Developing Backbone.js Applications

Book description

If you want to build your site’s frontend with the single-page application (SPA) model, this hands-on book shows you how to get the job done with Backbone.js. You’ll learn how to create structured JavaScript applications, using Backbone’s own flavor of model-view-controller (MVC) architecture.

Start with the basics of MVC, SPA, and Backbone, then get your hands dirty building sample applications—a simple Todo list app, a RESTful book library app, and a modular app with Backbone and RequireJS. Author Addy Osmani, an engineer for Google’s Chrome team, also demonstrates advanced uses of the framework.

  • Learn how Backbone.js brings MVC benefits to the client-side
  • Write code that can be easily read, structured, and extended
  • Work with the Backbone.Marionette and Thorax extension frameworks
  • Solve common problems you’ll encounter when using Backbone.js
  • Organize your code into modules with AMD and RequireJS
  • Paginate data for your Collections with the Backbone.Paginator plugin
  • Bootstrap a new Backbone.js application with boilerplate code
  • Use Backbone with jQuery Mobile and resolve routing problems between the two
  • Unit-test your Backbone apps with Jasmine, QUnit, and SinonJS

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Table of contents

  1. Developing Backbone.js Applications
  2. Preface
    1. Target Audience
    2. Credits