All tumblr users should use Firefox with GreaseMonkey.
Useful tools summary for Safari
and install below scripts.
- Greasemonkey Greasemonkey :: Firefox Add-ons
- AutoPagerize
- MiniBuffer
- LDRize
- ReblogCommand (CodeRepos) - ReblogCommand | 3.14
How to use. (Move to dashboard or other tumblog)
screencast at YouTube - ReblogCommand
- j, k key press - Down,Up
- t key - Reblog
- do multiple reblogs at a time
- p key press - Pin
- : key press and Minibuffer will appear at the bottom of browser.
- type “pinned-or-current-link | reblog | clear-pin” and Enter key. - Reblog
pinned-or-current-link | reblog | clear-pin
pinned-or-current-link | reverse | reblog | clear-pin
via 2007-11-12 - Muibrog (最新情報に対応させる為、少し改訂させていただきました)
It’s really cool. pls check it out. And I want to add Tombloo to this list.
Tombloo is the easiest tool to post web stuff to your tumblr. You only need to right click on the stuff and choose “share - ***” menu from the context menu. Then the post will be uploaded. and it’s done!
If you have interest to tombloo, please click following link and install tombloo.
I think tombloo is ten times faster than tumblr’s bookmarklet. It deserves to restart firefox once at least. :)
* If you want to edit your post, click “share - ***” with press down ctrl key. Then a new tab will open and you can edit the post as same as tumblr’s bookmarklet.
Tombloo-related links
- うたたね - Dashboard + Tombloo
- LDR + Tombloo – (livedoorReaderの記事をTombloo経由でリブログ可能にするスクリプト『LDR + Tombloo』 | Macの手書き説明書)
- Big Sky - tags:tumblr
- iview for Tombloo « ku
- Tomblooハックス - Flash SWFからJPEGファイルを取り出す « ku
- うたたね - Chat - Twitter
- Amazonの拡大画像をshareするパッチ - cxxの日記 - たんぶら部 - Tumblove -
- extractor.pixivPhoto.js - retlet::tumblr.g - たんぶら部 - Tumblove - (extractor.pixivPhoto.js at master from retlet’s tombloo_scripts - GitHub)
blockquote fix
Dashboard blockquote fix CSS, and change ’.page_info’ color.
Write this code in Firefox “userContent.css” file. (usercontent.css - Mozilla Firefox まとめサイト)
@-moz-document domain("") {
ol#posts li blockquote {
margin: 0 !important;
padding: 0 0 0 .5em !important;
p.autopagerize_page_info,a.autopagerize_link {
color: #fff!important;
And “followers” tools
- AutoPagerize Wiki: Home (autopagerize - SWiK)
- Wescript使っているユーザスクリプトを共有するサービスを公開しました。 (via Twitter / swdyh)
- silog - script/LDRize
- autopagerize 対応 - Google Search
- pagerizeをダブルクリックで制御するように変更 - Muibrog使ったのは現行のver.0.0.17。
--- autopagerize.user.js 2007-11-14 19:43:56.402724800 +0900 +++ 2007-11-14 19:44:21.448739200 +0900 @@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ this.loadedURLs = {} var toggle = function() {self.stateToggle()} this.toggle = toggle + document.body.addEventListener("dblclick", toggle, true) GM_registerMenuCommand('AutoPagerize - on/off', toggle) this.scroll= function() { self.onScroll() } window.addEventListener("scroll", this.scroll, false) @@ -295,6 +296,7 @@ AutoPager.prototype.terminate = function() { = COLOR['terminated'] window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.scroll, false) + document.body.removeEventListener("dblclick", this.toggle, true) var self = this setTimeout(function() { self.icon.parentNode.removeChild(self.icon)
- PROTO.JP BLOG » GreasemonkeyなしでtumblrをAutoPagerizeさせる!
- 什器 : twitterログのまとめかた
- TumblrLoginS (
This function was embedded in Tombloo since version - LDR Full Feed –
- The Whole World is peaceful. - go2back.tumblr.bookmarklet v2 (v1)
- Random Dashboard - cxx Tumblr
- Tumblr Dashboard Post Type Filter for GreasemonkeyTumblrのDashboardにpost typeによるフィルタを復活させます(Fix Tumblr Dashboard PaginationにUIを付けて改名しました)。AutoPagerizeと併用する場合は、「ユーザスクリプトの管理」でAutoPagerizeよりも上に置いておく必要があります。
- Tumblr Dashboard High-Res Photos for Greasemonkey
- Tumtaster – (
This script creates links to download mp3’s from audio posts on Tumblr.
) - ababababuf - Directory Index Finder
たくさんのポストにまとめてタグ追加・削除できる TumblrTagCommand をつくりました。
(via ɯhɥm - gist: 171089 - GitHub)- tumblr Dashboard jk disable - Wescript
- *Strings of Netlife :: v.2010::Keyblr更新のお知らせ
Other tools
- Firefox 3.1のカラーマネージメント (4): やってもzilla備忘録
- Make Link :: Firefox Add-ons
- Greased Lightbox, enhance browsing on websites that link to images - Shifting Pixel, Pictures, Photos, and Photography
- Taboo :: Firefox Add-ons
- [firefox][Greasemonkey][javascript] Fast look up JP and EN - jimo/memo
- albertayu773の画像を一括DLするためのGMスクリプト - Cherenkovの暗中模索にっき
(2010-11-16 revision [mark *])
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