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Plectus sambesii

BioProject PRJNA390260 | Data Source MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences | Taxonomy ID 2011161

About Plectus sambesii

Plectus sambesii is a free-living species of nematode, studied in context of its embryonic development. Unusually, cell specification is not correlated with cell lineage but with their position in the body. With this peculiarity, P. sambesii appears to occupy an intermediate position between basal nematodes displaying a variable early development and the C. elegans-like invariant pattern.

Genome Assembly & Annotation


The genome was assembled through high throughput Illumina sequencing, as described in Silvana Rošić


The annotation was produced using an automated gene prediction tool Augustus, and submitted to WormBase by Toni Beltran.

Assembly Statistics

AssemblyPsam_v1.0, GCA_002796945.1
Database VersionWBPS19
Genome Size186,666,232
Data SourceMRC London Institute of Medical Sciences
Annotation Version2018-09-WormBase

Gene counts

Coding genes39,064
Non coding genes83
Small non coding genes83
Gene transcripts40,619

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