Products of a semiprime times a larger prime.

%I #9 Jan 02 2015 11:21:44

%S 20,28,42,44,52,66,68,76,78,92,99,102,110,114,116,117,124,130,138,148,

%T 153,164,170,171,172,174,186,188,190,207,212,222,230,236,238,244,246,

%U 255,258,261,266,268,279,282,284,285,290,292,310,316,318,322,332,333,345,354,356,366,369,370

%N Products of a semiprime times a larger prime.

%C Primitive elements of the sequence A137428 of numbers which have a composite divisor smaller than their largest prime factor: That sequence consists of all multiples of the terms of this sequence.

%F A252478 = { s*p ; s in A001358, p in A000040 and p > s }.

%o (PARI) is(n)={bittest(12,#f=factor(n)~) && f[1,#f]^2>n && setsearch([[2,1],[1,1,1]], f[2,])}

%Y Cf. A000040, A001358, A137428.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _M. F. Hasler_, Jan 02 2015