A unit of the Enterprise Innovation Institute

Helping manufacturers regain global competitiveness, increase profitability, and grow US jobs.

Helping manufacturers regain global competitiveness, increase profitability, and grow U.S. jobs.

Our Impact


Administered Funds


Projects Implemented


Increase in Clients’ Sales

(Impacts within the past 5 years)


Employment Increase


Productivity Increase

Roadmap to Improving Competitiveness


SETAAC assists your firm — at NO COST— with applying for qualification. We review your company history, analyze qualification levels, and prepare and submit a “petition.”

Recovery Plan

Once certified, a SETAAC project manager will visit your firm to get your ideas and issues out on the table. They will work with you to create a formal Adjustment Plan (AP).


With your Adjustment Plan approved, SETAAC then helps you find and manage resources while helping to fund customized, business-boosting projects.

Supported by the

Interested in getting started?

Check out our eligibility requirements, or start the inquiry process.