America’s Now-Aggressive War Against Russia

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at

America’s aristocracy is determined to take over Russia. Ever since the end of the Soviet Union and of its communism, the Cold War has become replaced by an increasingly hot war in which the U.S. and its allies are expanding NATO right up to Russia’s borders, and imposing against Russia what the U.S. refused to accept being imposed upon itself during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis: nuclear checkmate

The direction of aggression since the end of communism has reversed, and the aggression itself has considerably intensified. Though the ideological excuse for the conflict is thus entirely gone, the aggression against Russia is far more than the Soviet Union ever dreamt of even trying against America. It’s so blatant. This is raw aggression, for nothing else than conquest – ideology has nothing to do with it. First, Russia’s allies are assassinated or otherwise overthrown; then, Russia is to be in the cross-hairs, isolated as much as possible: Russia’s ally Saddam Hussein in Iraq was killed in 2003; Russia’s ally Muammar Gaddafi in Libya was killed in 2011; America and its allies (Sunni-fundamentalist nations Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey) tried to kill Russia’s ally the non-sectarian Shiite Bashar al-Assad in Syria in 2013 but failed; and the U.S. perpetrated a coup that overthrew the Russia-friendly President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, in February 2014. In each instance, chaos and an enduring hell for the victim-nation’s public have resulted, but America’s rulers are psychopaths, and they keep up the propaganda and the lies alleging the U.S. regime to be good and the regimes they overthrow to have been bad and ‘deserving’ of the American-and-allied aggression. The regimes they overthrew were bad, but not nearly so vile as America has imposed after them. In Syria, Russia itself interceded in order to defeat the jihadists that the U.S.-led operation has been using to bring down Assad. Only the U.S-and-allied nonstop propaganda fools the publics in U.S.-allied countries to think that their own rulers were ‘well-intentioned’ but ‘misled by poor intelligence.’ The suckers don’t even notice that it happens again and again: there is clearly a pattern to these ‘mistakes.’ These weren’t mistakes; they were aggressions, for spreading conquest. This is an increasingly hot war; to call it ‘the new Cold War’ is to lie, yet again.

The U.S. and its allies (the Sunni-Islamic, Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish aristocracies) are the world’s aggressors now; and Russia and its allies (who have emerged as being the Shia-Islamic, Russian Catholic, Confucian, Tao, and Hindu aristocracies) are in ‘the West’s’ gunsights, to be forced by the American aristocratic gang to capitulate, as the former capitalist-v.-communist Cold War has increasingly (ever since 1990) morphed into an increasingly aggressive and increasingly hot war for brute conquest, by the U.S. and its allies, taking over, one-by-one, without overthrowing but instead playing simply upon residual fears against the long-expired communist Soviet Union, Russia’s former allies, who were: Czech, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Croatia; and soon: Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzevogina, Ukraine, and Georgia. The aim of all of this is ultimately to take over Russia itself, to become the vestigial whipping-boy for Soviet crimes. (Whereas the U.S. wants all of the former Warsaw Pact countries in its NATO, the U.S. has consistently refused to accept Russia into NATO – though that had been verbally promised to Gorbachev.) This isn’t actually retribution based on vengeance; it is instead aggression based on the craving that America’s aristocrats have for sheer global conquest.

This is not a grab for added wealth and power by any public anywhere – the non-aristocrats (the public) are basically just servants and/or suckers to the aristocracy, in any country. The public in each country are overwhelmingly comprised of the servers and the mere fools of that country’s aristocracy. The aristocracy include the people who own the ‘news’ media, and who (as servers are paid to) slant their ‘news’ ‘reporting’ (to the multitudes of mere suckers) in order to block from national power any politician who resists continuing rule by the given nation’s aristocracy – regardless of any politician’s particular political party within that country. These ‘news’ media are, in turn, being paid by other aristocrats, the advertisers, and so the entire aristocracy controls each and every one of them, and thus collectively decides which ‘news’ gets published, and which (like this) does not. The editors whom the aristocrats hire won’t publish this, but that doesn’t mean its false and the lies they publish are true. It simply means that the truth is suppressed.

Here is the best documentary introduction to this global war, and this documentary is only 22 minutes long; so, a viewer might want to replay and investigate on his/her own some of the passages that whiz by in it. I have found that everything in it is honest and true: this documentarian, Aaron Hawkins (or “Storm Clouds Gathering”), is far more careful to exclude fabricated ‘information’ than are the vast majority of documentarians and videographers – especially about such ‘sensitive’ geopolitical subjects. False and fake sources are carefully excluded by Hawkins; only the most-solid sources are employed in his documentaries. In the 22 minutes of this one are the most-important global historical events since the start of Richard Nixon’s massively history-shaping Presidency. The changes that Nixon pioneered are rising to a crescendo today, and some of them are explained in that documentary.

As I myself have documented in an earlier article, the U.S. war against Russia started in 1990 while the Administration of the then-U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush was negotiating with the Administration of the Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev the conditions for the re-unification of Germany, and the end of the Cold War: Bush told his negotiators to make certain promises; but, then, once Gorbachev’s people said yes to these understandings, Bush instructed his people to move forward on the basis of ignoring what they had just promised, and they all did so – and there was nothing that Russia now could do about it, because Russia had just disbanded (and this is Putin’s big lament about Gorbachev) not only the Soviet Union, but even the broader Warsaw Pact – the military alliance that had been the USSR’s equivalent to America’s NATO alliance. Gorbachev actually trusted the West – he didn’t know that the U.S., which leads the West, was no longer a democracy; he didn’t know that the aristocracy had retaken it. He wasn’t prepared for the reality that the U.S. had recently been restored to aristocratic control after the brief period of post-Civil-War democracy in the U.S., 1932-1972. And now, the U.S. is more in the grip of its aristocracy than ever since the country had started, back in 1776. U.S. President Jimmy Carter is correct that today’s U.S. is a dictatorship. But publics in the U.S.-allied nations haven’t yet figured that out.

