Hugues Hoppe[pronunciation]
Computer science researcher.
(Previously: Principal Scientist at Google, and Research Manager at Microsoft Research.)
Demos / Libraries
Advent of code.
These December computing puzzles are challenging and fun.
My Python notebooks explore compact/fast solutions and interesting visualizations:
mediapy : Reading, writing, and viewing images and video in a notebook.GitHub source API docs PyPI package |
Mesh-processing-library : C++ code and demos.GitHub |
Blackjack Notebook (bjnb).
Probabilistic analysis and Monte Carlo simulation in Python for
basic strategy tables, expected house edge, and hand rewards under any rules.
Particularly interesting is the
cut-card effect and its surprising oscillations.
Notebook GitHub repo |
Fast computation of seamless video loops.
This tool quickly computes a 5-second looping video from a non-looping input video.
Demo (v1.0 2015-10-25; v1.1 2015-11-12) |
Automated video looping with progressive dynamism.
Tool to extract a 5-second looping video from a non-looping input video.
Also a viewer application to enable both interactive control over the level of dynamism of the output video,
as well as manual editing of which regions are animated or static.
Demo (v1.0 2013-11-21; v2.0 2014-03-28) |
Cliplets: Juxtaposing still and dynamic imagery.
This tool creates cinemagraphs and more general spatiotemporal compositions
from ordinary handheld video.
project-page demo |
Random-access vector graphics.
Antialiased vector graphics rendered on arbitrary surfaces or under arbitrary deformations.
We create a coarse lattice in which each cell contains a variable-length encoding of the
graphics primitives that overlap it.
These cell-specialized encodings are interpreted at runtime within a pixel shader.
Demo (v1.0 2008-06-13; v1.1 2014-09-02 bug fixes) |
Rendering of terrains using geometry clipmaps.
Terrain rendering using a set of nested regular grids.
The terrain is either incrementally decompressed from a compact in-memory representation or
synthesized on the fly as a user navigates within an infinite landscape.
Demo (v1.0 2006-03-28) |
Sandwiched compression: Repurposing standard codecs with neural network wrappers.
arXiv, 2024.
Improved image and video compression using neural pre- and post-processing.
Distributed Poisson surface reconstruction.
Computer Graphics Forum, 42(6), 2023.
Fast slab-based parallel Poisson reconstruction on a compute cluster.
Sandwiched image compression: Increasing the resolution and dynamic range of standard codecs.
Picture Coding Symposium (PCS) 2022. (Best Paper Finalist.)
Neural pre- and post-processing for compressing higher-resolution and HDR images.
Sandwiched image compression: Wrapping neural networks around a standard codec.
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2021.
Improved image compression using neural pre- and post-processing.
Project Starline: A high-fidelity telepresence system.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 40(6), 2021.
Chat with a remote person as if they were copresent.
Poisson surface reconstruction with envelope constraints.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2020.
Improved reconstruction using Dirichlet constraints on visual hull or depth hull.
An adaptive multigrid solver for applications in computer graphics.
Computer Graphics Forum, 38(1), 2019.
General-purpose adaptive finite-elements multigrid solver in arbitrary dimension.
Neural rerendering in the wild.
CVPR 2019 (oral).
Learn views under varying appearance from internet photos and reconstructed points.
Montage4D: Interactive seamless fusion of multiview video textures.
Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D), 2018.
Temporally coherent seamless stitching of multi-view textures.
Gradient-domain processing within a texture atlas.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH) 37(4), 2018.
Fast processing of surface signals directly in texture domain, avoiding resampling.
Gigapixel panorama video loops.
ACM Trans. Graphics, 37(1), 2018. (Presented at SIGGRAPH 2018.)
Spatiotemporally consistent looping panorama merged from 2D grid of videos.
Spatiotemporal atlas parameterization for evolving meshes.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH) 36(4), 2017.
Tracked mesh with sparse incremental changes in connectivity and texture map.
Motion graphs for unstructured textured meshes.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 35(4), 2016.
Automatic smooth transitions between similar meshes in a scanned sequence.
New controls for combining images in correspondence.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graphics, 22(7), 2016. (Presented at I3D 2016.)
Multiscale edge-aware melding of geometry and shape from two images.
Fast computation of seamless video loops.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 34(6), 2015.
High-quality looping video generated in nearly real-time.
High-quality streamable free-viewpoint video.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 34(4), 2015.
Multimodal reconstruction of tracked textured meshes.
Semi-automated video morphing.
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, 2014.
Transition across two videos using optimized spatiotemporal alignment.
Automating image morphing using structural similarity on a halfway domain.
ACM Trans. Graphics, 33(5), 2014. (Presented at SIGGRAPH 2014.)
Fast optimization to align intricate shapes using little interactive guidance.
