Twenty-Three See-Through Maps

These maps were submitted to a map competition sponsored by the UC Berkeley Global Urban Humanities Initiative in association with a November 1, 2013 symposium called Mapping and its Discontents, co-sponsored by the UCLA Urban Humanities Initiative.

The first prize, co-sponsored by the Berkeley Center for New Media, was awarded on Nov. 1 at the Mapping and Its Discontents symposium to Alan McConchie for his map “Every Line Ever, Every Point Ever.”

The first seven entries below represent the finalists chosen by the jury. The fourteen other maps and two map critiques are selections the jury found intriguing and worthy of display.

Feel free to leave your own reflections on the maps by clicking “leave a reply.”

First Place Winner: OpenStreetMap: Every Line Ever, Every Point Ever | Alan McConchie

Click on image above to view the web-based map in full size [external link]

Author Essay: My submission consists of two interactive maps (accessible at generated from OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. OSM is a crowdsourced map of the world, edited collaboratively by hundreds of thousands of volunteers since its founding in 2004. Because the data for OSM is Continue reading

Finalist: San Francisco Public Art Map | Nancy Milholland

Click on image above to view the web-based map in full size [external link]

Author Essay: Two experiences inform the creation of the San Francisco Public Art Map. As a San Francisco dog owner, I often walk my terrier at Fort Funston. At the ocean’s edge, by a crumbling concrete structure, are various artworks celebrating dogs. A bas-relief sculpture depicts running greyhounds. A ceramic work shows a Continue reading

Finalist: Anti-Eviction Mapping Project | Jennifer Fieber, Olivia Jackson, & Erin McElroy

Click on image above to view the web-based map in full size [external link]

Author Essay: The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project (AMP) is an online digital storytelling and mapping project of the San Francisco Tenants Union endeavoring to make visible the ways in which evictions and gentrification target San Francisco Bay Area communities. It seeks to de-isolate Continue reading

Finalist: Undermined: The Real and Ideal in Berezniki | Benjamin Scheerbarth

Click on image above to view a zoomable PDF of the full map [81.5 MB]

Author Essay: The site of the proposed Uralkali Residential Complex (URC) is located just east of Berezniki, a mining city of 154,000 in the Perm region of Russia, close to the Ural Mountains. Historically a labor camp, Berezniki sits on vast amounts of potash fertilizer. Due to several sink holes Continue reading

Finalist: Far Rock | Aaron Reiss

Click on image above to view a zoomable PDF of the full map [0.7 MB]

Author Essay: Earlier this year, Hanah Weyer approached me to illustrate a map for her book “On The Come Up” which is based on the true story of AnneMarie. AnneMarie is a thirteen-year-old girl struggling with teen pregnancy and her unexpected success as a young actor.

The map is of the isolated neighborhood in Queens, called Far Rockaway, where AnneMarrie grew up. Hannah’s book is about life in Far Rockaway through Continue reading

Award of Special Merit: Natasha’s Pigeon & Pastry Project | Natasha Mei Ong


Click on image above to view a zoomable PDF of the full map [3.4 MB]

Author Essay: My name is Natasha Mei Ong. I am an eight-year-old student at SF Brightworks School. In our school, we have arcs, which are specific topics that we study on. Within the arc we do a project. This arc was “maps”, and my project I call, Natasha’s Pigeon & Pastry Project, Continue reading

Notable Map: Sublimation Mapping: the landscape of movement: 2003-2013 | Jessica Dreyfus-Kung

Click on image above to view a zoomable PDF of the full map [4.7 MB]

Author Essay: Ten years ago I started to map the movement of the body in relationship to built form. As an Architecture student at Yale College, my early investigations started with simply recording the body over time, allowing a landscape to emerge. The line drawing in this mapping is Continue reading

Notable Map: Can Africa Feed Itself? | Yijiang (Karina) Qian″>qian_banner

Click above image to view full video map [external link]

Author Essay: Whether Africa can feed itself is a frequent debate in development policy. Here, I tackle this question at the most basic level by analyzing the continent’s production capacity – that is, all land currently available and suitable for agriculture. I take UN FAO’s study of land suitability Continue reading

Notable Map: Intentional Communities | Amy Franceschini/Futurefarmers

Click on image above to view a zoomable PDF of the full map [13.6 MB]

Author Essay: This map presents data from communities with varying intentions;

• Defense Contractors in Silicon Valley: name, locations and profits –
• Communes in the Santa Clara hills above Silicon Valley between 1960-present: names, locations and dwellings

