of Hollis Wood by Patricia Reilly Giff - G - ****
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley - PG - ****
The Decoding of Lana Morris by Laura & Tom McNeal - PG - ****
The Indigo Notebook by Laura Resau - PG - ****
Riding the Universe by Gaby Triana - PG/PG-13 - ****
The Snowball Effect by Holly Nicole Hoxter - PG - ****
The Janie series by Caroline B. Cooney - PG - ***
- The Face on the Milk Carton
- Whatever Happened to Janie?
- The Voice on the Radio
- What Janie Found
They Never Came Back by Caroline B. Cooney - G - ***
The Other Sister by S.T. Underdahl - G - ***
The Lucky Kind by Alyssa B. Sheinmel - PG-13 - ***
Blackthorn Winter by Kathryn Reiss - PG - ***
Returnable Girl by Pamela Lowell - PG-13 - ***
The Other Half of Me by Emily Franklin - PG - ***
Runaway by Wendelin Van Draanen - PG - ***
The Last Chance Texaco by Brent Hartinger - PG - ***
Find a Stranger, Say Goodbye by Lois Lowry - PG - ***
First Daughter books by Mitali Perkins - PG - ***
- Extreme American Makeover
- White House Rules
Red Glass by Laura Resau - PG - ***
Finding Ruby Starling by Karen Rivers - G - ***
A Million Ways Home by Dianna Dorisi Winget - G - ***

For more titles, check out my adoption booklist.

The Girl in the Box by Ouida Sebestyen - PG - ****
Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott - PG-13 - ****
You Are My Only by Beth Kephart - PG - ****
Long Live the Queen by Ellen Emerson White - PG-13 - ****
(Note: This is the third book in The President's Daughter series. Scroll down to the POLITICS list to see all of the titles in this line.)
Missing Since Monday by Ann M. Martin - G - ***
Jump the Cracks by Stacy DeKeyser - PG - ***
The Janie series by Carolyn B. Cooney - PG - ***
- The Face on the Milk Carton
- Whatever Happened to Janie?
- The Voice on the Radio
- What Janie Found

Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta - PG-13 - ****
Nothing but the Truth (and a few White Lies) by Justina Chen Headley - PG - ****
Girl Overboard by Justina Chen Headley - PG/PG-13 - ****
Light Years by Tammar Stein - PG - ****
Adios to My Old Life by Caridad Ferrar - PG-13 - ****
It's Not About the Accent by Caridad Ferrar - PG-13 - ****
Good Enough by Paula Yoo - PG - ****
Skunk Girl by Sheba Karim - PG - ****
Does My Head Look Big in This? by Randa Abdel-Fattah - PG - ****
Ten Things I Hate About Me by Randa Abdel-Fattah - PG - ****
The Language Inside by Holly Thompson - G - ****
Who Will Tell My Brother? by Marlene Carvell - PG - ****
The Indigo Notebook by Laura Resau - PG - ****
Emily Goldberg Learns to Salsa by Micol Ostow - PG - ***
Seeing Emily by Joyce Lee Wong - G - *** (verse novel)
Shine, Coconut Moon by Neesha Meminger - PG/PG-13 - ***
Koyal Dark, Mango Sweet by Kashmira Sheth - PG - ***
Cubanita by Gaby Triana - PG-13 - ***
Estrella's Quinceanera by Malin Alegria - PG - ***
Secret Keeper by Mitali Perkins - PG - ***
First Daughter books by Mitali Perkins - PG - ***
- Extreme American Makeover
- White House Rules
Rickshaw Girl by Mitali Perkins - G - ***
The Whole Story of Half a Girl by Veera Hiranandani - G - ***
Rain is Not My Indian Name by Cynthia Leitich Smith - G - ***
Kimchi & Calamari by Rose Kent - G - ***
American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang (graphic novel) - PG - ***
Hot, Sour, Salty, Sweet by Sherri L. Smith - G - ***
What I Meant... by Marie Lamba - PG - ***
Orchards by Holly Thompson - PG - ***
If a Tree Falls at Lunch Period by Gennifer Choldenko - PG - ***
No Laughter Here by Rita Williams-Garcia - G - **
Chloe Leiberman (Sometimes Wong) by Carrie Rosten - PG - **
Off-Color by Janet McDonald - PG - **
Mismatch by Lensey Namioka - PG - **

