Hi, I'm Rohan.

I make web application.
Connect with me.

Latest blog post: Forelse loop in Blade - Laravel

A little about me

I'm a Science & Technology Enthusiast, Mathematics Lover, a Full Stack Web Developer
and a Ninja Ninja! (Nah, or maybe?);
from Nagpur, MH, India


I am a Full Stack Developer, currently working at 6Simplex Software Solutions as a Frontend GIS Web Developer, and also a small part of The Space Element, the team that loves developing & doing awesome stuffs.

I do Web Development, UI/UX Designing, Graphic Designing, Software Development, Mobile App Development, Dev-Ops, Arduino and IoT stuff..., basically things in Computer Science, Electronics or Physics that excites me! — You can call me just another aficionado who gets excited to share every other new thing I learn or discover.

PHP was my first server side language, and


Been using it since v5.2 and it's been a breeze. Small sites to large systems, it just works and has some amazing features.

Debian (family)

I like to configure server environment myself, and Linux


PHP was my first server side language,


What I know and Love to do

Recent Blog post

  • Forelse loop in Blade - Laravel

    Blade – a simple, yet powerful templating engine, provided with Laravel, is quite good in keeping the view clean when populating with dynamic data. Among various useful directives, loops are one of the most commonly used ones, of which forelse is ...

  • WordCamp Nagpur - Wordpress Conference Nagpur 2017

    #Jai Wordpress Last week I together with my friends and team members - Akshay, Manish & Swapnil got the opportunity to attend WordCamp Nagpur – A Wordpress Conference in Nagpur itself, (first WordCamp in Nagpur), organized at Chitnavis Center...

  • Laravel Live: A PHP Laravel Conference in India

    The later half of last month I spent traveling and during this I got the opportunity to attend LaraveLive – A PHP Laravel Conference, first Laravel conference in India, held at Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, New Delhi, India.Not pl...

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