#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: latin1 -*-
# getargs.py: (Yet Another getopt) Parse command line arguments
# See __doc__ string below.
# Requires:
# - Python 2.0 or newer (www.python.org)
# - OS: portable
# $Id: //depot/rgutils/rgutils/getargs.py#4 $
Command line arguments parser.
C{r = parseArgs(args, options)}
- args is a sequence of command line arguments, typically sys.argv[1:]
- options is a string specifying the acceptable options (see below).
Syntax for the options::
options : 0 a N options separated by one or more of comma ',',
semicolon ';' or "blank" character. Leading & trailing spaces
option : [shortOpt]['|'longOpt]['!'][optValueCnt]
shortOpt: letter
longOpt : at least 2 letters alphaNum or '-' or '_' or '.'. Must not
begin with a '-'. A long option *MUST* have a corresponding
short option.
'!' If present indicates that the option is required (optional by
optValueCnt: (Option values multiplicity) One of '-?=*+' :
Letter: min: max: Comment:
- 0 0 No param/value expected (default)
? 0 1 Optional 1 param
= 1 1 Required 1 param
* 0 N Optional, unbounded nb of params
+ 1 N Required, unbounded nb of params
Multiplicity >1 means that the option may appear more than once
(e.g. "-a v1 -b -a v2"), and the values will be collected in a
sequence. It is still legal but meaningless if option has no args.
Short options may be concatenated as far as there is no ambiguity, e.g.
-ab is equivalent to -a -b. Last option can take values, e.g.
-abc v1 is equivalent to -a -b -c v1.
Bonus: '?' if encountered is translated to '-h'.
If no error occurs, the result r is a tuple (optDict, nonOpts) where:
- optDict -- dictionary {shortOption: values,...}
- if option max values cnt is 1, values is a single value or None
- if option max values cnt is >1, values is a list of values
(possibly empty).
- nonOpts -- list of everything else than options.
Option specs
Some examples of option specifications::
"a" short option -a, optional, no value.
"a|add" short option -a / long option --add, optional, no value.
"|add" long option --add, optional, no value.
"a! short option -a, required, no value.
"a? short option -a, optional, one optional value.
"d|dir=" short option -d <=> long opt --dir, optional,
exactly one required value.
"f|file!* short option -f <=> long option --file, required,
0 to many values.
"f+" short option -f, optional, 1 to many values.
"a!; d|dir= ; f+" Specification for the 3 options -a, -d, -f
" a!,d|dir=, f+ " Same. Spaces, ';' or ',' are valid separators.
Leading & trailing spaces allowed.
Typical usage
Here is a sample of typical code::
import getargs
# (default for 2e param (args to parse) is sys.argv[1:])
optDict, others = getargs.parseArgs("a!*, d|dir=, f?, g, e+")
aValues = optDict['-a'] # list, possibly empty
if optDict.has_key('-d'): # opt -d is optional
dir = optDict['-d'] # one single value, required
fValue = optDict.get('-f', aSingleDefaultValue)
eValues = optDict.get('-e', aDefaultValueList)
gOccured = optDict.kas_key('-g')
See also
L{test()} for other examples of use.
To do
Could add stuff like default values, value typing, but I want to keep
the interface simple!
- getopt.py -- included in std distrib of Python. Basic
functionality: no required args, mapping from long to
short opts, etc..
- optik -- by Greg Ward (U{http://optik.sourceforge.net/}).
Will supersede getopt in Python 2.3.
- getargs.py -- by Ivan Van Laningham ([email protected].),
available at U{ftp://www.pauahtun.org/pub/getargspy.zip}.
Quite complete but less concise and simple to use.
__version__ = '1.9.' + '$Revision: #4 $'[12:-2]
__author__ = 'Richard Gruet', '[email protected]'
__date__ = '$Date: 2006/03/22 $'[7:-2], '$Author: rgruet $'[9:-2]
__since__ = '2001-07-15'
__doc__ += '\n@author: %s (U{%s})\n@version: %s' % (__author__[0],
__author__[1], __version__)
__all__ = ['Error', 'GetArgsError', 'OptError', 'ArgError', 'TestError',
'parseArgs', 'CmdLineArgParser']
import sys, string, re, types
true, false = 1, 0
# Exception raised by this module.
class Error(Exception):
''' Base exception.'''