From the end of the Soviet bloc (1991) till the present time, each successive U.S. President has run a foreign policy that continues from George Herbert Walker Bush’s exquisitely engineered deceit, which was designed ultimately to surround Russia, and to swallow it up. That’s the plan, and Barack Obama is utterly devoted to it – to such an extent that, according to the great investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, the Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Martin Dempsey, who had been in on the planning for the operation to overthrow the Russia-friendly leader of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, quit over Obama’s determination to continue the operation until Assad is removed and replaced by a leader who will do what the U.S. aristocracy wants (which is to allow the gas-pipeline from Qatar into Europe to be built and to run through Syria).

Russia is the world’s most resource-rich nation. The U.S. aristocracy wants to control it. And Qatar and Saudi Arabia want to weaken their biggest oil-and-gas competitor: Russia.

When the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, Russia became ruled by the drunkard Boris Yeltsin, who accepted guidance from Washington, and privatized the Russian nation’s most valuable assets, in deals that spun them off to corrupt operators who shared their bonanzas with American aristocrats, including even some of the Harvard economists who were basically making the decisions and overseeing the entire process of this stripping from the Russian public their key national assets and enriching the most grubby U.S.-subservient new Russian aristocrats. Both the wealth and the welfare of the Russian people immediately plunged, and then started slowly climbing back up to what it had been before the breakup. The U.S. operation of Russia was an absolute disaster for the Russian people.

But here is what the agents for America’s aristocrats said about Yeltsin’s rule of Russia (as quoted in pages 3-5 of Stephen F. Cohen’s 2001 Failed Crusade: America and the Tragedy of Post-Communist Russia:   

“The Russian prospect over the coming years and decades is more promising than ever before in its history.” David Remnick, journalist, 1997 [now the editor of the New Yorker].

“Optimism prevails universally among those who are familiar with what is going on in Russia.” U.S. Vice President Al Gore, 1998.

“Only a few years from now … what will be left standing is the towering edifice of Yeltsin’s achievement.” Leon Aron, biographer, 2000.

At the same time (also on those same pages from Cohen) was being published outside the U.S. the depressing reality inside Yeltsin’s Russia:

“A human crisis of monumental proportions is emerging in the former Soviet Union.” U.N. Development Program, 1999.

“Will we continue looting and destroying Russia until nothing is left?  … God forbid these reforms should continue.” Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 2000.

Look at the reality, and you’ll see in the statistics of Russia, what was blatantly obvious to everyone except Americans (who are so deluded by the agents for America’s aristocracy). For examples of this “human crisis of monumental proportions”: Between 1991 when Yeltsin took over, and 1993 a mere two years later, Russia’s male life expectancy plunged from 63 years down to less than 58 years. When Putin took over in 2000, it was 59 years. By 2010, it was back again to 63 years. By 2014, it was 66 years. an all-time-record high. But America’s propaganda says that Putin is bad and Yeltsin was good.

Per-capita GDP was 39% of America’s in 1991, and was 20% of America’s in 1998, while Americans were praising Yeltsin’s rule. By 2010, after 10 years of Putin, it had risen to 39% of America’s. It kept rising until Obama slammed on the economic sanctions in 2014.

Pew Global polling shows unfavorable opinions of Putin everywhere but in Vietnam, China, India, and Philippines (and they didn’t show their figure in Russia itself, where Pew had actually found an 88% approval-rating for Putin) – and strongly negative ratings in all of the U.S.-allied countries. However, earlier than the February 2014 Obama coup that replaced a Moscow-friendly with a Washington-run President of Ukraine, Pew found no such international hostility toward either Putin personally or Russia nationally. All of this hostility was manipulated by the U.S. as part of Obama’s all-out campaign to cripple and isolate Russia so as to cause Putin to lose power ultimately and become replaced by a U.S. stooge.

The U.S. government propaganda services, quite understandably, brag about how effectively they’ve demonized Putin. They have, indeed, done a terrific job for their aristocratic masters. They’ve convinced billions of suckers, that white is black, black is white, up is down, and down is up.

And that’s the news, about the ‘news.’

And here is more, just in case someone still really believes the U.S. aristocracy’s lie that the sanctions against Russia are based on international criminality by Russia’s leadership, and not on international criminality by America’s leadership. The truth here is too hot to handle: the U.S., just like it was internationally recognized to be in the only global opinion poll on the subject, is overwhelmingly recognized as constituting “the greatest threat to peace in the world today.”

And that’s news the U.S. aristocracy and its allied aristocracies don’t report; they suppress. It’s also why the pollster, which was hired by them for this poll, buried it, instead of headlined with it. (Perhaps if – as America’s aristocrats might have been hoping – Russia had been named there as #1 instead of the U.S., that would have been the headline. But Russia wasn’t even listed among the top 5 there. News like that always gets buried. Just as does the news that the only scientific analysis of the evidence about the overthrow of Yanukovych proves that it was a U.S. coup, no authentic ‘revolution.’)


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.