Any a(n) replacing the first digit of a(n+1) forms a palindrome. This is the lexicographically earliest sequence of distinct nonnegative integers with this property.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 11, 21, 12, 31, 13, 41, 14, 51, 15, 61, 16, 71, 17, 81, 18, 91, 29, 22, 32, 23, 42, 24, 52, 25, 62, 26, 72, 27, 82, 28, 92, 39, 33, 43, 34, 53, 35, 63, 36, 73, 37, 83, 38, 93, 49, 44, 54, 45, 64, 46, 74, 47, 84, 48, 94, 59, 55, 65, 56, 75, 57, 85, 58, 95
No integer > 1 ending in zero will appear in the sequence.
For n >= 10 the concatenation of a(n) and A217657(a(n+1)) is a palindrome.
For n >= 92, a(n) = 10*a(n-81) + 90 - 9*(a(n-81) mod 10). - David A. Corneth, Oct 04 2023
a(9) = 8 replacing the first digit of a(10) = 9 forms 8, a palindrome;
a(10) = 9 replacing the first digit of a(11) = 19 forms 99, a palindrome;
a(11) = 19 replacing the first digit of a(12) = 11 forms 191, a palindrome;
a(12) = 11 replacing the first digit of a(13) = 21 forms 111, a palindrome;
a(13) = 21 replacing the first digit of a(14) = 12 forms 212, a palindrome; etc.
terms=75; b[0]=0;
b[n_]:=b[n]=(k=1; While[MemberQ[Array[b, n-1], k]||!PalindromeQ[FromDigits@Flatten@ReplacePart[IntegerDigits@k, 1-> IntegerDigits@b[n-1]]], k++]; k); t=0; While[Length[a=Join[Range[0, 9], Flatten@Table[FromDigits@Flatten@Insert[#, Table[9, i], -2]&/@(IntegerDigits/@Array[b, 9^2, 10]), {i, 0, t++}]]]<terms]; a[[;; terms]] (* Giorgos Kalogeropoulos, Oct 04 2023 *)
from itertools import count, islice
def ispal(n): return (s:=str(n))==s[::-1]
def agen(): # generator of terms
an, seen = 0, set()
while True:
yield an; seen.add(an); s = str(an)
an = next(k for k in count(0) if k not in seen and ispal(s+str(k)[1:]))
print(list(islice(agen(), 80))) # Michael S. Branicky, Oct 04 2023
(Python) # faster version suitable for generating b-file
from sympy import isprime
from itertools import count, islice, product
def pals(digs):
yield from digs
for d in count(2):
for p in product(digs, repeat=d//2):
left = "".join(p)
for mid in [[""], digs][d%2]:
yield left + mid + left[::-1]
def folds(s): # generator of suffixes of palindromes starting with s
for i in range((len(s)+1)//2, len(s)+1):
for mid in [True, False]:
t = s[:i] + (s[:i-1][::-1] if mid else s[:i][::-1])
if t.startswith(s):
yield t[len(s):]
yield from ("".join(p)+s[::-1] for p in pals("0123456789"))
def agen():
s, seen = "0", {"0"}
while True:
yield int(s)
found = False
for end in folds(s):
for start in "123456789":
t = start + end
if t not in seen:
found = True; break
if found: break
s, seen = t, seen | {t}
print(list(islice(agen(), 60))) # Michael S. Branicky, Oct 04 2023
Eric Angelini, Oct 03 2023