The numbers whose square's position in the Wythoff array is immediately followed by another square in the next column.
11, 386, 2441, 25748423, 637519684, 2799936925, 3934324789543, 127501370029150, 21274660147684109, 644571595359295797, 15845190736671957299, 995980378496501932493, 47375682236837399943653, 213688560255016550712685, 28372206851301867342910959, 3120729065082950391169492805
From Jianing Song, Aug 21 2022: (Start)
Numbers k > 0 such that floor((k^2+1)*phi) - 1 is a square, phi = A001622.
Suppose that k is a term and that floor((k^2+1)*phi) = m^2+1, then (m^2+1)/(k^2+1) < phi < (m^2+2)/(k^2+1), so |sqrt(phi) - m/k| < max{m/k - sqrt((m^2+1)/(k^2+1)), sqrt((m^2+2)/(k^2+1)) - m/k} = m/k - sqrt((m^2+1)/(k^2+1)) <= sqrt((k^2+1)*phi-1)/k - sqrt(phi) < 1/(2*sqrt(phi)*k^2). According to the Mathematics Stack Exchange link, m/k is a convergent to sqrt(phi), so this is a subsequence of A225205. The terms are b(3), b(5), b(11), b(15), b(19), b(20), ... for b = A225205.
For k = A225205(r), m = A225204(r), we have |sqrt(phi) - m/k| < 1/(k*A225205(r+1)) (by Theorem 5 of the Wikipedia link), so k = A225205(r) is a term if 1/(k*A225205(r+1)) < min{m/k - sqrt((m^2+1)/(k^2+1)), sqrt((m^2+2)/(k^2+1)) - m/k} = sqrt((m^2+2)/(k^2+1)) - m/k, or A225205(r+1) > (k*sqrt((m^2+2)/(k^2+1)) - m)^(-1).
If k = A225205(r) is a term with even r, then k is also in A354549, since m^2 < k^2*phi < k^2*(m^2+2)/(k^2+1) < m^2+phi^(-2) for m = A225204(r), so floor(k^2*phi) = m^2. Furthermore we have {k^2*phi} < phi^(-2), where {} denotes the fractional part. Conversely, if k is in A354549 and {k^2*phi} < phi^(-2), then k is in this sequence since floor((k^2+1)*phi) = floor(k^2*phi)+1 in this case. (End)
11 is a term since 11^2 = 121 has another square, 196 = 14^2, immediately to its right in the Wythoff array. Array row: 46, 75, 121, 196, ...
nextcolumn(x) = ((x+1)*phi-1)\1; \\ A026274(x+1)
for(i=1, 10000000000, if ( issquare( nextcolumn (i^2)), print1(i, ", ")));
(PARI) A000201(n) = (n+sqrtint(5*n^2))\2;
my(cofr=A331692_vector_bits(1000), conv=matrix(2, #cofr)); conv[, 1]=[1, 1]~; conv[, 2]=[4, 3]~; for(n=3, #cofr, conv[, n]=cofr[n]*conv[, n-1]+conv[, n-2]; if(A000201(conv[2, n]^2+1) == conv[1, n]^2+1, print1(conv[2, n], ", "))) \\ Jianing Song, Aug 21 2022, modified on Aug 28 2022 according to Kevin Ryde's program for A331692