This sequence is the sequence of the numbers of vertices of the integer partition polytopes. Partitions of n are considered as the points x in R^n: each x_i is the number of times the part i enters the partition. The partition polytope P_n is the convex hull of all partitions of n.
This sequence is dominated by A108917 since each vertex is proved to be a knapsack partition. This sequence was computed by A. S. Vroublevski with the sporadic aid of Polymake.
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Vladimir A. Shlyk, Integer Partitions from the Polyhedral Point of View, Electron. Notes Discrete Math, Vol. 43 2013, 319-327.
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The partition x=(2,1,0,0) of 4 corresponds to 4=2+1+1. It is not a vertex of P_4 since x=((4,0,0,0)+(0,2,0,0))/2. The partition x=(0,0,2,1,1,0^{10}) of n=15 is the first partition that is a convex combination of 3 partitions: x=((0,0,0,0,3,0^{10})+(0,0,1,3,0,0^{10})+(0,0,5,0,0,0^{10})/3.
Vladimir A. Shlyk, Jan 07 2012