GetArgsError = Error # ->Use this name, Error is kept for compatibility.
class OptError(GetArgsError):
''' Bad option specification.'''
class ArgError(GetArgsError):
''' Arg doesn't match option spec.'''
class TestError(GetArgsError):
def parseArgs(options, args=sys.argv[1:]):
''' Helper function to parse cmd line args in one call.
@param options: Specification of options (see module __doc__)
@param args: The sequence of cmd line argumentsto parse.
@return: (optDict, nonOpts) where:
- optDict: dictionary {shortOption: [Parameter/value list],...}
- nonOpts: list of everything else than options.
return CmdLineArgParser(options).parseArgs(args)
class CmdLineArgParser:
''' Parses command line args according to options specification.
# Regular expression matching the specification for ONE option:
OPTION_SPEC_REGEXP = (r'\s*(?P[A-Za-z])?'
# Regular expression matching (loosely) an option in the cmd line:
RE_OPTION = re.compile(r'-{1,2}[^-]+')
# Option values multiplicity:
N = sys.maxint # unbounded
# Maps symbol to value multiplicity (min, max):
VALUE_CNT = {'-':(0, 0), '?':(0, 1), '=':(1, 1), '+':(1, N), '*':(0, N)}
def __init__(self, options):
''' Parses option specification.
self.optSpecs = {} # { shortOpt: (required, (minValues,
# maxValues)), ...}
# shortOpt includes leading '-'.
self.long2short = {} # Maps long opt to short if it exists (or
# to itself otherwise): {longOpt: shortOpt,...}
self.options = options # original string spec
for optSpec in re.split("[;,\s]+", string.strip(options)):
m = self.RE_OPTION_SPEC.match(optSpec)
if m is None or m.group('shortOpt') == m.group('longOpt') == None:
raise OptError('Invalid option specification "%s": legal '
'pattern is "%s".' % (optSpec, self.OPTION_SPEC_REGEXP))
shortOpt, longOpt, required, optValueCnt = (m.group('shortOpt'),
m.group('longOpt'), m.group('required'),m.group('optValueCnt'))
required = (required is not None)
if required is None:
required = false # default= optional
# Value multiplicity:
if optValueCnt is None:
optValueCnt = '-'
pm = self.VALUE_CNT[optValueCnt]
# Store opt info:
if shortOpt is not None:
optKey = '-' + shortOpt
assert longOpt is not None
optKey = '--' + longOpt
if self.optSpecs.has_key(optKey):
raise OptError("Duplicate option '%s'." % optKey)
self.optSpecs[optKey] = (required, pm)
# Map long option to short if it exists, otherwise to itself:
if longOpt is not None:
longOptKey = '--' + longOpt
if shortOpt is not None: v = '-' + shortOpt
else: v = longOptKey
self.long2short[longOptKey] = v
def __repr__(self):
return "" % self.options
def parseArgs(self, args):
''' Parses the given sequence of cmd line args according to spec
given at construction time.
@return: (optDict, nonOpts) where:
- optDict: dictionary {shortOption: List of values (may be
- nonOpts: list of everything else than options.
if type(args) not in (types.ListType, types.TupleType):
raise ArgError(' must be a sequence.')
optDict = {}
nonOpts = []
optionExpectingValue = None
valueRequired = false # Whether value is required or optional
# First pass to "explode" contracted forms like '-abc' <=> '-a -b -c';
# also map ? to -h (bonus feature!):
expandedArgs = []
for arg in args:
if arg == '?':
elif len(arg) > 2 and arg[0]=='-' and arg[1]!='-':