A fresh look at generalized sampling.
Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision, 8(1), 2014.
Extension of recent signal-processing techniques to graphics filtering.
Automated video looping with progressive dynamism.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 32(4), 2013.
Representation for seamlessly looping video with controllable level of dynamism.
Screened Poisson surface reconstruction.
ACM Trans. Graphics, 32(3), 2013. (Presented at SIGGRAPH 2013.)
Improved geometric fidelity and linear-complexity adaptive hierarchical solver.
Cliplets: Juxtaposing still and dynamic imagery.
Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) 2012. (Best Paper Award.)
Cinemagraphs and more general spatiotemporal compositions from handheld video.
A subdivision-based representation for vector image editing.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graphics, 18(11), Nov. 2012. (Presented at I3D 2013.)
(Spotlight Paper.) Piecewise-smooth subdivision for representing and manipulating images.
Freeform vector graphics with controlled thin-plate splines.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 30(6), 2011.
Rich set of curve and point controls for intuitive and expressive color interpolation.
GPU-efficient recursive filtering and summed-area tables.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 30(6), 2011.
Efficient overlapped computation of successive recursive filters on 2D images.
Image-space bidirectional scene reprojection.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 30(6), 2011.
Real-time temporal upsampling through image-based reprojection of adjacent frames.
Real-time classification of dance gestures from skeleton animation.
Symposium on Computer Animation 2011. (Honorable Mention.)
Recognition of Kinect motions using robust, low-dimensional feature vectors.
Antialiasing recovery.
ACM Trans. Graphics, 30(3), 2011. (Presented at SIGGRAPH 2011.)
Fast removal of jaggies introduced by many nonlinear image processing operations.
Optimizing continuity in multiscale imagery.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 29(6), 2010.
Visually continuous mipmap pyramid spanning differing coarse- and fine-scale images.
Metric-aware processing of spherical imagery.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 29(6), 2010.
Adaptively discretized equirectangular map for accurate spherical processing.
Seamless montage for texturing models.
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics), 29(2), 479-486, 2010.
Optimized alignment and merging of photographs for texturing approximate geometry.
Distributed gradient-domain processing of planar and spherical images.
ACM Trans. Graphics, 29(2), 14, 2010. (Presented at SIGGRAPH 2010.)
Spherical gradient-domain processing on a Terapixel sky.
Amortized supersampling.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 28(5), 2009.
Adaptive reuse of pixels from previous frames for high-quality antialiasing.
Parallel Poisson surface reconstruction.
International Symposium on Visual Computing 2009.
Parallelization of Poisson reconstruction using domain decomposition.
Parallel view-dependent level-of-detail control.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graphics, 16(5), 2010.
Extended journal version with applications.
Parallel view-dependent refinement of progressive meshes.
Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D) 2009, 169-176.
Selective refinement of irregular mesh hierarchy using GPU streaming passes.
Efficient traversal of mesh edges using adjacency primitives.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 27(5), 2008.
Fast rendering of shadow volumes, silhouettes, and motion blur.
Random-access rendering of general vector graphics.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 27(5), 2008.
GPU rendering of vector art over surfaces using cell-specialized descriptions.
Factoring repeated content within and among images.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 27(3), 2008.
Megatexture encoded by indirecting into an optimized epitome image.
Streaming multigrid for gradient-domain operations on large images.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 27(3), 2008.
Perform k multigrid V-cycles in just k-1 streaming passes over the
Multi-view stereo for community photo collections.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2007.
Detailed 3D models reconstructed from crawled Internet images.
Design of tangent vector fields.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 26(3), 2007.
Interactive control of direction fields for real-time surface texture synthesis.
Compressed random-access trees for spatially coherent data.
Symposium on Rendering 2007.
Efficient representation of coherent image data such as lightmaps and alpha mattes.
Unconstrained isosurface extraction on arbitrary octrees.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2007.
Highly adaptable watertight surface from an unconstrained octree.
Multi-level streaming for out-of-core surface reconstruction.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2007.
Out-of-core solution of huge Poisson system to reconstruct 3D scans.
Poisson surface reconstruction.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2006, 61-70.
(SGP 2021 Test of Time Award.) Reconstruction that considers all points at once for resilience to data noise.
Perfect spatial hashing.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 25(3), 2006.
Sparse spatial data packed into a dense table using a simple collision-free map.
Appearance-space texture synthesis.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 25(3), 2006.
Improved synthesis quality and efficiency by pre-transforming the exemplar.
Parallel controllable texture synthesis.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 24(3), 2005.
Parallel synthesis of infinite deterministic content, with intuitive user controls.
Fast exact and approximate geodesics on meshes.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 24(3), 2005.
