The least integer N for which there exists an n-universal tournament on N vertices

%I #33 Mar 31 2012 10:30:42

%S 1,2,4,5,8,10

%N The least integer N for which there exists an n-universal tournament on N vertices

%C An n-universal tournament is a tournament which embeds all the tournaments on n vertices.

%D J.W. Moon, Topics on Tournaments, Holt, Reinhardand Winston, New York, 1968.

%H Guo Fei Zhou, Ke Min Zhang, <a href="http://www.sysmath.com/jweb_xtkxyfzx/EN/abstract/abstract10888.shtml">On tournaments of small order and their applications</a>, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 16 (4) (2003), 475-482.

%K nonn,hard,more

%O 1,2

%A _Houmem Belkhechine_, Jul 13 2011