Hold Still by Nina LaCour - PG/PG-13 - ****
Like the Red Panda by Andrea Seigel - PG-13 - ****
Fall for Anything by Courtney Summers - PG-13 - ****
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver - PG-13 - ****
Essential Maps for the Lost by Deb Caletti - PG-13 - ****
You Know Where to Find Me by Rachel Cohn - PG-13 - ***
This is What I Want to Tell You by Heather Duffy Stone - PG-13 - ***
Backlash by Sarah Darer Littman - PG - ***
Orchards by Holly Thompson - PG - ***
Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson - PG - ***
Drowning Anna (also published as Blue) by Sue Mayfield - PG - ***
Burn for Burn trilogy by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian - PG-13 - ***
Aimee by Mary Beth Miller - PG-13 - ***
Impulse by Ellen Hopkins - PG-13 - ***
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher - PG-13 - **
34 Pieces of You by Carmen Rodriguez - PG-13 - **
Trigger by Susan Vaught - PG-13 - **

ACADEMICS - cheating, excelling, or otherwise dealing with academic pressure
Cracked Up to Be by Courtney Summers - PG-13 - ****
Multiple Choice by Janet Tashjian - G - **** - decision-making, perfectionism
Good Enough by Paula Yoo - PG - ****
The Life and Crimes of Bernetta Wallflower by Lisa Graff - G - ****
Hacking Harvard by Robin Wasserman - PG/PG-13 - ***
She's So Money by Cherry Cheva - PG - ***
DupliKate by Cherry Cheva - PG - ***
Crunch Time by Mariah Fredericks - PG - ***
The Taker by J.M. Steele - PG - ***
Cheating Lessons by Nan Willard Cappo - G - ***
The Cheat by Amy Goldman Koss - G - ***
Carpe Diem by Autumn Cornwell - PG - **

SOCIAL STATUS - at school or otherwise with peers; popularity, bullying, et al.
Define "Normal" by Julie Anne Peters - G - ****
Story of a Girl by Sara Zarr - PG-13 - ****
Cracked Up to Be by Courtney Summers - PG-13 - ****
Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers - PG-13 - ****
The Girls by Amy Goldman Koss - G - ****
Bad Apple by Laura Ruby - PG - ****
Looks by Madeleine George - PG - ****
Season of the Witch by Mariah Fredericks - PG/PG-13 - ****
Millicent Min, Girl Genius by Lisa Yee - G - ****
Paisley Hanover Acts Out by Cameron Tuttle - PG - ****
Backlash by Sarah Darer Littman - PG - ***
The Julian Game by Adele Griffin - PG - ***
Read My Lips by Teri Brown - PG - ***
Good Girls by Laura Ruby - PG-13/R - ***
Walking Naked by Alyssa Brugman - PG - ***
Burn for Burn (first book in the Signs Trilogy) by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian - PG-13 - ***
The Queen of Cool by Cecil Castellucci - PG-13 - ***
How Not to Be Popular by Jennifer Ziegler - PG - ***
A Bad Boy Can Be Good for a Girl by Tanya Lee Stone (verse novel) - PG-13 - ***
Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson - PG-13 - ***
Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli - PG - ***
Drowning Anna (also published as Blue) by Sue Mayfield - PG - ***
The Misfits by James Howe - G - ***
Fringe Girl by Valerie Frankel - PG - *** (Note: First in a series)
Before, After, and Somebody In Between by Jeannine Garsee - PG - ***

Daughters of Eve by Lois Duncan - PG-13 - ****
Crimes of the Sarahs by Kristen Tracy - PG-13 - ****
Read My Lips by Teri Brown - PG - ***
Playing in Traffic by Gail Giles - PG-13 - ***
Amadine by Adele Griffin - PG - ***
Cheating Lessons by Nan Willard Cappo - G - ***
Leaving Fishers by Margaret Peterson Haddix - PG - ***
Pretty Little Liars series by Sara Shepard - PG-13 - ***
Harmless by Dana Reinhardt - PG-13 - ***
Shattering Glass by Gail Giles - PG-13 - **
Breaking Point by Alex Flinn - PG-13 - **

Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature by Robin Brande - G - ****
Leap of Faith by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley - G - ****
The Patron Saint of Butterflies by Cecilia Galante - PG - ****
This Gorgeous Game by Donna Freitas - PG - ****
Glory quartet by Jodi Lynn - PG - ****
- Glory
- Shadow Tree
- Blue Girl
- Forget-Me-Not
Confessions of a Closet Catholic by Sarah Darer Littman - G - ****
Goy Crazy by Melissa Schorr - PG - ****
OyMG by Amy Fellner Dominy - G - ****
Intentions by Deborah Heiligman - PG-13 - ****
The Good Lie by Robin Brande - PG-13/R - ****
Tell Me a Secret by Holly Cupala - PG - ****
A Brief Chapter in My Impossible Life by Dana Reinhardt - PG - ****
Dancing in the Dark by Robyn Bavati - PG - ****
Never Mind the Goldbergs by Matthue Roth - PG-13 - ****
The Way He Lived by Emily Wing Smith - PG - ****
Once Was Lost by Sara Zarr - PG - ****
The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams - PG - ***
Leaving Fishers by Margaret Peterson Haddix - PG - ***
Godless by Pete Hautman - PG - ***

Too Big a Storm by Marsha Qualey - PG - ***
Wide Awake by David Levithan - PG-13 - ***
The President's Daughter series by Ellen Emerson White
- The President's Daughter - PG-13 - ***
- White House Autumn - PG-13 - ****
- Long Live the Queen - PG-13 - ****
- Long May She Reign - PG-13 - ***
Popular Vote by Micol Ostow - PG - ***
Total Knockout: Tale of an Ex-Class President by Taylor Morris - G - ***
Standing for Socks by Elissa Brent Weissman - G - ***
The First Daughter books by Mitali Perkins - PG - ***
- Extreme American Makeover
- White House Rules
Born to Rock by Gordon Korman - PG-13 - **
Vote for Larry by Janet Tashjian - PG - **
- sequel to The Gospel According to Larry - PG - ***

A Brief Chapter in My Impossible Life by Dana Reinhardt - PG - ****
The Difference Between You and Me by Madeleine George - PG/PG-13 - ****
How to Build a House by Dana Reinhardt - PG - ***
That Girl Lucy Moon by Amy Timberlake - G - ***

INTERNET SAFETY - and/or cyberbullying
Bad Apple by Laura Ruby - PG - ****
Backlash by Sarah Darer Littman - PG - ***
Want to Go Private? by Sarah Darer Littman - PG-13 - ***
The Julian Game by Adele Griffin - PG - ***
Saving Zoë by Alyson Noel - PG - ***
Dear Jo by Christina Kilbourne - PG - ***
Can't Look Away by Donna Cooner - PG - ***

SEEKING SHELTER - family shelters, homelessness, runaways
Hershey Herself by Cecelia Galante - G - ****
Glory quartet by Jodi Lynn - PG - ****
- Glory
- Shadow Tree
- Blue Girl
- Forget-Me-Not
Ordinary Beauty by Laura Wiess - PG-13 - ***
How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr - PG - ***
Runaway by Wendelin Van Draanen - G - ***
Shelter by Beth Cooley - PG - ***
Tinfoil Sky by Cyndi Sand-Eveland - G - ***
Wonders of the World by Brian Yansky - PG-13 - **

I hope that this list helps readers of all ages find books they may be too shy to openly discuss with a bookseller or librarian. I want those readers to know they may leave a comment here and tell me which books they have found valuable. Most of all, I want them to know they can talk to their friends or adults they know in order to get the answers and help they may need.

If you would like for me to add more titles about a certain subject, or if you want more information about any of the books on the list, please leave a comment.

Special thanks to those who have shown their support of this list by offering me links, comments, and compliments, such as Jen Robinson, Bookseller Chick, Robin Brande, Sassymonkey at BlogHer, Daisy Whitney, Caroline, Bookstore People, and Jennifer R. Hubbard.

Little Willow [userpic]

Booklist: After Graduation

June 1st, 2021 (04:40 pm)

Current Mood: okay
Current Song: I Wouldn't Mind by Duncan Sheik

Congratulations to all of my readers who have recently graduated from high school or college. You did it!

Times of transition can be difficult. The summer following the completion of high school is typically an interesting one as teens prepare for more changes in vocation, location, education, and life.

The following books follow characters as they live through that summer...

