Mental Health
Maintaining good mental health is an important aspect of a successful international experience. Travel abroad often presents emotionally challenging settings and experiences. Travelers may find that familiar support networks, medications, and health services are not available or are considerably different from the United States. Preparing for these differences is key to maintaining good mental health abroad.
We encourage to consult with your health care provider about your plan to go abroad and how you will maintain your mental health abroad. Your health is your responsibility, no one else can prepare you better for your own heath needs.
Students are required to review and complete the "Study Abroad Health Assessment Form" Part A: Self-Assessment. Then, students are required to electronically sign Part B: Statement of Understanding in My Study Abroad.
We highly encourage students to review the "Study Abroad Health Assessment Form" as soon as soon as they identify an interest in studying abroad; understanding personal needs and the potential impact of study abroad on well-being can assist in selecting an appropriate experience or location.