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Crinum Flower
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Today's Fact:
Large Crinum plants, such as procerum-types, can reach 6-ft tall, and have hundreds of flowers each season.

Crinums in East Texas - Notes from Marcelle Sheppard
Notes from Marcelle Sheppard
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Who is Marcelle

Marcelle Sheppard (photo by Mike Burnett)
Marcelle Sheppard with blooming Crinum in her garden.
Photo � Mike Burnett

Marcelle Sheppard is a talented plant grower and plant breeder.�� This Web site describes her 50+ years of work with Crinum and documents her contributions.� Additionally, plants she's found or received over the years are described with notes (where possible) about where they came from, who created them, etc.� Marcelle is a source of knowledge and information for us as we continue to learn about Crinum, especially garden plants and hybrids derived from African and American species.�

It is Marcelle's hope that, if you are interested in Crinum breeding, you will benefit from reading about her experiences and findings.� For instance, which plants set seed easily, or which parents with striped tepals give rise to solid-colored seedlings, etc.�

Note: This site is not a sales site, rather this site documents the work Marcelle Sheppard has done with Crinum hybridizing and culture. Many of the hybrids described here are not for sale because they are the evolving product of an ongoing breeding program. You may write to Marcelle at the address below or check Marcelle's Crinums sales web site for material currently available for sale.

Write to Marcelle Sheppard:
Write to Conroe Joe:

Cannas Too! Marcelle has created many Canna varieties over the years. Her cultivar list provides their names as well as their genetic heritage. Please contact Marcelle if you grow one of her cannas as several were lost and she would like to grow them again in her garden.

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Text �2005 Joe Shaw ( Conroe Joe )
Photos:� �2005 Marcelle Sheppard and Margie Brown unless otherwise noted
Site design, graphics, and hosting - Mike Burnett -

This Website site was updated on January 29, 2006
Website pageloads since December 01, 2005