Extensions for Piwigo

Change appearance with themes. Add features with plugins. Extensions require just a few clicks to get installed. 350 extensions available, and growing!




The Community plugin allows users of your gallery to create albums and add photos - with an option for administrators to moderate submissions. Users with permission to add photos can be considered as "contributors".

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Tag Groups

Create group of tags. For example tags {country:USA, country:France, weather:sunny, weather:cloudy} will create groups {country, weather}.


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Extend Piwigo with video support. Videojs port for Piwigo. Play your videos in the HTML5 video tag on your web gallery with the only Open-Source HTML5 video player. Piwigo-videojs is a plugin for the Piwigo web gallery that allows you to render various video files within your piwigo install. Supported formats are * Videos only: webm, webmv, ogv, m4v, mp4 Features of this plugin: - Easy to use - Multiple skin - Custom CSS support for your own skin - Player settings - Video metadata synchronization - Video poster creation - Based on VideoJS -> nice design - Subtitles vtt file Help by translating this extension in your language. Note: To use the automatic mode, you need MediaInfo for metadata support and FFmpeg for thumbnails and posters support. You can also import those parameters manually. More details in the documentation.


Most recent


compatibility with the upcoming Piwigo 15.5.0

Saturday 1 March 2025 1 day ago



Bootstrap Darkroom

A feature-rich and mobile-ready theme based on Bootstrap 4. Features: * Over 30 color styles -> Bootswatch -> Material Design -> Custom low-contrast dark color scheme based on Lightroom® colors * Full screen slideshow view using PhotoSwipe -> Supports auto play -> Supports HTML5 video -> Album thumbnails can be linked to PhotoSwipe directly (like smartpocket) * 100% mobile ready -> fully responsive Navbars, Carousel, PhotoSwipe slideshow, video content -> async/ondemand loading of carousel & PhotoSwipe content, adaptive image size selection, swipe & tap events * Carousel album navigation on the picture page using Slick slider * Video support using native HTML 5 video widget * Optional hero image or jumbotron banner * Different layouts for infos on picture page * Tons of configuration options Requirements: * PHP >= 5.3 Recommended plugins for best mobile experience: * GThumb+ or gdThumb (for best 'available screen space usage') * RV Thumbnail Scroller (to keep initial page load size small and allow for easy 'swipe through') Compatible with 'User collections', 'Expiry date' & 'Batch downloader' plugins

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- responsive layout, retina aware - comes with several color flavors (including clear and dark colors) - horizontal menu (becomes vertical on mobile devices and small screens) - automatic photo size selection on photo page (retina aware, graceful degradation on non javascript browsers, active from the first hit ...) - thumbnails full row layout (no space lost, à la plugin GThumb, retina aware) Incompatible with the following plugins: AutomaticSize




Piwigo Remote Sync

Piwigo Remote Sync is an uploader for the Piwigo photo gallery software. This tool is able to upload a whole folder hierarchy. If you run it again, only new folder/photos will be uploaded.

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Piwigo Import Tree

Remote synchronization. piwigo_import_tree.pl script takes a directory as input and sends it to Piwigo. The directory can contain sub-directories. You can execute the script twice on the same directory and it will only send what's new to Piwigo.
