Schistocephalus solidus
BioProject PRJEB527 | Data Source Wellcome Sanger Institute | Taxonomy ID 70667
Genome Assembly & Annotation
The draft genome assembly was produced by the Parasite Genomic group at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, in collaboration with Martin Kalbe (Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology) as part of the 50 Helminth Genomes project. The assembly uses Illumina paired-end sequencing followed by an in-house genome assembly pipeline comprising various steps, including contig assembly, scaffolding, gap-filling and error-correction.
The gene predictions were made by the Parasite Genomics group at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and WormBase, as part of the 50 Helminth Genomes project. An in-house pipeline was developed that used MAKER to generate high-quality annotations by integrating evidence from multiple sources: ab initio gene predictions from AUGUSTUS, GeneMark-ES, and SNAP; projected annotation from C. elegans (using GenBlastG) and the taxonomically nearest reference helminth genome (using RATT); and ESTs, mRNAs and proteins from related organisms aligned to the genome using BLAST, with refinement of alignments using Exonerate.
Key Publications
- International Helminth Genomes Consortium. Comparative genomics of the major parasitic worms. Nat Genet, 2019;51(1):163-174
Assembly Statistics
Assembly | S_solidus_NST_G2_0011_upd, GCA_900618435.1 |
Strain | NST_G2 |
Database Version | WBPS19 |
Genome Size | 539,424,504 |
Data Source | Wellcome Sanger Institute |
Annotation Version | 2014-06-50HGPpatch |
Gene counts
Coding genes | 20,228 |
Gene transcripts | 20,228 |
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