
Earthrace Conservation & Sea Shepherd Conservation Society


AsiaNet 52975

共同JBN 0535 (2013.5.14)

【オークランド(ニュージーランド)、フライデー・ハーバー(米ワシントン州)2013年5月14日PRN=共同JBN】Earthrace Conservation(http://www.earthraceconservation.org)の創立者ピーター・ベスーン氏とシー・シェパード・コンサベーション・ソサエティー(http://www.seashepherd.org/uk/uk.html)はこのほど両者間で長く争われていた法的紛争について仲裁に従う合意に達した。この合意はベスーン氏に対する金銭的な和解を含んでいるが、同時にポール・ワトソン氏が日本に引き渡されることのないようシー・シェパードにベスーン氏が協力することが条件になっている。








シー・シェパードは今後も絶滅が危惧されているか、あるいは絶滅の危機が増大している海生哺乳動物や魚を守るさまざまな活動を続ける予定である。同団体はヒット作になっているシー・シェパードのドキュメンタリー・スタイル、リアリティー・テレビ番組「Whale Wars(くじら戦争)」の第6シーズンが今年後半に始まる前にポール・ワトソン氏に対するレッド・ノーティスが取り消されることを望んでいる。

ベスーン氏とEarthrace Conservationは現在、外国船によって行われている不法漁業を記録したリアリティーTV番組を撮影しているアフリカに戦術部隊を送ろうとしているところだ。この番組ではすでに2エピソードが撮影されており、今後7月から10月にかけて6エピソードが撮影される予定。

ソース:Earthrace Conservation & Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

Pete Bethune and Sea Shepherd Settle Long Running Legal Dispute


AUCKLAND, New Zealand and FRIDAY HARBOR, Washington State, May 14 /PRN=KYODO JBN/--

     Pete Bethune, founder of Earthrace Conservation

[http://www.earthraceconservation.org ], and Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

[http://www.seashepherd.org/uk/uk.html ], have reached an agreement following

arbitration in their long-running legal dispute. The agreement, which involved

a financial settlement to Bethune, also provided that he will assist Sea

Shepherd to help ensure Paul Watson is not extradited to Japan.

    The dispute between Sea Shepherd and Bethune arose after the Ady Gil vessel

was damaged in the 2010 Sea Shepherd campaign, while trying to stop Japanese

whaling in Antarctica. The Ady Gil was deliberately rammed by the Shonan Maru

#2, a Japanese security vessel, and after a period of towing, the Ady Gil was


    Under agreements signed between Bethune and Sea Shepherd in 2009, if the

vessel was lost or destroyed, Sea Shepherd would be required to make certain

payments to Bethune. The arbitration was regarding the payment and its amount.

    Bethune said, "I am happy that the case has reached its conclusion and am

pleased with the result. Fighting between individuals and organisations that

are fundamentally working towards the same goals is a waste of time, money and

effort that could be better spent protecting marine life and environments.

    "This settlement means that I will be able to repay all those who have been

so generous in helping me keep my head above water, as well as all those who

have steadfastly supported me throughout this whole episode, especially all the

Earthrace volunteers. Without that support, I would have been sunk, much like

the Ady Gil."

    Bethune and Sea Shepherd are both now focused on working together for the

good of the oceans and as part of that endeavour, Bethune has been helping

Watson in his efforts to avoid extradition to Japan pursuant to an Interpol red

notice that was issued against Watson at the request of Japan.

    Sea Shepherd contends that the red notice is politically motivated and that

its allegations are false. Bethune, who was convicted of five offenses by a

court in Japan following Sea Shepherd's 2010 campaign, says that Japan's

allegations against Watson are essentially false or misleading, and his goal is

to see the red notice against Watson lifted.

    "Sea Shepherd has honored the agreement we made with Pete Bethune," said

Susan Hartland, Sea Shepherd Administrative Director. "Now both of our

organizations can close this chapter in our history and move forward to support

marine wildlife worldwide," she added.

    Sea Shepherd will continue its various campaigns to protect endangered and

threatened marine mammals and fish. The organization would like the red notice

against Paul Watson lifted before the sixth season of Sea Shepherd's hit

docu-reality TV show, "Whale Wars," airs later this year.

    Bethune and Earthrace Conservation are about to deploy their tactical unit

to Africa where they are filming a reality TV series documenting illegal

fishing by foreign vessels. Two episodes of the show have already been filmed,

and another six will be filmed from July to October this year.

    SOURCE: Earthrace Conservation & Sea Shepherd Conservation Society




