Stuff Michael Meeks is doing
This is my (in)activity log. You might like to visit
Productivity a subsidiary of Collabora focusing on LibreOffice support and
services for whom I work.
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yourself by going to Unraveling Wittgenstein's net or if
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the LibreOffice Planet news
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Planning call, sync with Karen, Andras & partners.
Out for a run in the afternoon with J. - lovely. Worked late
trying to dig back through piled-up E-mail.
Up earlyish, parent/teacher call with E. mail chew, lots
of 1:1's in a row all day, another parent/teacher call at lunch.
Worked late.
All Saints in the morning, played bass with Rick on drums.
Back for home-made pizza lunch with N. and E. rested variously,
played games with them; fond farewell of N. going back to Loughborough.
Caught up with M&D in the evening, and watched a rather
weird film.
Picked up E. from near Ely, and had a nice brunch with
J&N&E. at Ben's Yard. Home, sung with N. playing the
guitar for a bit, and relaxed with NYT games with J.
Watched About
Time fun, bed early.
Morning calls, contract review, updated blog:
renumbering to accomodate missed 31st January.
Lunch with Julia, encouraged (trigger warning) to see
my old Scout leader finally jailed.
Started on the mail backlog.
Relaxed by poking some more at performance bits - discovered
and filed an unhelpful new DOM element leak. Wondering why my Bitwarden
bootstrap-autofill.js is visible in profiling - the plague of autofill
it seems - need some more attributes to reduce over-enthusiasm there.
N. home for the weekend - so lovely to see her.
Tech planning call. Poked at a performance problem with
Szymon, Caolan & Chris Lord. It turns out doing expensive
things in the JS keystroke handler can totally starve the browser
of ever achieving anything: fun - not updating avatar images on
each keystroke - makes life much better.
Worked on a statement of work, and
intersecting contractuals through the afternoon - lots of sitting
still in one place.
Published the next strip:
Dinner, and home group in the evening. Pleased by
the Lectio
365 devotional app from 24-7 prayer - somewhat comic
Partner call, sync with Dave, catch-up with marketing
on content, J. brought lunch, Hack-week round-up call, admin,
sales catch-up call, sync with Philippe.
Band practice, call with Thorsten, bed.
Planning call, sync with Miklos & Quikee, catch up
with Karen, chewed through E-mail, contract review etc. much of
the day. Bed early.
Up early, breakfast, got to Midi for the Eurostar to find
it was cancelled: odd, paid a lot more money to get onto a later
train at a higher class. Back to the Bedford - worked in the lobby
interspersed with chatting with passing interesting people.
Back to Midi later, train - didn't get fed as expected.
Still enjoyed meeting the ex. CTO of Shell - where the CTO's is not
per-se an IT geek, but more of a chemical engineer: interesting.
Rested where possible, between urgent tasks. Finally home
to the family - so lovely to see them, dinner, bed.
Breakfast, to the venue with some friends; pottered
around talking to people, spoke briefly in the Government
dev-room to lots of friendly faces.
Lunch, got chatting in the queue for chips to
several interesting people; back to the booth - before
heading back and out to Kasbah in the evening - for a
mercifully belly-dancing-free meal.
Back to chat to Caolan & his lovely daughter -
it was bring-a-family-member-to-work weekend, catch up until late.
Up early, met cool-kids at breakfast; to FOSDEM!
Enjoyed talks in the LibreOffice dev-room, and meeting
more hackers, partners, team-mates, old-friends and more.
Gave various talks.
Richer Collaboration in the collaboration dev-room
with lots of the latest features to show off:
Also a somewhat different selection of the latest changes
on COOL – LibreOffice Technology in the browser in the LibreOffice
dev-room as slides.
Automatic Documents, packed with content and signed - on
Attila & Miklos' recent work:
Talked to people around our table in K, showed off my
lack of general cluefulness in the FOSDEM Quiz before heading to
Beta Co-working for a pasta dinner & good discussions.
On to the XWIKI / Nextcloud party until very late,
walked back to bed at 02:30.
Partner call. EU Open Source Policy Summit
all day; lots of smart people around doing great things
in FLOSS policy, interesting talks. Spent time
socializing an intriguing way of explaining the
importance of buying subscriptions from Simon:
Pay for what you use, to keep it free.
Good to catch up with many, on to the FLOSS
foundations dinner afterwards - lots of old friends
Up extremely until 2am polishing and finishing
slides - somehow that can't be avoided.
Up earlyish, tech planning call, plugged away at
mail and task backlog.
Published strip
#3 early - two in one week!? a FOSDEM special; explaining open roads:
Meeting with a partner; out to the
inaugural ceremony of the European Open Source Awards,
talked to smart people until late.
Up early, mail chew, call with Dave: growing the
TORF forward-log together happily. Packed, partner catch-up.
Train(s) to the Eurostar.
Met Matthew Wilde on the train - talked XMPP;
arrived got some re-fried chips at Bourse; worked on
slides and mail until late.
Planning call; sync with Karen, lunch.
Published strip
#2 early, FOSDEM travel coming up; an introduction to community road building:
Plugged away at calls, slides and admin.
My content in this blog and associated images / data under
and data/
directories are (usually)
created by me and (unless obviously labelled otherwise) are licensed under
the public domain, and/or if that doesn't float your boat a CC0
license. I encourage linking back (of course) to help people decide for
themselves, in context, in the battle for ideas, and I love fixes /
improvements / corrections by private mail.
In case it's not painfully obvious: the reflections reflected here are my
own; mine, all mine ! and don't reflect the views of Collabora, SUSE,
Novell, The Document Foundation, Spaghetti Hurlers (International),
or anyone else.
It's also important to realise that I'm not in on the Swedish Conspiracy.
Occasionally people ask for formal photos for conferences
or fun.
Michael Meeks ([email protected])
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