Number of nX2 1..7 arrays containing at least one of each value, all equal values connected, rows considered as a single number in nondecreasing order, and columns considered as a single number in nondecreasing order.

%I #11 May 27 2016 03:14:06

%S 0,0,0,2016,23485,139417,583175,1954287,5607782,14335282,33495930,

%T 72818046,149173467,290729595,543013497

%N Number of nX2 1..7 arrays containing at least one of each value, all equal values connected, rows considered as a single number in nondecreasing order, and columns considered as a single number in nondecreasing order.

%F From _G. C. Greubel_, May 26 2016: (Start)

%F Empirical a(n) = (32/(12)!)*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)*(-2494800 - 1797300*n - 108018018n^2 + 25097225*n^3 + 12368202*n^4 + 1514529*n^5 + 93498*n^6 + 3405*n^7 + 78*n^8 + n^9).

%F Empirical G.f.: x^4*(x^9 + 184*x^8 - 572*x^7 - 2132*x^6 + 13622*x^5 - 27732*x^4 + 26008*x^3 - 8640*x^2 - 2723*x + 2016)/(1-x)^13. (End)

%e Some solutions for n=4

%e ...1.7...1.7...1.4...1.4...1.5...1.6...1.2...1.3...1.5...2.2...1.7...2.3...1.7

%e ...2.3...2.7...3.2...3.3...1.7...2.6...3.6...1.5...2.4...4.5...3.3...6.4...3.2

%e ...4.5...3.4...5.5...5.2...3.2...5.3...4.6...2.7...2.6...6.3...4.5...7.1...4.4

%e ...4.6...6.5...6.7...7.6...4.6...7.4...5.7...6.4...3.7...7.1...6.2...7.5...5.6

%e ------

%e ...1.3...2.3...1.4...1.4...2.2...1.2...2.5...1.5...1.1...1.2...1.6...2.3...1.2

%e ...2.6...5.3...5.2...2.5...3.5...4.2...3.5...3.2...2.7...5.2...2.5...5.1...3.4

%e ...5.4...6.4...5.3...7.3...4.6...5.6...4.1...7.4...3.5...6.3...4.4...7.4...5.7

%e ...5.7...7.1...6.7...7.6...7.1...7.3...7.6...7.6...6.4...7.4...7.3...7.6...6.6

%K nonn,more

%O 1,4

%A _R. H. Hardin_, Oct 21 2009