Thank you Struggle Mountain and to Lenny Siegel, Director of the Center for Public Oversight and the Pacific Studies Center for current and archival data. Continue reading

Notable Map: Crime Obscured | Gabriel Kaprielian & Carlos Sandoval


Click on image above to view a zoomable PDF of the full map [3.7 MB]

Author Essay: This is a mapping of the crime reported around the San Francisco Bay Area between September 29th and October 10th, 2012; the crime events were obtained from the Police Department’s databases and It takes the geospatial coordinates of the crime from Continue reading

Notable Map: Home.Land.Security | Will Dominie, Yoh Kawano, Ben Palmquist, Jordan Rosencranz & Pamela Stephens


Click on image above To view the full web-based map [external link]

Author Essay: Home.Land.Security. was designed to represent unsafe, threatening and harmful spaces as experienced by the most vulnerable communities. We were moved by the murders of Trayvon Martin and Oscar Grant and many other cases of physical and emotional violence against Continue reading

Notable Map: Downtown Lowell (Blue)| Rachel Kowalik

Click on image above to view a zoomable PDF of the full map [11.1 MB]

Author Essay: Downtown Lowell (Blue), Linocut (ink on paper), 2011.

My map of Lowell, MA clearly demonstrates that I am an artist, an abstract artist to be more precise. I made this print as part of a series of hand painted linocuts based on street maps of places I have lived. Thanks to my semi-nomadic lifestyle, I have a Continue reading

Notable Map: The Big Atlas of LA Pools | Benedikt Groβ & Joseph K. Lee


Click on image above to view a zoomable PDF of the full map [5.4 MB]

Author Essay: The Big Atlas of LA Pools is about the process of mapping and map-making in the contemporary context of big and open data, crowdsourcing, and citizen science. As a “two-person army”, Benedikt Groβ (DE) and Joseph Lee (USA), located and drew over 43,000 pool- and manmade- water boundaries—features which computer vision could not adequately demarcate. Throughout their project, the two exploited the idea of Continue reading

Notable Map: Mantras | Larissa Belcic

Click on image above to view a zoomable PDF of the full map [9.6 MB]

Author Essay: Mantras, Acrylic on Hallway, Digital photography, Adobe InDesign and Illustrator, 2013.

Mantras is a map that catalogs the emotional process of preparing to move out of a home with which one has developed a relationship. It is an attempt to make visible both the traces that inhabitants leave on the character of a home and the Continue reading

Notable Map: Somewhere Now | Karey Kessler

Click on image above to view a zoomable PDF of the full map [9.8 MB]

Author Essay: somewhere now, gouache and ink on paper, 2013

Most maps concern data, statistics, and real territories but I map out internal territories – a network of places remembered, mystical spaces, and areas that might have been from a dream.

somewhere now is filled with places that are both in the clouds and moving in the water. Places that are cyclical and eternal but also Continue reading

Notable Map: On Exactitude in Science | Nick Doty

Click on the link above to view this web-based map [external link]

Author Essay: This map is an illustration, a Web adaptation, of a very short story written by Jorge Luis Borges: “On Exactitude in Science” (“Del rigor en la ciencia”). In the story, a fictional scholar tells of an empire’s obsession with cartographic precision and Continue reading

Notable Map: Inside the Geologic Brain of Buckminster Fuller | Héctor Tarrido-Picart

Click on image above to view a zoomable PDF of the full map [2.5 MB]

Author Essay: In 1943, Richard Buckminster Fuller created the Dymaxion Map for Life Magazine’s March edition.[i] Fuller’s intent was to put forward an alternative to the dominant mode of projecting the globe of the Earth on a flat surface. His idea: unfolding the sphere of Continue reading

Critique: Analysis of an Interactive Map of Bay Area Counterculture | Greg Castillo & Kent Wilson

Click on image above to view a zoomable PDF of the full map [27.6 MB]

Author Essay: Tribal kinship networks collide with cybernetic systems; geodesics consort with handicraft aesthetics; digital futures hook up with nomadic pasts in Gordon Ashby’s mapping of the Bay Area countercultural enterprise. Ashby’s poster delineates an interactive network linking specific Continue reading

Critique: The Wonderful World of the Auburn University Rural Studio | Anna Goodman

Click on image above to view a zoomable PDF of the full map [2.2 MB]

Author Essay:  A map critique of “The World of the Auburn University Rural Studio” designed by Daniel Splaingard, former Rural Studio student and instructor

Romala Sanyal wrote of Habitat for Humanity’s Global Village and Discovery Center in Americus, Georgia. The Center, informally called Continue reading