Total distance which n is "catapulted" in the generation of the Catapult Sequence (A167161).

%I #10 Feb 14 2018 18:00:10

%S 0,0,10,0,0,4,0,0,19,272,0,60,2,0,0,14,0,16,0,0,19,0,21,0,8,0,69,37,0,

%T 302158,107,24,0,0,366,20,0,129,0,105,0,0,0,153,0,0,917,0,129,31,0,50,

%U 0,52,27,0,55,77,0,0,59,0,61,0,0,64,0,0,0,743,0,0,71,0,73,0,0,76,26,0,0

%N Total distance which n is "catapulted" in the generation of the Catapult Sequence (A167161).

%C Whether or not this sequence is defined for all n depends on whether or not A167161 is a true permutation of the nonnegative integers (see comments under A167161).

%H Andrew Weimholt, <a href="/A167165/b167165.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..2000</a>

%e a(2) = 10, because 2 is catapulted by 1, 3, and 6 for a total distance of 1+3+6 = 10.

%Y Cf. A167161 The Catapult Sequence.

%Y Cf. A167162 The inverse permutation (conjectured) of A167161.

%Y Cf. A167163 number of times n is catapulted in generation of A167161.

%Y Cf. A167164 number catapulted by n in generation of A167161.

%K nonn

%O 0,3

%A _Andrew Weimholt_, Oct 29 2009