A woman with collar length brown hair in an orange blouse, embraces a taller woman in a light blue button-down blouse from behind.
Akiyama Haru is a name we’re quite familiar with here on Okazu. Creator of the excellent series Octave, she has participated in many a Yuri anthology and had a few other works, as well. I was excited to see she had a new Yuri series starting up last year and finally have a chance to tell you about Watashi no Blue Garnet, Volume 1 (私のブルーガーネット).
Kon is a young woman, several years out of college, who has been unable to secure a job. Her mother is worried about her, but not at all sympathetic, haranguing her to find a job or a man.
As Kon leaves yet another interview, she is stopped on the street by a beautiful woman named Ai. Ai and Kon, in this case are both words for shades of blue, 紺, navy blue and 藍, indigo. When Ai realizes she has mistaken Kon for someone else, they talk a bit, then part. Kon does not get the job – again – but is contacted by one of the interviewers about another position, by which he means he wants to have sex with her. Kon walk out on him, understandably upset. He follows, predictably blaming her for his failure to be a decent human. When he starts to yell at Kon, Ai comes up the street and tells him off.
Later, we follow Ai, who works at a hostess club, when she sees someone and runs away from him. As she runs, she comes across Kon once again. Ai can’t go back to work, since she ran off, and has nowhere to go, as she lives in a work dorm, so Kon, in a chance moment, asks Ai to stay over her place.
Ai admits to Kon that she stopped her, because she reminded her of her ex…and that the man she ran from was her ex’s husband. Together, the two of them embark on a journey, ostensibly to find Ai’s ex, but it becomes clear to us, and to Kon, that this is a journey to herself. Even, so, we see that the ex, Kaede, is not gone in any significant way and is also traveling, although what she is looking for, we don’t know.
I wasn’t sure about the premise as “you remind me of my ex” is, IMHO, a terrible pick-up line. ^_^ Both Ai and Kon have issues, the kind of trauma we all carry around, and Kon’s mother is absolutely ignoring her daughter as she is, for the daughter she imagines she wants. I read Kon as neurodivergent, with a mother who cares, but only as long as she’s “normal” and doing expected things, but your interpretation may vary. Additionally, Kon is suddenly finding herself attracted to a woman, something she has never considered as she struggles to be what her mother expects. When she tells Ai that she likes her, it is a big step into the unknown.
Shockingly, I like both Kon and Ai. Akiyama is not afraid of ending a story with the primary couple not together, so I don’t want to say “I hope they get together,” since that might not be the best outcome for them. I do hope they find themselves in a better place in their lives by the end. More importantly, I love the idea of a bildungsroman for these two. We need have journeys into the unknown future of themselves for adult women!
Art – 8
Story – 8
Characters – 9
Service – Not really
Yuri – 8
It’s great to have a new series by Akiyama-sensei. I’ll definitely check back in and see what has become of them in Volume 2, as the series is continuing in Melody magazine (メロディ).