Roomies by Sara Zarr and Tara Altebrando
- After learning that they will be roommates, two college-bound girls exchange emails and become friends before meeting each other in person.
An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
- Two guys go on a road trip and end up in an interesting little town.
This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen
- One of my favorite Dessen novels, second only to The Truth About Forever.
The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen
- Another Dessen novel that details one girl's summer between high school and college.
Cubanita by Gaby Triana
- A summer filled with family, culture, heartbreak, and art.
The Temptress Four by Gaby Triana
- Four best friends take a cruise together after high school graduation.
How to Be Bad by E. Lockhart, Lauren Myracle, and Sarah Mlynowski
- Three girls take a three-day road trip.
The Disenchantments by Nina LaCour
- Immediately after their high school graduation, four friends head out on tour.
The Story of Us by Deb Caletti
- The protagonist's mother remarries, and two families merge into one.

...and/or that fall (autumn), as they make the transition between high school and college.

The Body of Evidence series by Christopher Golden and Rick Hautala
- There are ten books in this series. The main character, Jenna Blake, enters college in the first book, Body Bags, which begins with the line, "It was a beautiful day to grow up." Isn't that perfect?
Cupcake by Rachel Cohn
- The third in the CC trilogy, following Gingerbread and Shrimp.
Very LeFreak by Rachel Cohn
- Veronica (aka Very) has a difficult time balancing school and fun during her freshman year at Columbia University.
Rocky Road Trip (previously published as Wurst Case Scenario) by Catherine Clark
- Sequel to Banana Splitsville (previously published as Truth or Dairy).
It's Not About the Accent by Caridad Ferrer
- A girl reinvents herself upon entering college.
Finding Grace by Alyssa Brugman
- A high school graduate becomes a sort of caretaker to a brain-damaged woman.
Shift by Jennifer Bradbury
- Two guys go on a biking trip after high school, but only one starts college.
Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson
- Two of Scarlett's siblings consider college and work.

Related Booklists at Bildungsroman:
Set in School and Transition Times

Little Willow [userpic]

Poetry Friday: Sea Holly by Elizabeth-Jane Burnett and Tony Lopez

April 30th, 2021 (10:08 am)

Current Mood: sleepy
Current Song: Sweetness by Jimmy Eat World

she swam
only at night
on the spring tides

in the silk light of water
slipping her over
the mud flats

when they studied why she did it
drifted far beyond her limits
though it made her vulnerable to prey

several theories came
but none swam
at night in a spring tide
in the silk light unsure
of itself
becoming only what is left
after breaking

- selected lines from Sea Holly by Elizabeth-Jane Burnett and Tony Lopez

Read the full poem.

View all posts tagged as Poetry Friday at Bildungsroman.

View the roundup schedule at A Year of Reading.

Learn more about Poetry Friday.

Little Willow [userpic]

Poetry Friday: Earth Day by Jane Yolen

April 23rd, 2021 (06:00 am)

Current Mood: calm
Current Song: Surviving by Jimmy Eat World

I am the Earth
And the Earth is me.
Each blade of grass,
Each honey tree,
Each bit of mud,
And stick and stone
Is blood and muscle,
Skin and bone.

And just as I
Need every bit
Of me to make
My body fit,
So Earth needs
Grass and stone and tree
And things that grow here

That's why we
Celebrate this day.
That's why across
The world we say:
As long as life,
As dear, as free,
I am the Earth
And the Earth is me.

- Earth Day by Jane Yolen

View all posts tagged as Poetry Friday at Bildungsroman.

View the roundup schedule at A Year of Reading.

Learn more about Poetry Friday.

Little Willow [userpic]

Earth Day Every Day!

April 22nd, 2021 (07:00 am)

Current Mood: thirsty
Current Song: Topper score music

Celebrate Earth Day every day! Here are just a few ways you can help protect this planet of ours and inspire others to do the same.

Every single time you go to throw something away, take a moment to consider how you could recycle, reduce, or reuse that item. Don't just toss things in the trash.

Be creative! Use that empty oatmeal canister to store fruit or jewelry or socks - but not all at the same time - or make it into a drum!

Recycle everything that you can - newspapers, plastic bottles, tin cans, everything. Check containers to see if they can be recycled and either take them to a local recycling center or, if you have separate trash bins for recyclables and greenery, use them properly and encourage your family and neighbors to do the same.