Efficient computation of shortest paths and distances on triangle meshes.
Terrain rendering using GPU-based geometry clipmaps.
GPU Gems 2, M. Pharr and R. Fernando, eds., Addison-Wesley, March 2005.
Real-time terrain rendering with all data processing on the GPU.
Geometry clipmaps: Terrain rendering using nested regular grids.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 23(3), 2004.
New terrain data structure enabling real-time decompression and synthesis.
Digital photography with flash and no-flash image pairs.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 23(3), 2004.
Combining detail of a flash image with ambient lighting of a non-flash image.
Inter-surface mapping.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 23(3), 2004.
Automatic creation of low-distortion parametrizations between meshes.
Removing excess topology from isosurfaces.
ACM Trans. Graphics, 23(2), April 2004, 190-208.
Repair of tiny topological handles in scanned surface models.
Signal-specialized parameterization for piecewise linear reconstruction.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2004, 57-66.
Optimizing texture coordinates based on nonlinearity of texture content.
Consistent spherical parameterization.
Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling (CGGM) 2005 Workshop.
Low-distortion mapping between genus-zero shapes.
Shape compression using spherical geometry images.
MINGLE 2003 Workshop.
In Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric Modelling,
N. Dodgson, M. Floater, M. Sabin (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 27-46.
Concise shape description exploiting 2D image compression techniques.
Smooth geometry images.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2003, 138-145.
Subdivision and displacement of genus-zero mesh realized as GPU image processing.
Spherical parametrization and remeshing.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 22(3), 2003.
Robust mapping of a surface onto a sphere, allowing 2D-grid resampling.
Multi-chart geometry images.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2003, 146-155.
Surface shape represented using an atlas of charts within a regular grid.
Geometry videos: A new representation for 3D animations.
Symposium on Computer Animation 2003, 136-146.
3D animated shape represented as a geometry-image volume.
Geometry images.
ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 21(3), 2002.
Connectivity-free resampling of an arbitrary shape into a regular 2D grid.
Signal-specialized parametrization.
Eurographics Workshop on Rendering 2002, 87-100.
Optimization of texture coordinates for accurate representation of given content.
Texture mapping progressive meshes.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2001 Proceedings, 409-416.
Texture atlas compatible across levels of detail, and parameterization stretch.
Fine tone control in hardware hatching.
Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR) 2002, 53-58.
Crisper rendering of illumination-modulated ink strokes.
Real-time hatching.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2001 Proceedings, 581-586.
Fast nonphotorealistic rendering using precomputed tonal art maps.
Real-time fur over arbitrary surfaces.
Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (I3D) 2001, 227-232.
Rendering of shells and fins over general meshes.
Lapped textures.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2000 Proceedings, 465-470.
Texture synthesis over arbitrary surfaces.
Displaced subdivision surfaces.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2000 Proceedings, 85-94.
Automatic conversion of detailed mesh to displaced surface, and its benefits.
Discontinuity edge overdraw.
Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (I3D) 2001, 167-174.
Antialiased edges rendered along silhouettes to remove spatiotemporal jaggies.
Silhouette clipping.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2000 Proceedings, 327-334.
Efficient computation of mesh silhouette, used to clip coarse geometry.
Silhouette mapping.
Technical Report TR-1-99, Dept. of Computer Science, Harvard University, March 1999.
Interpolation among a sparse set of precomputed object silhouettes.
Efficient minimization of new quadric metric for simplifying meshes with appearance attributes.
Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2000-64, June 2000.
Fast solution of quadric metric exploiting its sub-block structure.
New quadric metric for simplifying meshes with appearance attributes.
IEEE Visualization 1999 Conference, 59-66.
Efficient simplification metric designed around correspondence in 3D space.
Optimization of mesh locality for transparent vertex caching.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1999 Proceedings, 269-276.
Face reordering for efficient GPU vertex cache, advocating a FIFO policy.
Robust mesh watermarking.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1999 Proceedings, 69-76.
Imperceptible low-frequency shape perturbations resilient to remeshing.
View-based rendering: Visualizing real objects from scanned range and color data.
Eurographics Workshop on Rendering 1997, 23-34.
Blending of textured depth meshes using soft z-buffering.
Robust meshes from multiple range maps.
Intnl. Conf. on Recent Advances in 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, May 1997.
Robust surface reconstruction using interval analysis over volumetric octree.
Efficient implementation of progressive meshes.
Computers & Graphics, 22(1), 1998, 27-36.
Progressive mesh data structures compatible with GPU vertex buffers.
Smooth view-dependent level-of-detail control and its application to terrain rendering.
Visually smooth adaptation of mesh refinement using cascaded temporal geomorphs.
View-dependent refinement of progressive meshes.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1997 Proceedings, 189-198.
