‘What the HELL do we do now?’ — RT USA News

Fox News host Laura Ingraham has ridiculed the mainstream media for its refusal to give up on the ‘Russian collusion’ conspiracy theory, and called CNN’s coverage of the report “absurd and desperate.”

Attorney General WIlliam Barr held a press conference on Thursday outlining the main findings of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report on alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Aside from finding no collusion between President Trump and Russia, the report also found that Trump had cooperated with the investigation. Barr said the White House did not ask for any redactions in the final report.

Ingraham posted a shot of a pair of CNN anchors looking puzzled, wondering “What do we do now?? What the HELL do we do now?? AAAAAAARGH!!!!!”

CNN, of course, savaged Barr for presenting the report’s findings as he did, accusing the attorney general of making “a political speech endorsing the president’s behavior,” an accusation Ingraham called “beyond absurd and desperate.”

CNN wasn’t the only outlet clutching at straws, however. Throughout his press conference, Barr was repeatedly accused by reporters of “spinning” the Muller report to protect Trump, being “generous” to the president, and redacting the report too heavily.

Ingraham slammed these reporters as “Non lawyers with ZERO understanding of the underlying legal requirements, spouting IDIOCY.”

“Mueller works for the DOJ, goofballs, not the other way around,” she snapped.

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Via RT. This piece was reprinted by RINF Alternative News with permission or license.