Bring your own canvas bags to the grocery store and other shops.

Buy locally grown and/or organic foods. After a meal, give those uneaten bread crusts to the creatures outside. I know, I know, you don't want to attract raccoons and such into your yard, but maybe you can feed the ducks at the pond or offer those crumbs to the critters at a local park. If possible, make a compost pile.

Eat at home and you'll save time and money, spend more time with your loved ones, and consume healthier foods. If you have to eat at work or school, pack your food in a reusable lunchbox, and include reusable utensils, plates, and containers.

Get a reusable beverage container and keep it with you. Summer's coming, so it's time to hydrate even more than usual!

When making purchases of any kind, look for items made of recycled and/or organic materials. Try not to buy things with excessive, wasteful packaging. Consider what it is that you're getting. Do you really need things to be individually wrapped?

Before you print something out, think about whether or not you really need to print it. If not, DON'T. Save that ink and that paper. When you do have to use paper, always use both sides, then recycle it when you're done with it.

Walk whenever you can, wherever you can.

Use public transportation whenever you can.

Carpool to and from work, school, and other places.

Make an effort to move more. Take a walk at lunch and/or before or after work, especially if you have a job where you sit all day. Also run, or run-walk, or hike, if you can. Ride a bicycle, a tricycle, a skateboard, a scooter - whatever works for you and runs solely on the power of your own two feet (and arms, and heart, and lungs...) Make it part of your daily routine. If you include friends or family members, you're more likely to meet your goals because you will be challenging and encouraging each other. Whether you are with friends or by yourself, make sure that you have the proper safety equipment and protective gear, like a helmet and knee pads, if necessary, plus that trusty reusable drinking container filled with fresh, cool water, and healthy snacks. If you're going on a big hike or biking an offbeat trail by yourself, please, please make sure someone knows where you are, because I get really worried when I picture you doing that alone.

For those of you unfamiliar with Earth Day, here's a brief history: The United Nations celebrates Earth Day annually on the March equinox, inspired by activist John McConnell in 1969. In 1970, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson founded Earth Day as an environmental "teach-in," and it is celebrated annually on April 22nd in the United States and other countries.

Again I say: Earth Day every day!

Related Posts:

The Julie books by Megan McDonald - I highly recommend that you read Julie and the Eagles in your classroom or library and at home with your family!

Readergirlz: Community Challenge: Go Eco - From June 2007

Little Willow [userpic]

Poetry Friday: Flowers by Wendy Videlock

April 16th, 2021 (06:00 am)

Current Mood: good
Current Song: Pretty Please by Dua Lipa

They are fleeting.
They are fragile.
They require

little water.
They'll surprise you.
They'll remind you

that they aren't
and they are you.

- Flowers by Wendy Videlock

View all posts tagged as Poetry Friday at Bildungsroman.

View the roundup schedule at A Year of Reading.

Learn more about Poetry Friday.

Little Willow [userpic]

Poetry Friday: In Your Absence by Judith Harris

April 9th, 2021 (06:00 am)

Current Mood: amused
Current Song: Surviving by Jimmy Eat World

It is only April.
I can't stop my own life
from hurrying by.
The moon, already pacing.

- selected lines from In Your Absence by Judith Harris

View all posts tagged as Poetry Friday at Bildungsroman.

View the roundup schedule at A Year of Reading.

Learn more about Poetry Friday.

Little Willow [userpic]

Poetry Friday: Loneliness by Rupi Kaur

April 2nd, 2021 (06:00 am)

Current Mood: exhausted
Current Song: Futures by Jimmy Eat World

Loneliness is a sign you are in desperate need of yourself.

- Rupi Kaur

View all posts tagged as Poetry Friday at Bildungsroman.

View the roundup schedule at A Year of Reading.

Learn more about Poetry Friday.

Little Willow [userpic]

Poetry Friday: Snow in the Loop by Mary Grier

March 26th, 2021 (06:00 am)

Current Mood: okay
Current Song: Fire by David Cook

In all the narrow alleys from the sky
Slow snow crowds down the air.

The dusky edges of the buildings there
Watch, even and alert.

- Snow in the Loop by Mary Grier

View all posts tagged as Poetry Friday at Bildungsroman.

View the roundup schedule at A Year of Reading.

Learn more about Poetry Friday.

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