Bush’s approval at new low in Reuters: 24 percent

Mark Silva

President Bush’s approval rating has reached a new low in the newest Reuters/Zogby Poll — with just 24 percent of those surveyed approving of Bush’s job performance. That is down from 29 percent last month.

It is lower than the latest register of Bush’s approval rating in the Gallup Poll — 32 percent in Gallup’s newest October survey.

The newest gauge arrives as President Bush prepares for a press conference in the West Wing this morning — at 10:40 am EDT — and as the president prepares to fend off an override of his veto of an expansion of children’s health care on Capitol Hilll tomorrow.

Public approval for the job that Congress is performing — 11 percent in the new survey — matches the all-time low that Reuters found last month.

“Deepening unhappiness with President George W. Bush and the U.S. Congress soured the mood of Americans and sent Bush’s approval rating to another record low this month,” Reuters reports today.

“The Reuters/Zogby Index,” which measures the mood of the country, also fell from 98.8 to 96 — the second consecutive month in which it has dropped. The number of Americans who believe the country is on the wrong track jumped four points to 66 percent.

“There is a real question among Americans now about how relevant this government is to them,” pollster John Zogby said. “They tell us they want action on health care, education, the war and immigration, but they don’t believe they are going to get it.”