For those of you who have been asking, "Where is Alaska and Hawaii?� We are states, too, you know, since 1959!", then here are your maps of Alaska and Hawaii.� We are asking that if you live in Alaska or Hawaii (and especially if you are one of those who has been asking the above question), to run a Monitoring Station.� This is a volunteer, grass roots network.� If we don't do it ourselves, it's not going to get done.� All you need is a compatible Radiation Detector and the Radiation Network Software. Our stations in Hawaii include a fairly regular contributor from the Big Island, as well as occasional reporting stations on Maui and Kauai.
*Readings not Equalized means the Monitoring Stations are broadcasting the raw radiation count from their Geiger counters, without adjustment for different count rates existing between various Geiger counter designs.� For instance, models built around a "Pancake" (see Map Legend) style of Geiger-Mueller tube typically have a 3 times count rate over Standard tubed models. In Alaska, we have multiple stations reporting from the Anchorage and Sitka regions. = Nuclear Site��������� ������ Alert Level = 3 consecutive minutes of lesser of 100 CPM or 2.5 times a Station's baseline *Readings not Equalized means the Monitoring Stations are broadcasting the raw radiation count from their Geiger counters, without adjustment for different count rates existing between various Geiger counter designs.� For instance, models built around a "Pancake" (see Map Legend) style of Geiger-Mueller tube typically have a 3 times count rate over Standard tubed models. Back to the Radiation Network |