Lossless multiresolution structure for incremental local refinement/coarsening.
Progressive simplicial complexes.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1997 Proceedings, 217-224.
Progressive encoding of both topology and geometry.
Progressive meshes.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1996 Proceedings, 99-108.
(Seminal Graphics Papers Vol 2.) Efficient, lossless, continuous-resolution representation of surface triangulations.
Automatic reconstruction of B-spline surfaces of arbitrary topological type.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1996 Proceedings, 325-334.
Fully automatic creation of B-spline patch network from 3D point cloud.
Multiresolution analysis of arbitrary meshes.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1995 Proceedings, 173-182.
Semi-regular remeshing for wavelet-based representation of surfaces.
Surface reconstruction from unorganized points (PhD Thesis).
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington, June 1994.
Robust surface topology and optimized geometry from scanned 3D points.
Piecewise smooth surface reconstruction.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1994 Proceedings, 295-302.
Subdivision surfaces with sharp features, and their automatic creation by data fitting.
Mesh optimization.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1993 Proceedings, 19-26.
Traversing the space of triangle meshes to optimize model fidelity and conciseness.
Surface reconstruction from unorganized points.
ACM SIGGRAPH 1992 Proceedings, 71-78.
(Seminal Graphics Papers Vol 2.) Signed-distance field estimated from a set of unoriented noisy points.
See content copyrights.
Automating image/video morphing and looping.
Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D) 2015.
Looping videos.
Eurographics 2013.
Processing large-scale imagery.
Pacific Graphics 2010.
Exploring new graphics data structures designed for GPU parallelism.
UIUC, March 2009.
Poisson surface reconstruction and its applications.
Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2008.
Geometry images: Sampling surfaces on regular grids.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2004.
Irregular to completely regular meshing in computer graphics.
International Meshing Roundtable 2002.
Professional background
- 2016–2021: Principal Scientist, Google.
- 2009–2016: Manager of Graphics Group, Microsoft Research.
- 2006–2009: Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research.
- 2002–2006: Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research.
- 1994–2002: Researcher, Microsoft Research.
- Ph.D. in 1994 from the
University of Washington
Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
Thesis: Surface reconstruction from unorganized points (Advisor: Tony DeRose). - B.S. summa cum laude in 1989 from the University of Washington Electrical Engineering Department.
- Salutatorian, 1985 class of Richland High School Bombers. (Yes, that is a mushroom cloud)
Professional service
- Director, ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee, 2024–2027.
- SIGGRAPH conference advisory group, 2024–2025.
- Editor-in-chief, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2009–2011.
- Technical papers chair, SIGGRAPH 2011.
- Associate editor, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2003–2008.
- Editorial board, Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision, 2004–present.
- Founding co-chair, Symposium on Geometry Processing 2003.
- Co-chair, Eurographics 2004.
- SIGGRAPH papers advisory group, 2014–2024.
- Papers advisory board, SIGGRAPH 2010, 2012, 2014.
- Papers advisory board, SIGGRAPH Asia 2011, 2015.
- Papers area coordinator, SIGGRAPH, 2007, 2008.
- Papers sort, SIGGRAPH Asia, 2014.
- Chair, SIGGRAPH Academy selection committee, 2021–2024.
- SIGGRAPH Academy selection committee, 2018–2021.
- Papers committee, SIGGRAPH, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2021.
- Papers committee, SIGGRAPH Asia, 2009, 2010.
- Papers committee, Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, 1999.
- Papers committee, Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2007, 2008, 2009.
- Papers committee, Graphics Interface, 1999.
- Papers committee, IEEE Visualization, 1999, 2002.
- Papers committee, Eurographics, 2000, 2001, 2014, 2015.
- Papers committee, Shape Modeling International, 2004, 2009.
- Papers committee, Symposium on Geometry Processing, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2022, 2023, 2024.
- Papers committee, Pacific Graphics, 2006.
- Papers committee, SIAM Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling, 2013.
- Organizing committee, SIAM Conference on Geometric Design 1999.
- Papers committee, Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, 2008.
- Technical sketches jury, SIGGRAPH 2000.
I received the 2004 ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Achievement Award (citation), became an ACM Fellow in 2011, an IEEE Fellow in 2017, and a member of the ACM SIGGRAPH Academy in 2018.
My interests include traveling, bicycling, hiking, trekking, and all good things from Belgium (Gueuze beer, Côte d'Or chocolate, Leonidas pralines, mussels, waffles from Liège, spéculoos cookies).
Here is my official Microsoft picture.
See my notes on using Microsoft Word to write technical papers and this handy cheat sheet.
One of my favorite music albums is Branduardi Canta Yeats by Angelo Branduardi (though I do not speak Italian). My favorite comics artist is François Bourgeon (in French).