Imager::Fill - general fill types
my $fill1 = Imager::Fill->new(solid=>$color, combine=>$combine);
my $fill2 = Imager::Fill->new(hatch=>'vline2', fg=>$color1, bg=>$color2,
dx=>$dx, dy=>$dy);
my $fill3 = Imager::Fill->new(fountain=>$type, ...);
my $fill4 = Imager::Fill->new(image=>$img, ...);
Creates fill objects for use by most filled area drawing functions.
All fills are created with the new method.
- new
my $fill = Imager::Fill=>new(...);
The parameters depend on the type of fill being created. See below for details.
The currently available fills are:
fountain (similar to gradients in paint software)
Common options
- combine
The way in which the fill data is combined with the underlying image, possible values include:
- none
The fill pixel replaces the target pixel.
- normal
The fill pixels alpha value is used to combine it with the target pixel.
- multiply
- mult
Each channel of fill and target is multiplied, and the result is combined using the alpha channel of the fill pixel.
- dissolve
If the alpha of the fill pixel is greater than a random number, the fill pixel is alpha combined with the target pixel.
- add
The channels of the fill and target are added together, clamped to the range of the samples and alpha combined with the target.
- subtract
The channels of the fill are subtracted from the target, clamped to be >= 0, and alpha combined with the target.
- diff
The channels of the fill are subtracted from the target and the absolute value taken this is alpha combined with the target.
- lighten
The higher value is taken from each channel of the fill and target pixels, which is then alpha combined with the target.
- darken
The higher value is taken from each channel of the fill and target pixels, which is then alpha combined with the target.
- hue
The combination of the saturation and value of the target is combined with the hue of the fill pixel, and is then alpha combined with the target.
- sat
The combination of the hue and value of the target is combined with the saturation of the fill pixel, and is then alpha combined with the target.
- value
The combination of the hue and value of the target is combined with the value of the fill pixel, and is then alpha combined with the target.
- color
The combination of the value of the target is combined with the hue and saturation of the fill pixel, and is then alpha combined with the target.
In general colors can be specified as Imager::Color or Imager::Color::Float objects. The fill object will typically store both types and convert from one to the other. If a fill takes 2 color objects they should have the same type.
Solid fills
my $fill = Imager::Fill->new(solid=>$color, $combine =>$combine)
Creates a solid fill, the only required parameter is solid
which should be the color to fill with.
Hatched fills
my $fill = Imager::Fill->new(hatch=>$type, fg=>$fgcolor, bg=>$bgcolor,
dx=>$dx, $dy=>$dy);
Creates a hatched fill. You can specify the following keywords:
- hatch
The type of hatch to perform, this can either be the numeric index of the hatch (not recommended), the symbolic name of the hatch, or an array of 8 integers which specify the pattern of the hatch.
Hatches are represented as cells 8x8 arrays of bits, which limits their complexity.
Current hatch names are:
- check1x1, check2x2, check4x4
checkerboards at varios sizes
- vline1, vline2, vline4
1, 2, or 4 vertical lines per cell
- hline1, hline2, hline4
1, 2, or 4 horizontal lines per cell
- slash1, slash2
1 or 2 / lines per cell.
- slosh1, slosh2
1 or 2 \ lines per cell
- grid1, grid2, grid4
1, 2, or 4 vertical and horizontal lines per cell
- dots1, dots4, dots16
1, 4 or 16 dots per cell
- stipple, stipple2
see the samples
- weave
I hope this one is obvious.
- cross1, cross2
2 densities of crosshatch
- vlozenge, hlozenge
something like lozenge tiles
- scalesdown, scalesup, scalesleft, scalesright
Vaguely like fish scales in each direction.
- tile_L
L-shaped tiles
- fg
- bg
The fg color is rendered where bits are set in the hatch, and the bg where they are clear. If you use a transparent fg or bg, and set combine, you can overlay the hatch onto an existing image.
fg defaults to black, bg to white.
- dx
- dy
An offset into the hatch cell. Both default to zero.
You can call Imager::Fill->hatches for a list of hatch names.
Fountain fills
my $fill = Imager::Fill->new(fountain=>$ftype,
xa=>$xa, ya=>$ya, xb=>$xb, yb=>$yb,
segment=>$segments, repeat=>$repeat, combine=>$combine,
super_sample=>$super_sample, ssample_param=>$ssample_param);
This fills the given region with a fountain fill. This is exactly the same fill as the fountain
filter, but is restricted to the shape you are drawing, and the fountain parameter supplies the fill type, and is required.
Image Fills
my $fill = Imager::Fill->new(image=>$src, xoff=>$xoff, yoff=>$yoff,
matrix=>$matrix, $combine);
Fills the given image with a tiled version of the given image. The first non-zero value of xoff or yoff will provide an offset along the given axis between rows or columns of tiles respectively.
The matrix parameter performs a co-ordinate transformation from the co-ordinates in the target image to the fill image co-ordinates. Linear interpolation is used to determine the fill pixel. You can use the Imager::Matrix2d class to create transformation matrices.
The matrix parameter will significantly slow down the fill.
- Imager::Fill->hatches
A list of all defined hatch names.
- Imager::Fill->combines
A list of all combine types.
I'm planning on adding the following types of fills:
- checkerboard
combines 2 other fills in a checkerboard
- combine
combines 2 other fills using the levels of an image
- regmach
uses the transform2() register machine to create fills
Tony Cook <[email protected]>