Friday, June 26, 2009

Describing your web application using Swx (take 1)

Update July 05, 2009: Dropped the idea of describing web applications in favour of minimizing cognitive strain and busy work.
Update June 28, 2009: Added the 4th pattern with default params.



require '/path/to/swx.php';
requires ('handlers');

'POST /{handler}',
'GET {handler} /foobar',
'/.* handler=default,id=1'


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

3 Stages (WIP)


  1. Apprentice

  2. Journeyman

  3. Master

Friedrich Nietzsche:

  1. Camel

  2. Lion

  3. Child


  1. Dependent

  2. Independent

  3. Interdependent

Japanese martial arts:

  1. Shu

  2. Ha

  3. Ri

Code Is Just Code:

  1. code is just code

  2. code is patterns

  3. code is just code again