expandedArgs.extend(map(lambda x: '-'+x,
filter(lambda x: x in string.letters,
# Now analyse the sequence of tokens in expandedArgs:
# First, create a dictionary of all options with their values
# without checking min and max (concatenate values for same option).
curOpt = None
for token in expandedArgs:
if self.RE_OPTION.match(token): # Option
curOpt = optKey = self._optionKey(token)
except KeyError:
raise ArgError("Invalid option %s" % token)
if not optDict.has_key(optKey):
optDict[optKey] = []
else: # token is a value:
if curOpt is not None:
values = optDict[curOpt]
# At this point, optDict contains the options with their values,
# without checking value multiplicity. nonOpts contains only the
# values not assigned to an option.
requiredOpts = {} # Compute dict of required options
for opt, spec in self.optSpecs.items():
if spec[0]:
requiredOpts[opt] = None
# Check min and max values for each option. All values exceeding max
# are put in nonOpts list. Error if value count < min.
for opt, values in optDict.items():
required, (min, max) = self.optSpecs[opt]
if required:
del requiredOpts[opt]
l = len(values)
if l < min:
raise ArgError("Not enough values for option '%s' "
"(expected at least %d, got only %d)" % (opt, min, l))
if l > max:
values = values[:max]
# Convert value list to a single element (or None) if max <= 1:
if max == 0: values = None
elif max == 1:
if values: values = values[0]
else: values = None
# (else max>1, keep values list as is)
optDict[opt] = values
# Finally, check that all required options occured at least once:
if requiredOpts:
raise ArgError("Missing required option(s) %s." % string.join(
requiredOpts.keys(), ','))
return optDict, nonOpts
def _optionKey(self, opt):
''' Returns the key for the given option.
If opt is a short option (-x), it is the key
If long option, returns the corresponding short option if any,
otherwise returns the long option itself.
Returns short option for opt if it is a long option and a short
option exists, otherwise returns opt unchanged.
if not opt.startswith('--'):
assert opt.startswith('-') and len(opt) == 2
return opt # short opt
return self.long2short[opt]
def test():
''' Unit test.
def checkParseOptsOK(optSpec, expectedOptSpec, expectedLong2short={}):
p = CmdLineArgParser(optSpec)
if p.optSpecs != expectedOptSpec:
raise TestError('expected %s, got %s (opts="%s")' %
(expectedOptSpec, p.optSpecs, optSpec))
if p.long2short != expectedLong2short:
raise TestError('expected %s, got %s (opts="%s")' %
(expectedLong2short, p.long2short, optSpec))
return p
def checkParseOptsFails(optSpec):
except Exception, e:
if e.__class__ == OptError:
raise TestError('expected OptError not raised (optSpec="%s")' %
def checkParseArgsOK(parser, what, expectedResult):
r = parser.parseArgs(string.split(what))
if r != expectedResult:
raise TestError('expected %s, got %s (args="%s", opts="%s")' %
(expectedResult, r, what, parser.options))
def checkParseArgsFails(parser, what, expectedException):
r = parser.parseArgs(string.split(what))
except Exception, e:
if e.__class__ == expectedException:
raise TestError('expected exception "%s" not raised '
'(args="%s", opts="%s")' %
(expectedException,what, parser.options))
print 'Testing getargs.py...'
N = CmdLineArgParser.N # shortcut
# Parse option specifications :
checkParseOptsOK('a', {'-a': (0,(0,0))})
checkParseOptsOK(' a ', {'-a': (0,(0,0))}) # leading/trailing spaces OK
checkParseOptsFails('-a') # '-' must be omitted.
checkParseOptsFails('a b? a=') # duplicate option a.
checkParseOptsFails('ab|c') # short opt is more than 1 char
checkParseOptsFails('a|-') # long opt may not begin with a '-'
checkParseOptsFails('a|b') # long opt must be 2 chars min.
