Peace of mind from prototype to production
Build rich, interactive web applications quickly, with less code and fewer moving parts. Join our growing community of developers using Phoenix to craft APIs, HTML5 apps and more, for fun or at scale.
defmodule TimelineLive do use Phoenix.LiveView def render(assigns) do render("timeline.html", assigns) end def mount(_, _, socket) do Twitter.subscribe("elixirphoenix") {:ok, assign(socket, :tweets, [])} end def handle_info({:new, tweet}, socket) do {:noreply, update(socket, :tweets, fn tweets -> Enum.take([tweet | tweets], 10) end)} end end
Using @elixirphoenix's LiveView to filter over 800 tree species ( I'm so impressed with how fast it is and how easy it was to write. #myelixirstatus #phoenixframework 🌲🌳🌲
Phoenix LiveView
The most fun you'll ever have building interactive web applications – without the complexity.
Try it now:
- Install the Elixir programming language
Install the Phoenix project generator and create your project
mix archive.install hex phx_new
mix demo
- See complete installation instructions
Everything you need to ship it
Interact with users and push events, across one or dozens of nodes, by using our built-in PubSub, and Channels.
Run mix phx.gen.auth
for full-featured authentication that grows with your application.
Build scalable GraphQL apps with Absinthe, or use our built-in JSON support for world class APIs.
Docker Ready
Package your app and (optionally) generate a Dockerfile for hassle-free deployment, wherever you choose to run your apps.
Built-in instrumentation and a live dashboard gives you insight into your applications. Monitor performance and diagnose issues right within your app.
Phoenix runs on the Erlang VM with the ability to handle millions of WebSocket connections alongside Elixir's tooling for building robust systems.
Know who is connected right now, across one or dozens of nodes, by using our built-in Presence. No dependency required.
Ecto is a lean interface around your database, focused on productivity and long-term maintainability. Postgres, MySQL, SQLite, and SQL Server built-in.