HILT 2018 � � � � � � ACM logo - Advancing Computing as a Science & Profession

ACM SIGAda’s High Integrity Language Technology
International Workshop on
Cyber-Security Interaction with High Integrity

Organized by SIGAda, ACM’s Special Interest Group on the Ada Programming Language.

November 5-6, 2018 — Boston, Massachusetts (USA)

This is the fifth in the HILT series of conferences and workshops focused on the use of High Integrity Language Technology to address challenging issues in the engineering of software-intensive critical systems. HILT 2018 will focus on addressing cybersecurity and cyber-resilience issues that arise in real-time, embedded, and/or safety-critical systems. Submissions are encouraged describing theoretical and practical efforts related to the use of safe languages, formal methods, model-based development, and advanced static analysis to identify and mitigate cybersecurity vulnerabilities in software-intensive systems. The workshop will bring together academic, industrial, and government researchers and practitioners focused on the use of these advanced language technology and tools, with a particular focus on addressing the growing cybersecurity threats.

Information is also on SPLASH's website for HILT 2018

Please check back here periodically for up-to-date information about the conference program.

Gold Sponsors


Bronze Sponsors


logo for Boston Park Plaza Hotel

Boston Park Plaza Hotel

50 Park Plaza
Boston, Massachusetts � 02116 � (USA)

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USA Visas: If you require a visa to attend HILT 2018, read this IMPORTANT VISA INFORMATION FOR NON-US SUBMITTERS.

Created on 12 October 2018;� website comments and corrections to ClydeRoby at ACM.Org