checkParseOptsOK('a|bc-de', {'-a': (0,(0,0))}, {'--bc-de':'-a'})
checkParseOptsOK('a!', {'-a': (1,(0,0))})
checkParseOptsOK('a?', {'-a': (0,(0,1))})
checkParseOptsOK('a!=', {'-a': (1,(1,1))})
checkParseOptsOK('a*', {'-a': (0,(0,N))})
checkParseOptsOK('a+', {'-a': (0,(1,N))})
checkParseOptsOK('a|add',{'-a': (0,(0,0))}, {'--add':'-a'})
checkParseOptsOK('|add',{'--add': (0,(0,0))}, {'--add':'--add'}) # short opt may be omitted
checkParseOptsOK('a|add-', {'-a': (0,(0,0))}, {'--add':'-a'})
checkParseOptsOK('a|add!?', {'-a': (1,(0,1))}, {'--add':'-a'})
checkParseOptsOK('a|add*', {'-a': (0,(0,N))}, {'--add':'-a'})
checkParseOptsFails('#') # short opt must be a letter
checkParseOptsFails('1') # short opt must be a letter
checkParseOptsFails('a@') # '@' is illegal
checkParseOptsFails('a!@') # '@' is illegal
checkParseOptsFails('a|add!@') # '@' is illegal
checkParseOptsFails('a|') # long option missing
o1 = ' a! ; b|blong? ,c=; d|d-long* ; e+;f'
r1,r2 = {'-a': (1,(0,0)), '-b': (0,(0,1)), '-c':(0,(1,1)), '-d': (0,(0,N)), '-e': (0,(1,N)), '-f': (0,(0,0))}, {'--blong': '-b', '--d-long': '-d'}
# Variants with different separators. Sometimes stupid, yet correct:
checkParseOptsOK(' a! b|blong? c=; d|d-long* e+ f', r1, r2)
checkParseOptsOK(' a!, b|blong?, c=, d|d-long*, e+,f', r1, r2)
checkParseOptsOK(' a!,;,b|blong?, c=,;,,,, d|d-long*, e+,f ', r1, r2)
# Parse args against opt. specifications :
p = CmdLineArgParser(o1)
checkParseArgsFails(p, '', ArgError) # missing option '-a'
checkParseArgsFails(p, 'hello world', ArgError) # missing option '-a'
checkParseArgsOK(p, 'hello -a world', ({'-a':None},['hello','world']))
checkParseArgsOK(p, '-a hello -d world', ({'-d':['world'], '-a':None},['hello']))
o2 = ' a; b|blong? ,c=; d|d-long* ; e+;f; h|help' # -a now optional
p = CmdLineArgParser(o2)
checkParseArgsOK(p, '?', ({'-h':None},[]))
checkParseArgsOK(p, '-b', ({'-b':None},[]))
checkParseArgsOK(p, '-b -b', ({'-b':None},[])) # Redundant but correct.
checkParseArgsOK(p, '-ab', ({'-a':None, '-b':None},[]))
checkParseArgsOK(p, '--blong', ({'-b':None},[]))
checkParseArgsOK(p, 'hello -b', ({'-b':None},['hello']))
checkParseArgsOK(p, '-b hello', ({'-b':'hello'},[]))
checkParseArgsOK(p, '-b hello', ({'-b':'hello'},[]))
checkParseArgsFails(p, '-c', ArgError) # required arg for -c
checkParseArgsOK(p, '-c hello world', ({'-c':'hello'},['world']))
checkParseArgsOK(p, 'I say -c hello -d nice world', ({'-c':'hello', '-d':['nice', 'world']},['I', 'say']))
checkParseArgsOK(p, '-d', ({'-d':[]},[]))
checkParseArgsOK(p, '-d hello world', ({'-d':['hello', 'world']},[]))
checkParseArgsOK(p, '-d hello -a -d nice world', ({'-a':None, '-d':['hello', 'nice', 'world']},[]))
checkParseArgsFails(p, '-e', ArgError) # required arg for -e
checkParseArgsOK(p, 'hello -e world', ({'-e':['world']},['hello']))
checkParseArgsOK(p, '-e hello nice -e world', ({'-e':['hello', 'nice','world']},[]))
checkParseArgsOK(p, '-af', ({'-a':None, '-f':None},[]))
checkParseArgsOK(p, '-afb', ({'-a':None, '-f':None, '-b':None},[]))
checkParseArgsOK(p, '-afb hello', ({'-a':None, '-f':None, '-b':'hello'},[]))
checkParseArgsFails(p, '-afc', ArgError) # required arg for -c
checkParseArgsOK(p, 'I -a say -fd hello world', ({'-a':None, '-f':None, '-d':['hello', 'world']},['I', 'say']))
checkParseArgsFails(p, '-z', ArgError)
checkParseArgsFails(p, '--zorglub', ArgError)
print '=> tests passed.'
# M A I N
if __name__ == "__main__":