Table read by antidiagonals: T(n,k) is the smallest prime that differs from its predecessor and successor by 2n and 2k, respectively.
5, 7, 11, 31, 0, 29, 0, 23, 37, 0, 139, 401, 53, 97, 149, 199, 0, 89, 367, 0, 521, 0, 467, 337, 0, 251, 223, 0, 1933, 113, 509, 409, 701, 1543, 127, 1949, 523, 0, 953, 1201, 0, 479, 331, 0, 1277, 0, 2861, 3643, 0, 797, 631, 0, 3407, 1087, 0, 1951, 887, 1069, 1831, 293, 211, 787, 2609, 541, 907, 1151
If two consecutive primes p and q appear in the table, then the column number in which p appears is the row number in which q appears. E.g., 23 is in column 3 and 29 is in row 3, 29 is in column 1 and 31 is in row 1, 113 is in column 7 and 127 is in row 7, 3643 is in column 8 and 3659 is in row 8.
Nonzero terms on the main diagonal are the terms of A054342.
Jon E. Schoenfield, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..5050 (first 100 antidiagonals, flattened)
T(n,k)=0 if n == k (mod 3) !== 0 (mod 3), with the exception of T(1,1)=5.
T(1,1)=5 because 5 is the only prime p whose predecessor and successor primes are p-2 and p+2, respectively (i.e., 3 and 7).
T(7,2)=127 because 127 is the smallest prime p whose predecessor and successor primes are p-14 and p+4, respectively (i.e., 113 and 131).
T(2,2)=0: the only set of three numbers {p-4, p, p+4} that are all prime is the set {3, 7, 11}, but these are not consecutive primes. (For every set of three integers {m-4, m, m+4}, exactly one of the three is divisible by 3.)
Table begins:
5, 7, 31, 0, 139, 199, 0, 1933, ...
11, 0, 23, 401, 0, 467, 113, 0, ...
29, 37, 53, 89, 337, 509, 953, 3643, ...
0, 97, 367, 0, 409, 1201, 0, 1831, ...
149, 0, 251, 701, 0, 797, 293, 0, ...
521, 223, 1543, 479, 631, 211, 2633, 4111, ...
0, 127, 331, 0, 787, 7057, 0, 13381, ...
1949, 0, 3407, 2609, 0, 3659, 1847, 0, ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Cf. A000040 (primes), A001223 (prime gaps), A054342 (first occurrence of distances of equidistant lonely primes).
Sequence in context: A050299 A092029 A259564 * A288609 A156559 A018426
Jon E. Schoenfield, Jun 23 2019